Gacharaic Spin Lyrics Breakdown — 何者にもなれなかった僕たちへ

ben kelly
7 min readApr 27, 2024


(To we who could never become anything)

この曲は、Gacharic Spinのセルフタイトルアルバムのテーマである「脆弱性」と「大丈夫でなくても大丈夫であること」を継続している。 私にとって、この曲が強く響くのは、おそらく、人生がおとり商法的な日常を送る中で誰もが経験する平凡なことを描写しているからだろう。
This song continues the theme on Gacharic Spin’s self-titled album, of vulnerability and being okay with not being okay. For me, the song resonates strongly, perhaps because it describes the mundane things we all experience as life does its bait-and-switch routine.

ある意味では誰も共感できることだと思う。成功への道は、めったに一直線じゃないし、簡単なこともほとんどない。この曲がバンドにどのような影響を与えたかを考えると(トモゾを除いて。ステージでの人格は、どうやら何事にも影響されないようだ)、バンドの成功の裏に何らかの努力の跡があったことは明らかのよう。Gacharic Spinは、バンドの闘いを見せてくれたし、どんなアーティストにもあるような、圧倒的な自信喪失も感じさせてくれる。でも、それと同じくらい、苦難にも耐え忍ぶことのできる抑えがたい意欲も見せてくれる。
On some level it’s a thing I think we can all relate to. The path to any success worth claiming is rarely linear and never easy. Given how the song affects the band (except Tomozo whose stage persona is impervious to everything, apparently), it seems clear there’s been some 努力 behind their success. Gacharic Spin have given us a window into the band’s struggle and I suppose the crushing self-doubt that seems to be the lot of any artist, aspiring or otherwise. In equal measure though, there’s the irrepressible drive that makes it possible to persevere despite the hardship.


錆び付いた — sabi tsuita — rusted together, covered in rust
黄色い — kiiroi — yellow coloured
電車 — densha — train
乗り込む — norikomu — board, get into (a car, train etc)

Getting on a rusty yellow train


今日 — kyou — today
も — mo — as well, too
また — mata — again
同じ — onaji — the same
繰り返し — kurikaeshi — repeat, reiteration

Today, the same routine again

キラキラしていたい 思えば思うほど

キラキラ — kira kira — sparkle, glitter
していたい — shite itai — want to do, want to be
思えば思うほど — omoeba omoe hodo — the more I think, the more I~
苦しくなって — kurushikunatte — become painful, distressing

The more I think ‘I want to shine’
the more painful it becomes.


昔の僕— mukashi no boku — ‘past me’, the me of long ago.
思ってた — omotteta — thought, was thinking (of)
未来 — mirai — future
違う — chigau — different
よな — a sentence ending particle that means ‘right?’ or ‘hey?’ and gives a sense of rhetorical supposition.

It’s a bit different to the future that past me imagined

何かのせいにして終わらせたくないよ 僕の物語

何かのせいにして — nanika no sei ni shite — attribute blame to something
終わらせたくない — owarasetakunai — don’t want to let it end. ‘owaraseru’ is the causative form of ‘owaru’. In Japanese this is interchangeable ‘let’ or ‘make’ something happen/someone do something. ‘owaseru’ describes what the speaker has some agency to finish.
僕の物語 — boku no monogatari — my tale

I don’t want to blame something and let it end, my tale.


てっぺん — teppen — summit, peak
目指して — mezashite — aim for, strive for, head toward
走ってきた — hashittekita — ran to
はず — hazu — expect, ‘should be’,
だろう — darou — I reckon, I wonder, I suppose

Aiming for the top, I expected I’d be running toward it


なのに — and yet, nevertheless
今日 — kyou — today
違うこと — chigau koto — a different thing
わかってる — wakatteru — understand(ing)

and yet today I realise it’s something different

くしゃくしゃな地図 握り締めながら
ずっとずっと 探してるんだ

くしゃくしゃ — kusha kusha — scrunched up, crumpled
地図 — chizu — map
握り締めながら — nigiri shimeru — while clutching. adding ‘~nagara’ to a verb adds the meaning ‘whilst doing x’ e.g., ‘arukinagara taberu’ — eat whilst walking.
ずっと — zutto — all the while, continuously
探してる — sagasiteru — searching
んだ — nda — adds a sense of explanation

While clutching a crumpled map,
the whole time, the entire time, I’ve been searching.

憧れが夢に 夢が現実に 変わった時を 胸の高鳴りを

憧れが夢に — akogare ga yume ni— yearning into dreams
夢が現実に — yume ga genjitsu ni — dreams into reality
変わった — kawatta — changed
時 — toki — time, moment
胸 — mune — chest, heart
高鳴り — takanari — thud, throb (forcefully)

That moment when yearning turns to dreams, when dreams become reality, the pounding of my heart


忘れられた — wasurerareta — be forgotten — Japanese verb conjugation is one of those fun things you kind of just have to get to through repetition and osmosis. This is the past-tense passive form of ‘wasureru’, to forget.
なら — nara — in that case, if that is/was so
どんなに — donna ni — to what extent, how much
楽 — raku — convenience, ease, simplicity, relaxation, comfort

If that could all be forgotten, how much easier it would be

いけない薬みたいだ もっとあの感覚をって

いけない薬 — ikenai kusuri—a bad drug (or more colloquially ‘drugs’). ‘ikenai’ means inappropriate, bad, wrong etc. ‘kusuri ‘ is medicine, pharmaceuticals, drugs.
みたい — mitai — seems like, resembles
もっと — motto — more
あの — ano — that
感覚 — kankaku — sensation, feeling

It’s like a drug. (I want) more of that feeling.

I love that Tomozo checks on Oreo when she breaks.

気づいてるんだ これ以上はないよな

気づいてるんだ — kidzuiterunda —I notice, I realise
これ — kore — this
以上 — ijou — more than, above
ない — not

I’ve realised, there isn’t anything more than this, is there?

そんなバカじゃないよ でも

そんな — sonna — that sort of, like that
バカじゃない — baka janai — not stupid
でも — but

I’m not that stupid, but

諦められるなら とっくに終わらせてた

諦められる — akiramerareru — given up (passive)
なら — nara — in that case, if that is/was so
とっくに — tokku ni — long ago, already
終わらせてた — let/make (something) finish

If giving up was possible I’d have stopped long ago.


走ってきた — hashitte kita — ‘have been running’
旅路 — tabiji — route (of a journey)

Aiming for the top, on the journey we’ve been running


出逢う人 — deau hito — people you chance to meet
誰も — everyone (or noone depending on context)
愛しくって — itoshikutte — beloved, dear, lovely

The people you meet are all lovely

ずっとずっと 忘れられずに

優しさ — yasashisa — kindness
泣いた — naita — cried
夜 — yoru — night(s)
僕 — boku — me
忘れられず — wasurerarezu — unable to be forgotten. ‘zu’ is a more ‘bookish’ form of ‘nai’ (not)

The nights I cried from such kindness
Can never ever be forgotten

悔しさも喜びも分け合って 共に生きたい人たちがいる

悔しさ — kuyashisa — regret, frustration
喜び — yorokobi — delight, joy
分け合って — wakeatte — share
共に — tomo ni — together with
生きたい — ikitai — want to live
人たち — hitotachi — people
いる — iru — are

There are people you want to live with, sharing regrets and joy.

思い出にしたくないよ なりたくないよ

思い出 — omoide — memories
したくない — shitakunai — don’t want to do
なりたくない — naritakunai — don’t want to become

I don’t want it to be a memory, become a memory

足を止めたら またひとりぼっちか

足を止めたら — ashi wo tometara — If I stop (literally ‘If I stop my feet’)
また — mata — again
ひとりぼっち — hitori bocchi — alone

If I stop, will I be alone again?

家まであと少し 目印の古い自販機が消えた

家 — ie — home
まで — made — until
あと — ato — after
少し — sukoshi — a little
目印 — mejirushi — landmark
古い — furui — old
自販機 — jihanki — vending machine
消えた — kieta — vanish, disappear

I’m almost home. Ah, that old vending machine is gone

誰も困らない 代わりはいくらでもあるから

誰も困らない — dare mo komaranai — not troubling anyone
代わり — kawari — substitute(s), replacement(s)
いくらでもある — ikura demo aru — countless, unlimited
から — kara — because

It won’t trouble anyone. There are countless others.

最近、誰かが言ったんだけど、Gacharic Spinの曲ってサブテキストが少ないらしい。もしかしたらそれはそうかもしれないけど、このブリッジはまかなりいい仕事をしていると思う。
Someone recently told me Gacharic Spin’s songs were light on subtext. Maybe that’s true, but this bridge does a decent job, I reckon.


いつか — itsuka — someday, one day
きっと — kitto — surely, almost certainly
選ぶ日 — erabu hi — the day (I) choose/make a choice
来る — kuru — come

At some point, the day I make a choice will come.


明日 — ashita — tomorrow
その時 — sono toki — that time
かもしれない — kamoshirenai — possibly, maybe

Maybe it’ll be tomorrow

そういつも想って 怖くて だから歌ってるんだ

そう — sou — appearing that, looking like
いつも — itsumo — always
想って — omotte — think(ing)
怖くて — kowakute — frightening, scary
だから — dakara — so, therefore, because of that
歌ってるんだ — utatterunda — I’m singing
何者 — nanimono — someone, something, what sort of person
にも — nimo — despite what one might wish, not possible
なれなかった — narenakatta — could not become
僕たち — bokutachi — us, we
へ — e — To (as in the start of a letter). Technically it’s ‘he’, but just like you accept that は is ‘wa’ when it’s a particle, this is ‘e’ when used like this.

I’m always thinking that, frightened of it, so I sing:
To we who could never become anything,

You could argue for the use of ‘someone’ or ‘anyone’ in place of ‘anything’ and you’d have a case for it. I went with ‘anything’ to emphasise the identity of the band over the individuals in it. (Also it rhymes with sing in English)


Aiming for the top, I thought I’d be running toward it


たとえ — tatoe — even it, supposing, even though
景色 — keishoku — scenery
としても — even if

Even if today has different scenery

くしゃくしゃな地図 握り締めながら

While clutching your crumpled map

ずっとずっと 走って行け

走って行け — hashite yuke — run on. The direct translation is difficult, in that ‘hashite’ is ‘run’ and ‘yuke’ is the imperative (command) to go. In this context it’s encouragement in a sort of ‘go for it’, ‘get after it’ sort of vein.

Always and ever — keep running.

A hopeful note to end on, which is good for the MV I linked at the top. It was the last song in their set. You don’t really want your fanbase to go home and open a vein. So ending on, if not a high note, then not completely a downer is something you probably want to consider.

Back to other songs I’ve written about



ben kelly

Professional nerdherder. Opinionated middle-aged white dude in the areas of tech things, scotch, various Japanese things, lifting heavy stuff and trading