Gacharic Spin Lyrics Breakdown — Magic Umbrella Girl

ben kelly
7 min readFeb 16, 2024


This song could only really have been written by Tomozo. She seems to be just the right combination of unflappably upbeat and straitjacket inhabitant for something this whimsical to find its way into the world.

セルフタイトルの『Gacharic Spin』アルバムにある他の曲と比べると、この曲は少し場違いに感じるかもしれないね。例えば、「Mindset」や「I wish I」とか、「何者にもなれなかった僕たちへ」といったような真剣な曲がある中で。でも、「マジック・アンブレラ・ガール」は、彼らが真剣に受け止められるよう要求する幅広い音楽を披露している一方で、楽しさや軽さを全く捨て去っていないことを思い出させてくれる。それは彼らが持つ一部であり、素晴らしいことだよ。他の曲の重厚さも大好きだけど、『マジック・アンブレラ・ガール』は、もしかして可能期待に反して、私の中ではガGacharic Spinのお気に入りの一つなんだ。
The song might seem a little out of place alongside other tracks on the self-titled ‘Gacharaic Spin’ album, with more serious pieces like Mindset, I wish I and 何者にもなれなかった僕たちへ (To we who could never be anything,) to contend with. Magic Umbrella Girl serves as a reminder that whilst they’re showing a range that demands to be taken seriously, GS have by no means abandoned the fun and fluff. It’s part of who they are and what makes them so great. Whilst I love the heaviness of these other tracks, Magic Umbrella Girl is low key one of my favourite GS songs.

The intro is cutesy pantomime with mostly Oreo providing a dose of fairyland merry-go-round in the rain, right up until it Tomozo cheerfully shreds it with her guitar, after which we’re right back to whimsical fairy rain stuff for our first verse.

太陽さんさん どうしたの?

太陽 — taiyou — the sun
さんさん — san san — this suffix is a playful and familiar way to refer to someone, as well as a play on words ‘san’ / ‘sun’.
どうしたの? — doushita no? — what’s up? what’s wrong?

Hey little miss sun, what’s up?

今にでも 泣き出しそう

今にでも — ima ni demo — in a moment, any moment now
泣き出しそう — nakidashi sou — look like one is about to cry

You look like you’re about to burst into tears

ギターを背負った 帰り道

ギターgita~ — guitar
背負った — shotta — carried on one’s back
帰り道 — kaeri michi — the way home
あなた — anata — you
平気 — heiki — ‘okay’ in the sense of being calm, composed, fine etc
かなあ — kana~ — I wonder, I guess

Heading home, guitar on your back,
I wonder if you’ll be okay


ぽつりんぽんぽん — potsurin ponpon — potsuri means to be isolated/alone. Using ‘rin’ as a suffix is a way to make something sort of cute and/or endearing. It turns a term into a sort of diminutive, familiar nickname. My read on the following ‘ponpon’ is it’s a phonetic, playful thing to emphasise sound, but Japanese onomatopoeia is not my forté. Incidentally, ぽん was at one point slang for meth, so that might also explain Tomozo’s endless reservoir of energy. Eh, maybe a bit of a stretch.

Lonely wallflower


昨日 — kinou — yesterday
も — mo — as well (as)
今日 — kyou — today

Yesterday and today

くるくる表情 使い分け
頑張ってる きっとそうでしょ?

くるくる — constantly changing, revolving. Could also be interpreted as ‘hard working’, which might seem to fit, except for the following use of ‘tsukaiwake’.
表情 — hyoujou — facial expression
使い分け — tsukaiwake — used appropriately, using (something/different things) for their intended purpose
頑張ってる きっとそうでしょ?

With a face for every occasion
You’re trying your best for sure, hey?

バンドの他のメンバーがコーラスに参加する。ディスコのドラムビートが素敵に合っていますが、特にベースラインが気に入っている。F Chopper Kogaはクールに演奏しているが、それは楽しそうで、私にとっては本当に曲を引き立たせている。
The rest of the band comes in for the chorus. The disco drum beat fits beautifully, but I particularly like the bassline. F Chopper Koga plays it cool, but it sounds like a lot of fun and for me, really elevates the song.

ちゅるりら 会えなくったって I feel 想ってるの
笑顔で目覚めた朝 泣きたくなっちゃう夜も

ちゅるりら — chururira — I have no idea what this means. Probably not a reference to this song. The internets tell me it has no real meaning other than as an onomatopoeic word that is (probably) playful or light hearted.
会えなくったって — aenakuttatte — even if we can’t meet
想ってる — omotteru —(I’m) thinking
笑顔 — egao — smiling face, smile
目覚めた — mezameta — woke up,
朝 — asa — morning
泣きたくなっちゃう — nakitakunacchau — not want to cry
夜 — yoru — night

Even if we can’t meet, I feel, I’m thinking of you
Mornings, waking with a smile. Nights, not wanting to cry

ちゅるりら この空にふわり セット
大切なヒトを すぅーっと守りたい

ちゅるりら — chururira — Yep, still no fucking idea. I’ve decided it’s the sound a chirpy oddball makes on stage at a GS concert.
この — kono — this
空 — sora — sky
ふわり — fuwari — gently, softly
セット — setto — set
大切 — taisetsu — important
ヒト — hito — person
ずぅーっと — zuuuuuutto — always, throughout
守りたい — mamoritai — want to protect

gently set in this sky,
I want to always protect the ones who matter most


マジック — majiku — magic
アンブレラ — anburera — umbrella
ガール — ga-ru — girl
プリティ — pri-ti — pretty
エイリアン — eirian — alien

Magic Umbrella Girl = Pretty Alien

Lucky I was here to translate this bit for you. You’d have been completely lost otherwise.

鼻歌らんらん スキップで

鼻歌 — hanauta — humming (literally ‘nose song’)
らんらん — bright, sparkling, glittering
スキップ — sukippu — skip
遠回りしてみたり — to~mawari shitemitari — trying (something like) a round-about detour

skipping along and humming brightly
trying out a new path


ぷりぷり — puri puri — be in a huff, be angry
プンプン — pun pun — be furious, be indignant
しちゃう — shichau — a contraction of してしまう (shite shimau) — which has a few meanings depending on context. In this case most likely to do something without being conscious of it or involuntarily.
日 — hi — day(s)

(even) on days when you’re all angry and stuff

大丈夫 自分次第

大丈夫 — daijoubu — it’s okay
自分次第 — jibun shidai — it’s up to you, it depends on you

It’s okay, it’s all up to you

Hana: This is what happens when we let the mental patient write music


ぽんぽろぽんぽん — ponporo ponpon — It’s onomatopoeia for ponporo pon fucking pon I guess. Seriously though, it’s the sound of chiming bells.
ファンシーミュージック — fanshi~ myu~jikku — fancy music

Ding dong, bing bong, fancy music


誰も — daremo — everybody (or nobody, depending on context)
きっと — kitto — most probably, for sure
誰かの傘 — dareka no kasa — somebody’s umbrella
気づいてる? — kidzuiteru? — did you notice?
あなたもそうよ —anata mo sou yo — it’s true for you too, you know.

Everybody has someone (else’s) umbrella.
Did you notice? It’s true for you too!

ちゅるりら 眠る前に 1.2.3 数えてる
ちいさな幸せでも すくって抱きしめたいの

眠る前に — nemuru mae ni — before you sleep
数えてる — kazoeteru — counting
ちいさな — chiisana — tiny
幸せ — shiawase — happiness
でも — demo — although, even if, but
すくって — sukutte — scoop up
抱きしめたい — dakishimetai — want to hold (something) close

Chururira, counting 1, 2, 3 before I sleep
Even if it’s a tiny happiness, I want to scoop it up and hold it close

ちゅるりら 夢ランドまでトリップ
あなたと行くの ねえそばに来て

夢ランド — yume rando — dream land
まで — made — to, until
トリップ — torippu — trip
あなた — anata — you
行く — yuku — go
そばに — soba ni — by my side
来て — kite — come (with me)

Chururira, on a trip to dreamland
I’m going with you. Hey, come and be by my side.


Magic umbrella girl = Pretty alien


ピンク — pinku — pink
傘 — kasa — umbrella
見たら — mitara — when I see
思い出して — omoidashite — remember(ing)

When I see a pink umbrella, I remember (umbrella girl)


わたし — watashi — I
そこ — soko — there
いなくたって — inakutatte — Even if (I am) not (there)

Even if I am not there


クタクタ — taku taku — ragged, worn out, exhausted
になった — ni nattara — if you become
ビーム — bi-mu — beam (as in pew pew lasers)
かけてあげる — kakete ageru — shoot (a beam) for you. The ‘ageru’ part indicates that it’s done for the benefit of the recipient. I assume like a revitalising energy beam, as opposed to you know, shooting them and leaving their corpse in a ditch.
「えい!」 — ei! — ei!

If you become exhausted, I’ll shoot a beam for you. Ei!


頼りない?大丈夫 信じられないくらい i love you

頼りない? — tayorinai? — forlorn, worried, (also unreliable or undependable, but arguably not in this context)
信じられないくらい — shinjirarenai kurai — an unbelievable amount

Are you worried? It’s okay. I love you more than you could believe.

毎日がファンタジーストーリー エンドロールはあなたと

毎日 — mainichi
ファンタジーストーリー — fanshi~ suto~ri~ — fancy story
エンドロール — endo ro~ru — end roll (ending credits)
あなたと — anata to — with you

Every day is a fancy story. (At) the end credits, (I’m) with you.

会えなくったって I feel 想ってるの
笑顔で目覚めた朝 泣きたくなっちゃう夜

Even if we can’t meet, I feel, I’m thinking of you
Mornings, waking with a smile. Nights, not wanting to cry

ちゅるりら この空にふわり セット
大切なヒトを ずーっと守りたい

gently set in this sky,
I want to always protect the ones who matter most


Magic Umbrella Girl = pre~pretty alien

And there you have it. 5-ish minutes of unapologetic, joyful insanity. Shout out to the back-up dancers and Angie’s teamwork with Tomozo’s pedalboard.

Back to other songs I’ve written about



ben kelly

Professional nerdherder. Opinionated middle-aged white dude in the areas of tech things, scotch, various Japanese things, lifting heavy stuff and trading