Gacharic Spin Lyrics Breakdown — Mindset

ben kelly
17 min readJan 18, 2024


“Mindset”ってのが初めて聴いたGacharic Spinの曲だったんだけど、最初の音からめっちゃ良さそうなのが伝わってきたよ。すぐに血管に直で流し込みたかった。ボクはキメのいいスラップベースにハマっちゃってるんだ。でもそれ以上に、「Mindset」はzero fucks givenの音で (与えられたファックはゼロ?)、めちゃくちゃ素晴らしいよ。
Mindset was the first track I heard from Gacharic Spin and from the opening bars it was obvious it was going to be properly fucking good. I wanted to immediately hook it straight into my veins. I’m a sucker for a good slap bass groove. More than that though, Mindset is the sound of zero fucks given and it is glorious.

Gacharic Spinの歌詞って、結構いろいろなことを詰め込んでるよね。バンドの過去の曲だと、テーマが軽めなことが多いからそんなに問題じゃないけど、最近の作品はもうちょっと時間をかけて解読するのは必要。まあ、「Mindset」の雰囲気はMVで楽器が砕かれていく様子から感じられたかもしれないけど、これは怒りのこもった曲だ。たくさん言いたいことがあって、「絶対言うよお前聞くべきだ。」な感じ。覚悟してね。
Gacharic Spin tend to cram a lot into their lyrics. Not such a problem for a lot of their back catalogue where the subject matter tends to be fluffier, but recent material warrants some time spent on it. Okay, you might have gotten an inkling of the tone of Mindset from the MV when looking at the carnage of wrecked instruments, but this is an angry song. It has a lot to say and it’s going to fucking say it. Buckle up.

The shift from topic to topic is as rapidfire as the lyrics themselves, from ugly relationship bust-up to shitty work situation, to the suckiness of life in general. Another interesting thing about the song is if you look at they lyrics on their own, you might expect more shock and pain to be on show (at least in the first verse), but there’s a sort of dismissive, deadpan delivery that gives it a defiant feel.

言語スタイル自体も特筆すべきで、無礼なところまでカジュアルです。日本語では、話し手と聞き手の間の階層的な関係によって、話す方法や使用する特定の動詞が変わることがあります。Mindsetの歌詞は意図的にカジュアルです。なぜなら、fuck you。硬直した社会構造、社会の期待、硬直したジェンダーのステレオタイプ、すべてをクソッたれ。
The language style itself is noteworthy in that it is casual beyond the point of rudeness. In Japanese, the way you speak and even the specific verbs you use can change depending on the hierarchical relationship between speaker and audience. Mindset’s lyrics are casual on purpose because fuck you. Your rigid social structure, your social expectation, your inflexible gender stereotypes, the works — can fuck all the way right off.

There’s a pattern to the verses, a sort of aggressive push before a reserved drawback, like a crashing wave that ebbs before the next one hits. The chorus, when it breaks through, feels like whatever resistance there was has crumbled, and the melody will have its way.


ドラマチック — doramachikku — dramatic
衝撃 — shougeki — impact, shock
3秒 — san byou — three seconds

A dramatic three second shock


振られに振られて — furare ni furarete — ‘furareru’ is to be rejected, dumped or given the cold shoulder. This phrase gives a sense of going from one of these events to another, over and over.
踏んだり — fundari — trodden on and
蹴ったり — kettari — kicked (and) — the ‘tari’ suffix is use to indicate a non-exhaustive list. In this case ‘stuff like getting tramped and kicked’.

Endlessly dumped, trampled and kicked

オーマイガー “君は用無し” なんだって?

オーマイガー — o~maiga~ — oh my god
君 — kimi — you (informal)
用無し — younashi — unnecessary, useless
なんだって? — nan datte — (what) did you (just) say?

Oh my god, did you just say ‘you’re useless?’


みっともねーmittomone~ — shameful, disgraceful — a slang pronunciation of ‘mittomonai’ (見っともない). ‘mittomone na’ is quite a colloquial phrase used to describe something that causes shame or embarrassment.
こんなん — kon nan — a thing such as this

This is so humiliating


しんどくせー — shindokuse~ — bothersome, tiresome. A slang pronunciation of ‘shindokusai’.

I’m sick of this ‘Love and peace’.

The ‘e~’ ending of words that should be pronounced with an ‘i’ ending is a very casual speech pattern used amongst people who are very familiar with each other — or outside of that context used to indicate you don’t care about any existing social hierarchy i.e. it’s intentionally quite rude.


お別れ — owakare — parting, a goodbye

It’s over!?

Oh no! Anyway…


チューチュー — chuu chuu — kiss kiss
身を委ねて — mi wo yudanete — submit/surrender oneself (to something intangible, like a deity, or fate)

A last kiss as I accept the inevitable

‘chuu’ is a sort of kids’ word for a kiss. It can be used playfully, but the deadpan delivery of these lines — it feels like a sort of sarcastic dismissal.


イイ子にね — ii ko ni ne — be a good girl. ‘ii ko’ on its own is literally ‘good child’ and by itself you’d say it to a kid the same as you’d say ‘good girl’ or ‘good boy’. The ‘ni’ in ‘ni ne’ part is a colloquial form of ‘ni shite’ — decide to. Effectively ‘be a good girl/boy’. It’s the sort of phrase you hear from a parent if you’re either misbehaving, or they suspect you might misbehave. Or from a grandparent, teacher, other immediate family and pretty much anyone that thinks they ought to have a valid opinion about your correct upbringing.

She’s may be saying it to herself in a sense of ‘hold it together, don’t lose your shit (in front of them), or it’s yet one more layer in the shit sandwich of social expectation that she is vociferously rejecting.

Be a good girl

I don’t know what you are saying.

Depending on where the shift in topic is, this might be a clever dig at someone who doesn’t speak English that well. Most non-Japanese speakers will hear ‘I don’t know what you are saying’ and think ‘Yep, back at you’. So there’s this wonderful irony where she has a crack at her subject matter in Japanese, and then switches language. It’d be like me sounding off in English then saying mid-message お前の言う事分かんない, forcing you to go to the effort of translating it to discover that I’m saying ‘I don’t know what you are saying’. It’s kind of the lyrical equivalent of saying ‘This is what I deal with, see how you fucking like it’. Of course, I could be overthinking it.

Let’s get into the second verse


腹が立って — hara ga tatte — get angry, become furious (lit) ‘stomach standing up’. I love how expressive Japanese can be. ‘my stomach standing up’ is a fantastic expression for getting angry. Describes the sensation really well.
吐き出したって — hakidashitatte — (even if I) spew, vomit. ‘tte’ in this context is positing a hypothtical or explaining a situation.

Even if spewed out my rage

にっちもさっちもいかない ないdays

にっちもさっちもいかない — nicchi mo sacchi mo ikenai —An idiomatic expression that seems to have its etymology in the terminology of an abacus. 二進も三進もいけない. A rough translation would be ‘doesn’t matter whether you divide by 2 or 3, there’s no solution to the problem’. ‘between a rock and a hard place’ or ‘no way out’ might be reasonable English analogues.

ないdays — nai days — ‘nothing days’ — I’m taking a bit of a punt here and assuming ‘nai’ is 無い (nothing, nonexistent), which I take to mean day after day of meaninglessness.

There’s nothing I can do these days


もういいわ!! — mou ii wa — enough with this! ‘wa’ can be a feminine expression if used to express positive emotion about something. In this case it’s used (regardless of gender) as a way to emphasise a point. ‘I’m properly fucking done’.
やめだ — yame da — I’m done, I quit
このご時世 — kono gojisei — this world, these times

Enough with this. I quit. I’m done with this world.

貞子 コワェ


めんどくせーmendokuse~ — troublesome, bothersome. Slang pronunciation of ‘mendokusai’.
LINEしてーLINE shite — send it to LINE (an instant messenger app)

This is a drag, send it to LINE instead.


簡単 — kantan — easy, simple
既読スルー — kidoku suru~ — kidoku means ‘already read’ and ‘suru’ in this case means ‘through’ i.e. ‘mark as read’.

I can easily mark it as read.


雑用 — zatsuyou — chore

Life’s a chore

There’s an interesting and likely unintended homophone here, in that it also sounds a bit like ‘that’s your life’.


集中して — shuchū shite — concentrate. Also a rhyming callback to ‘chuu chuu shite’
気を利かして — ki wo kikashite —be helpful/considerate, but can also mean have the good sense to (x), exercise discretion

Concentrate now, and have the good sense to


Be a good girl.

Ah- ラ・ラ・ラ ハイ ララ
Ah- ここは夢?ここは夢

ここは夢? — koko wa yume? — is this a dream?
ここは夢 — koko wa yume — this is dream la-la-land


OKです。 — okay desu. ‘desu’ is the verb ‘is’.
「はいはい」 — hai hai — yes yes. A sort of parody phrase to denote a yes-man type.
イエスマン — iesu man — yes-man
魂death — tamashii death — the death of one’s soul

Ok, hai hai yes-man, the death of my soul

金をプリーズ 楽をして

金 — kane — money
プリーズ — puri-zu — please
楽をして — raku wo shite — make it comfortable, easy/easier

Money plz

Money please. Make things easy.


しっぽ — shippo — tail
フリフリしちゃって — furi furi shichatte — wag. ‘furi furi’ means to wag. ‘shichatte’ in this context is ‘to perform’. Perform the act of wagging your tail. Good doggy.

Wag your tail!


感情 — kanjou — emotion, feeling
フリーズ — furi-zu — freeze

Emotional freeze


仕事して — shigoto shite — to do work
身を任せて — mi wo makasete — surrender oneself (to something tangible, like another person, an authoritive body, company etc)

Work and surrender yourself.

Wave after wave of angst and attitude. Now have a melodic chorus. With more angst and attitude.


ふざけんな! — fuzaken-na — stop fucking around. This is a contraction of ‘fuzakeru na’ which is a prohibitive command — ‘don’t mess around’. The delivery of the words gives a lot of weight to how you’d translate it. It could be anywhere from a playful ‘stop messing with me’, to a deadly serious ‘do not fuck with me’ depending on the delivery. With the energy this is delivered with, I’m giving it the emphasis it warrants.
本当 — hontou — truth, reality
ベロベロバー — bero bero baa — the sound of a waggling tongue i.e. the sound of nonsense or gibberish.

Stop fucking around. You’re really talking shit.



腹黒い? — hara guroi — black hearted, malicious. This literally translates to ‘black bellied’, which almost works as-is.
心 — kokoro — heart, spirit

Are you so evil? Your heart is a wonder la la land


リセットボタン — risetto botan — reset button
消しちゃいましょう — keshichaimashou — Let’s to reset (completely)

Let’s hit the reset button


この — kono — this
人生 — jinsei — life
もう1度 — mou ichido — once more

Do this life one more time


ネガティブ — negatibu — negative
アクティブ — akutibu — active
モード — mo~do — mode

Negativity in active mode


動き出す — ugokidasu — start to move, come alive
夜中 — yonaka — at night, during the night
クセ — kuse — quirk, tendency, habit

A habit of coming alive at night


ちょっと — chotto
元気 — genki — lively, spirited
病んでます — fallen ill. In this case it’s ‘genki ni yamundemasu’, or ‘my spirit has fallen ill’ — in other words…

Ah, I’m a little bit down


でもね — demo ne — but still, but you know
生きたい — ikitai — I want to live

but still, I want to live.

君の頭に丁髷があったらさようならする時 さらばでござる!


やらかしたって — yarakashitatte — about mistakes, when you make a mistake
「仕方なくなーい?」 — “shikata nakunai?” — say ‘it can’t be helped, right?’. ‘shikata ga nai’ is a phrase that means something can’t be helped. ‘nakunai’ is a sort of double negative whose literal translation is a bit unwieldy ‘can it not be helped?’. Here, it’s in quotation marks, so it seems to be suggesting that as an appropriate response.

Made a mistake? “can’t be helped, right?”


ミスって — misu tte — about mistakes — ‘misu’ is short for mistake. ‘tte’ in this case is a sort of verbal indication of a topic or situation
は怒られ… — okorare — be made angry. Passive form of ‘okoru’ — to be angry.

Mistakes get you told off.

Angie’s lip curl and ‘tsk’ don’t make the lyric sheet, but they deserve special mention for being awesome.


TPOわきまえ しっかり今日も過ごす

TPO — time, place and occasion
わきまえ — wakimae — discernment, discretion, sense
しっかり — shikkari — tightly, securely (in this context ‘correctly’)
今日 — kyou — today
過ごす — sugosu — pass, spend (time)

Spend today wisely, appropriate to time, place and location

On to a new flavour of dysfunction with Hana this time.


つまんねぇな — tsuman-ne~ na — boring as shit. A very casual, colloquial expression again with the translation varying based on the tone of delivery. ‘tsumaranai’ is the textbook correct version. The literal translation is ‘this is tedious’.
クロストーク — kurosu to~ku — crosstalk. Incidental chatter

Smalltalk bores me to tears.


聞いてねぇな — kiitene~na — you’re not/nobody is listening. ‘kiite inai na’ would be the correct plain form pronunciation. Again we have the e~ informal sound.
私のトーク — watashi no to~ku — ‘my talk’, what I have to say

Nobody listens to what I say

“どーでも” ね 身を任せて

Incidentally, how cool is Hana’s outfit? いいですね

「いいですね」 — ii desu ne — that’s good, isn’t it?
“どーでも” — do~demo — short for ‘doudemo ii’, which means ‘whatever’ or ‘not worth paying attention to’.
ペコペコスマイル — peko peko sumairu — subservient smile. ‘pekopeko’ has a few different uses. Commonly it’s used to describe a hungry sensation. In this case it denotes servility.

‘that’s good isn’t it?’ is the same as ‘whatever’.
resign yourself to it with a servile grin.

Ah- ラ・ラ・ラ ハイ ララ
Ah- ここは夢?ここは夢

Ah, is this a dream? This is


上々 — jou jou — superb, the best
調子 — choushi — condition, mood, state
どう — dou — how
ご機嫌 — gokigen — health, wellbeing, mood, situation
チェック — chekku — check

Everything awesome? How are you doing? Check your mood.

This line feels like a drive-by check-in by a manager that doesn’t give a fuck. It’s a bit of a tongue-twister in Japanese. The fact that Hana owns it whilst also killing it on drums is impressive. I’d love to see any outtakes if they exist.


なんだかなー — nandaka na~ — ‘nandaka’ means somewhat, or a little. Here it shows a bit of hesitation or indecision.
消えてーなー — kiete~na~ — I want it all to disappear. This could also be translated as ‘I want to disappear’. The textbook version would be ‘kietai na’. ‘kieru’ is to disappear (also delete, switch off, vanish). Given she’s in the process of checking out hard, this seems the most likely one to go with.

I dunno. I just want it all to disappear.

うるせーな 携帯OFF

u wot m8

うるせーな — uruse~ na — Shut the hell up. ‘urusai’ is the more correct pronunciation and it’s literal translation is closer to ‘noisy’ or ‘irritating’. Usually used to mean ‘you are bothering the shit out of me and should immediately stop’. Said with feeling and with this more colloquial pronunciation, ‘shut the hell up’ is about right.
携帯 — keitai — mobile phone. Short for keitai denwa. On its own, keitai simply means ‘portable’ and doesn’t necessarily have to mean phone, but has become synonymous with it over time.

Shut the hell up! Mobile OFF.

なあなあにして また今度

なあなあにして — naanaa ni shite — don’t make a fuss
また今度 — mata kondo — see you next time. Literally ‘again next time’, it’s a casual phrase that is more or less synonymous with ‘see ya’.

Don’t get your undies in a bunch, I’m out of here. See you later.

A short verse and then a rapid build-up before the bubble bursts into chorus land again.


Stop fucking around. You’re really talking shit.


浮かない — ukanai — not floating
月曜日 — getsuyoubi — Monday
Together this is is probably something like ‘the Monday blues’. A Monday that doesn’t float — i.e. is heavy or dull.

I’ll run run run away from these Monday blues


Let’s hit the reset button


セーブ無し — se~bu nashi — without saving
いいから — ii kara— is/it’s fine

Without saving is fine


あの世 — ano yo — the next world, the next life
ワープしちゃいたい — wa~pu shichaitai — want to (completely) warp to

I want to totally warp to the next life


黄色い — kiiroi — yellow (coloured)
星 — hoshi — star
よ — yo — this usage seems to be a sort of poetic ‘O’ (as in ‘O ye of little faith’).
アテンド — atendo — attend

Attend, O yellow star


もうちょっと — mou chotto — a little more
自分 — jibun — self
愛せたら — aisetara — could love

If I could love myself a little more


きっと — kitto — for sure, certainly, surely
楽しい — tanoshii — fun, enjoyable

It’d be (more) fun for sure.

次は、Oreoと仲間たちは、実際の橋でおそらく皮肉を込めずに歌われた、グルーヴィなブリッジに我々を音楽的なワープで連れて行ってくれます。トモゾには、ファンキーなワウペダルの楽しみがあり、F. Chopper Kogaによる完璧なスラップベースの伴奏もあります。素晴らしい演奏です。
And with that, Oreo and friends take us on a musical warp to the next world for a little while before we hit a groovy sort of bridge, sung quite unironically I expect, on an actual bridge. Well played. Shoutout to Tomozo for the funky wah pedal fun, with perfect slap bass accompaniment from F. Chopper Koga. Sublime.

As a complete aside, Tomozo is, sasuga, incapable of being anything other than irrepressibly happy. It’s infectious even in the midst of an angsty tirade song. Having heard some her mischievous mid-concert chats I can only conclude she’d be massive fun to have a beer with. (Tomozo on the off chance you ever run short of drinking buddies, give me a shout).

秒で変わる 生きたい 消えたい のループ

秒 — byou — second (of time)
変わる — kawaru — change
生きたい — ikitai — want to live
消えたい — kietai — want to disappear/vanish
ループ — ru~pu — loop

Ah, it changes from second-to-second, this ‘wanna live/wanna vanish’ loop

ログアウトさせて 初期化したいの

ログアウトさせて — roguauto sasete — let me log out
初期化したい — shoukika shitai — want to reinitialise

Let me log out. I want to re-init.

I love it when they talk nerdy.

go dream

夜明け — yoake — dawn, daybreak
まで — until
心だけ — kokoro dake — just (my) heart

Until dawn. It’s just my heart (that)


周りに — mawari ni — surrounding
期待して — kitai shite — expectation
自分 — jibun — self

has these expectations of others, and expectations of myself.


溢れた — afureta — overflowed
涙 — namida — tears
滲む — nijimu — bleed/run (as in paint or ink)
月 — tsuki — moon

Overflowing tears blur the moon


それでも — soredemo — yet, nevertheless, still
明日 — ashita — tomorrow
信じられたら — shinjiraretara — can be believed (in). Technically, this is the potential passive form, but colloquially if posed as a question, it carries more of a ‘shouldn’t you do X?’ sort of connotation.

And yet, you should still believe in tomorrow.


無敵に見えた — muteki ni mieta — seemed/looked invincible
あのヒト — ano hito — that person
このヒト — kono hito — this person. She could be referring to a third person here, but I think actually she means herself.

Both that person who seemed invincible and I


こんな — konna — this sort of
夜 — yo — night
越えて — koete — go beyond, overcome, go through

go through nights like this


生きてる — living, being alive

We’re (still) alive.


Stop fucking around. You’re really talking shit.
Are you so evil? Your heart is a wonder la la land


グラグラ — gura gura — tottering, doddering
でも — demo — even though, even if
生きづらく — ikidzuraku — tough to live, tough to exist

Even if you’re feeling unsteady and life is tough


リセット — risetto — reset
いらない — iranai — don’t need

You don’t need to reset.


あの世に — to the next world/life
いつか — itsuka — sometime, one day
行く時 — iku toki — time to go

One day it’ll be time to go to the next life


何も — nani mo — no/nothing/not
後悔したくない — koukai shitakunai — not want to regret

I don’t want to regret anything

来世じゃなくて今世でもう少し 息させて

来世 — raisei — the afterlife
じゃなくて — janakute — not this, but
今世 — konsei — this life
もう少し — mou sukoshi — a little bit more
息させて — ikisasete — let me breathe

Not in the afterlife, but in this life — let me breathe a little bit more.


I love Mindset. I love everything about it. I saw a reactor say that Mindset wasn’t that great because it didn’t give room for the listener to breathe and it overstayed its welcome. I thought ‘I wish you could appreciate the lyrics and culture enough to realise the gift you’ve been given.’ That feeling you’re complaining about is intentional and purposeful and it’s pearls before swine. Like pouring a dram of a fine scotch then watching some prick pour coke into it, draining it and saying ‘yeah it’s ok I guess’.

MVの映像は歌詞を美しく補完している。日本は非常に集団志向の文化だよ。日本文化がこの同調の感覚を強化する方法の一つは、共通の儀式、例えば同じ学生服を着ることなどさ。学校によって制服は少し異なるけど、大部分は何百年も前のポルトガル海軍の制服に大いに基づいている。学生服を改造することは絶対に禁止だよ。髪の毛? 黒くて、承認されたスタイルだよ。最近まで、髪が黒くない子供たちは馴染むために黒く染めるように強制されていた。だから、髪をバッサリ切り、ピンクに染めて、ハーフタータンの制服スタイルにするって?それはもう何もかも、誰もかもにどうでもいいって 強く 宣言している誰かの行動だよ。
The visuals in the MV reinforce the lyrics beautifully. Japan is a very group-oriented culture. One of the ways Japanese culture reinforces that sense of conformity is through. common rituals, such as wearing the same school uniform. Uniforms vary a bit from school to school, but they’re all based to a large degree on the uniform of the Portuguese navy from a couple hundred years back. Modifying your school uniform is absolutely forbidden. Your hair? Black, and in an approved style. Up to very recently kids who had hair that isn’t black were forced to dye it black to fit in, so hacking your hair off, dying it pink and going with a half-tartan uniform restyle? Those are the actions of someone who is completely done giving a fuck about anything or anyone and loudly declaring it.

歌詞自体も素晴らしいし、複数のメンバー間でボーカルを切り替える際に、それが派手になりすぎていたり、力不足に聞こえることなく、他のバンドはあまり多く挙げられないな。ライブバージョンでは、各バンドメンバーにカメラが向けられていて、それを見るのは魅力的だよ。真ん中のあのピンクのモップに気を取られないようにするのは難しいことがあるけど、他のクルーが何をしているか見てみて。彼らは才能ある仲間たちだ。Gachapinのライブサウンドには、Band Maidの強迫性障害ような磨きがないけれど、私はその生々しさと正直さが大好きだ。それを取り替えたくない。
The lyrics themselves are great, as is their delivery. I can’t name too many bands that can switch up vocals between multiple members without it sounding gimmicky or weak. There’s a live version of the song that keeps a camera on each band member and it’s fascinating to watch. It can be tough not to be distracted by that pink mop in the middle, but take a look at what the rest of the crew is doing. They’re a talented bunch. They don’t quite have the obsessive-compulsive polish to their live sound that Band Maid does, but I love the raw, honest quality it gives them. I wouldn’t trade it.

最終的には「Mindset」がGacharic Spinの以前のスタイルから異なる、そして本当に特別なものへの転換点として覚えられるでしょう。
I think ultimately Mindset will be the song that is remembered as the anthemic departure from Gacharic Spin’s previous style into something different and really quite special.

Back to other songs I’ve written about



ben kelly

Professional nerdherder. Opinionated middle-aged white dude in the areas of tech things, scotch, various Japanese things, lifting heavy stuff and trading