Why You Can’t Afford to Focus on the Negative

Bedros Keuilian
4 min readMar 12, 2020


Focus has always been at a premium. It’s even more precious today, thanks to social media, flashing billboards, and ADD.

But let’s be honest. You can focus when you want to. We all can. The only question is what are you going to focus on?

Bedros Keuilian

If you’re content with a mediocre life that leaves you feeling unfulfilled at the end of the day, you’ll focus on whatever walks in front of you. The end result is a miserable existence with no impact on other people.

If that’s you, move along. This article isn’t for you.

But if you’re ready for some real talk and you’re hungry for something more, keep reading. There’s a reason why you’re not where you want to be in life, and it’s not because of your circumstances, your upbringing, or the economy.

It’s because of your focus.

Focus guarantees success

When you think about the most successful entrepreneurs, what do they have in common? They have unbreakable focus. They know what they want, they know how to get there, and everything they do serves that end.

They don’t get caught up in drama or sideshows, and they don’t play games.

If all it takes is focus to find success, shouldn’t we all be wildly successful?

In a perfect world yes.

But here’s the thing. In life, you get what you focus on. The problem is that most of you focus on shit. And once you lock in on the negative, the bad vibes follow you everywhere and color how you see everything.

I learned this the hard way in my early 30s.

Through most of my life, I hung out with dumbass people, did dumbass stuff, and became a textbook dumbass. Actually, my daily decisions were propelling me toward earning the title of World’s Biggest Dumbass.

The problem was that I wasn’t satisfied with being a moron.

In the midst of all that negativity, I felt greatness gnawing at me. I knew I had the potential to achieve and become more. But I didn’t want to focus on my potential. It made me uncomfortable knowing I was wasting it.

So I stifled it. I surrounded myself with negative people, carried negative thoughts, and became angry and bitter. The world around me sucked, I was given a bum hand, and everyone was out to get me. As far as I could see, I couldn’t take a single step without getting dog crap on my shoes.

That’s how I thought.

Thankfully, I escaped. It wasn’t easy, but a light came on, and I fought my way out of stupidity.

And it all started when I changed my focus.

How the right mindset changes everything

Maybe you’ve been focusing on all the wrong stuff. Happens all the time.

After all, it’s hard to distance yourself from negativity. Weak people thrive on it, and they’re lurking around every corner, ready to seek and destroy anyone who tries to do something great.

These weak-minded people tear others down and convince them to believe what I believed for years. That there’s no winning in life. That it’s impossible to have a real impact. Not for someone like me at least. Not for someone like you.

Here’s the thing though. Winning happens to people who want to win. Who fight tooth and nail to get victories. Who don’t stop fighting to get more victories.

Losing happens to everyone else.

When you focus on what’s going wrong, guess what happens? More things go wrong.

If you focus on bullshit conversations or engage in gossip, then YOU become paranoid and assume everyone’s talking shit on you. If you’re jealous of the success, happiness, or things that others have, then you wind up depressed, broke, and feeling empty.

Anytime people talk smack about you, that’s a win. People trash talk when you have something they want. And if you’re gossiping or envying, man up! Stop trying to build yourself up by tearing others down. That other entrepreneur worked for that success. You can have the same impact if you trash the negative energy.

Teach yourself to be happy when other people succeed. Then ask how they did it. Successful people love sharing insider tips. They’re never threatened because they’re three steps ahead of the competition.

Here’s the BIG lesson for you…

When you feel negativity creeping into your mind, nip it in the bud. Don’t let it hang around, not for a moment. Instead, focus on the one thing you have absolute control over: YOU.

Then become the best version of yourself.

Start with expectations. Set higher standards for yourself and stop accepting mediocrity.

Commit to better physical, mental, and emotional hygiene. Don’t skimp on any of these three. Otherwise, you can’t reach your full potential. The combination is necessary to grow.

Do what makes YOU happy, makes YOU money, and gives YOU a sense of significance. It doesn’t matter what your childhood friends say. It doesn’t matter what your doubting relatives say. If it gets you juiced and makes you pop out of bed at 5 am every morning, do it. As long as it’s putting food on your table and you’re serving others, hit it hard every day. Like your life depends on it.

While you’re growing yourself and your business empire, your vision will improve.

Those things that used to be insurmountable obstacles turn into opportunity. The people you thought were your best friends show themselves as wolves in sheep’s clothing. That dream you used to think was too big now fits in your pocket.

All because you trained your gaze on the right things and stopped focusing on negativity.

Building an empire that can’t be shaken comes down to one simple fact: When you focus on shit, shit grows. When you focus on you, you do.

So what’s it going to be?



Bedros Keuilian

CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, 6X listed as the Fastest Growing Franchise. Author of Man Up. Co-host of the Empire Show podcast. Modern Day Knight.