Gacharic Spin Lyrics Breakdown — Replica

ben kelly
15 min readJan 7, 2024


Replica was an instant favourite for me. Actually favourite is the wrong word. I love it and I get more from it every time I listen, but it immediately hooked me because of how strongly the material resonated.

The entire song grabs you, shakes the shit out of you and won’t let go. It’s incredibly well put together. Descending chromatic scale, driving drum and bass, the powerful symbolism in the animation, the layered dissonance of multiple voices and of course the lyrics all reinforce each other to create something quite special.

The initial monotone sets a grey concrete frame around what could be literally anyone who works for a living — a societal drone worker trapped in a life that leaves no opportunity for it to be lived. The song itself is like a fast-flowing stream of consciousness that feeds into a whirlpool, accelerating, spinning faster as you’re dragged into the centre and down into its depths.

自分の正体 言える?

自分 — jibun —oneself, you, me
正体 — shoutai — true form, true identity, character
言える? — ieru? — can you say?

Can you describe your true self?

名前 職業 年収 ルックス それはパッケージ

名前 — namae — name
職業 — shokugyou — occupation
年収 — nenshuu — annual income
ルックス — rukkusu — looks
それはパッケージ — sore wa pakke~ji — It’s a package

Name, occupation, income, looks, it’s a package.


私 — watashi — me, I
どんな人 — donna hito — what sort of person
見える — mieru — look like

What sort of person do I look like? (How do I appear?)

映し映される関係 できる限り清く美しくよ いける?

映し — utsushi — reflection
映される — utsusareru — be reflected
関係 — kankei — connection, relationship
できる限り — dekiru kagiri — as much as possible
清く — kiyoiku — pure(ly), honest(ly)
美しく — utsukushiku — beautiful(ly)
いける? — ikeru? — is possible/doable (colloquial)

What you portray should be as pure and beautiful as possible. Can you do that?


いつも — itsumo — always
誰か — dareka — somebody
気掛かり — kigakari — anxiety, concern, worry

All the time, I’m worried about someone or other

似たスペック それなりの身なり 取り繕う毎日

似た — nita — resembled
スペック — supekku — spec (specification)
それなり — sorenari — as it is, as befits the occasion
身なり — minari — attire, appearance
取り繕う — toritsukurou — keep up appearances
毎日 — mainichi — every day

Every day, keeping up appearances, making sure my clothes meet spec.

まだ水曜日? 肩が重い 落とせなかったメイク

まだ — mada — (not) yet, as yet, only
水曜日 — suiyoubi — Wednesday
肩 — kata — shoulder(s)
重い — omoi — heavy
落とせなかった — otosenakatta —negative past potential form of ‘otosu’, to drop or let fall, but in this case to clean off or remove
メイク — meiku — make up

Is it only Wednesday? My shoulders are heavy. Couldn’t get this makeup off.

消したい記憶の数だけ 握り潰した缶ビール

消したい — keshitai — want to erase
記憶 — kioku — memory
数 — kazu — number, amount
だけ — dake — only, nothing but. This could also be some clever wordplay if you substitute 丈 with 岳. Both pronounced ‘dake’, the first is ‘only’, ‘just’. The second is ‘mountain’ or ‘peak’ — so possibly ‘a mountain of memories I want to erase’.
握り潰した — nigiri tsubusu — crushed (i.e. with one’s hands)
缶ビール — kan bi-ru — can(s) of beer

So many memories I want to erase, (like) crushed up cans of beer


今日 — kyou — today
5番目 — gobanme — number 5 (in a series)
レプリカ — repurika — replica

Today I’m replica number 5

自分らしさ 見失って 私何になればいいの?

自分らしさ — jibun rashisa — sense of oneself, individualty
見失って — miushinatte — lose sight of
私 — watashi — I, me
何 — nani — what
なれば — nareba — potential form of nareru — to become
いい — ii — good, enough, okay

If I lose sight of myself, what should I become?

This question is an anchor we return to time and again.

悲しい 嬉しい 人ってダルい 基本 誤作動

悲し — kanashii — miserable, sorrowful
嬉しい — ureshii — happy, delighted
人って — hitotte — people are — ‘tte’ funtions as a pointer to a subject. A shorthand of ‘hito to iu no wa’
ダルい — darui — sluggish, lethargic, but also bothersome, tiresome
基本 — kihon — basic, fundamental
誤作動 — gosadou — malfunction

Happy, sad, people are a pain, basic malfunction

不機嫌で人を操る 味方作るためスマイル

不機嫌 — fukigen — sullen, ill humour(ed)
人 — hito — person, people
操る — ayatsuru — operate, manipulate. This is a great word in the context of the song. It has connotations of a puppet master pulling the strings, which fits the MV quite well.
味方 — mikata — ally
作る — tsukuru — make, manufacture
ため — tame — in order to
スマイル — sumairu — smile

Sullenly manipulating people. To make allies I smile.

ホントは寂しいんだよね? 消えた 夢見夢子ちゃん

ホント — honto — truth, reality
寂しい — sabishii — lonely, sad, also to miss (someone) (いなくて寂しい)
んだよね — ndayo ne — when this is attached to a verb ending a sentence, the speaker is explaning a situation and seeking agreement from the listener.

消えた — kieta — disappeared, gone, extinguished, cancelled, switched off
夢見 — yumemi — in a dream, having a dream
夢子ちゃん — yumeko chan — Could be a name (Yumeko), but more likely a literal translation ‘little dreamer’

The truth is you’re lonely, aren’t you? Broken little dreamer.

This is a heavy line. ‘chan’ is an affectionate diminutive often used to refer to children. In this case, my take is she’s looking at her child self and her broken dreams. The literal tranlation of ‘kieta yumemi’ is ‘disappeared dreams’. I’m taking some license with my translation, but the intent is ‘little dreamer of disappeared dreams’.


自分らしさ 見失って 私何になればいいの?

If I lose myself, what should I become?

私じゃなくたっていいの それくらいわかってる

私 — watashi — I, me
じゃなくたっていい — janakute ii — (not X is okay)
それくらい — sore kurai — that much
わかってる — wakatteru — I understand

It doesn’t have to be me. That much I understand.

自分らしさなんてみんな 一生わからないかも

自分らしさ — jibun rashisa — individuality
なんて — nante — such like, something like, a thing such as
みんな — minna — everybody
一生 — isshou — all through life, one’s whole life
わからない — wakaranai — don’t understand
かも — kamo — I reckon, probably. This is a contraction of ‘kamo shiremasen’ — I think, but am not sure.

I guess people go their whole life without understanding themselves.

空いた穴を埋めるように ハマるように演じちゃって

空いた — aita — open(ed)
穴 — ana — hole, opening
埋める — uzumeru — cover
ように — you ni — in order to
ハマる — hamaru — to fit, to be suited to
演じちゃって — enjichatte — acting, playing a part

Like covering an open hole you fit yourself to the role.

The use of katakana for ハマる is interesting as it has a number of kanji that would fit, each with multiple possible meanings. It could be that the kanji just isn’t commonly used, but if it’s intentional it’s clever in that it seems to be left open to interpretation as to which it could be. The MV translates this as ‘trying to get hooked’ which to me seems incorrect. The first thing that came to my mind was ‘trying to fit’, which seems to go with ‘enjichatte’ (acting) — i.e. fiting yourself to a role’.

We’re into the chorus now, but rather than the monotone hamster wheel, the chorus feels like something between a lament and a cry for help. Regardless, the relentless mental onslaught continues. No time to breathe.

うんざりレプリカピーポー お見事ね

うんざり — unzari — being fed up with
レプリカ — repurika — replica
ピーポー — pi-po- — people
お見事 — omigoto — bravo, well done
上っ面 — uwattsura — surface (as in appearance)
笑って — waratte — laughing

I’m sick of these replica people. Good job eh? Laughing on the outside. Haha.

We’re fine. We’re all fine here now, thank you. How are you?

仮面を被っては 本物はどこ?

仮面 — gamen — mask, disguise
被って — kabutte — wear (a hat, a mask)
本物 — honmono — real thing
どこ — where

Hiding their real intentions. Where is your true self?

‘gamen wo kabutte’ means to wear a disguise or to hide one’s true intentions.

終点はない 見栄っ張りくだらない

終点 — shūten — end point (e.g. last stop on a train line)
ない — not, isn’t
見栄っ張り — mieppari — vain, show-off
くだらない — kudaranai — worthless, trivial, foolish

There’s no end in sight. You’re vain and worthless.


わかって — wakatte — understand(ing)
やめらんない — yamerannai — cannot stop. A contraction of ‘yamerarenai’

I know and I can’t help it.

ねえ ダメじゃないよね? 誰か言って

ねえ — ne — hey — this is softer than ‘hey’ suggests. This phrase is pleading, almost begging. It’s a verbal nudge for attention.
ダメじゃない — dame ja nai — sort of a double negative. ‘not no good’ or ‘not forbidden’. A colloquial translation might be closer to ‘still okay’ or ‘it’s alright’.
よね — yo ne — isn’t it
誰か — dareka
言って — itte — say
これでいいんだ — kore de iinda — this is (good) enough
って — tte — (s)he says, I hear

ne, it’s okay isn’t it? Won’t somebody say
‘It’s going to be alright’?

A pause at last. A check to see if the cry has been heard. Oreo’s piano fill is somehow hopeful. Lyrically the chorus gives us an interesting dichotomy. It starts out panning the shit out of replica people an their fakeness, but then flips it around and owns it; internalises it and gives up any real agency to do anything about it.

Angie’s acting background is on full display. Her emotional connection to the material is superb. I particularly like the repeated use of showing the whites of her eyes above the iris to indicate madness. I’d be remiss if I didn’t also mention how on-point Yuri’s drumming is. I’m no drummer, but to my ear it sounds tight and controlled, and between her and Koga, they provide the relentlessness of the drive for this song. Her chops as a musician are properly on show. It’s great to see.


かわいそう — kawaisou — pitiful, pathetic. Often used as ‘Oh, poor thing’ (I pity you).

その言葉嫌い じゃあなんて言って欲しいの?私

その — sono — that, those
言葉 — kotoba — words
嫌い — kirai — dislike, hate
じゃあ — jaa — well then
なんて — sort of thing
言って — say(ing)
欲しい — hoshii — want
私 — watashi — I, me

I hate that phrase. “Well what do you want me to say then?”

ひとまず返すね ’ありがとう’

ひとまず — hitomazu — for the moment, for now
返す — kaesu — to return (an object, a favour), to respond
’ありがとう’ — arigatou — thank you

For now, let me just respond with ‘thank you’.


「かわいそう」ってさ — kawaisou tte sa — when you say ‘kawaisou’…


身体 — karada — body
隣にあっても — tonari ni atte mo — even though (you’re) next to (me).
心 — kokoro — heart, mind
上 — ue
から — kara — because, since
じゃない? — ja nai? — isn’t it?
違う? — chigau? — (am I) wrong/mistaken?

Even though your body is next to me, your mind is above isn’t it. Am I wrong?


今日 — kyou — today
こう感じちゃう — kou kanjichau — this kind of sense/feeling
だから — because, therefore
ごめんね — sorry, apologies

Sorry. Because today I’m this sort of replica,

どんな言葉もナイフ 明日の私ならどう思う?

どんな言葉も — donna kotoba mo — whatever words, every word (you say)
ナイフ — naifu — knife
明日 — ashita — tomorrow
なら — nara — if it is, in the case of
どう思う — dou omou — how do/will (I) think?

every word is a knife. I wonder what tomorrow’s me will think.

A fun slide transition

うんざりレプリカピーポー お見事ね
仮面を被っては 本物はどこ?

I’m sick of these replica people. Good job eh?
Laughing on the outside. Haha.
Hiding their real intentions. Where is your true self?

気持ちなんてない いいよって思ってない

気持ち — kimochi — feelings, mood, state of mind
なんてない — nante nai — nothing like, no such thing as
いいよって — ii yo tte — (to say) it’s okay
思ってない — omottenai — not think

I feel nothing. I don’t think it’s okay.


共感 — kyoukan — empathy, sympathy
なんか — nanka — some, any
してない — not do(ing)

I have no sympathy


この — kono — this
見せたら — misetara — if I show (x), in this case ‘If I show this feeling (openly)’. Potential form of ‘miseru’, to show


ここ — koko — here
生きて — ikite — live, living
いけなくなるの? — ikenakunaru no? — become not good, become not viable, become bad.

If I show how I feel, will I become unable to live here?


演じちゃって — enjichatte — this is in quotation marks, so it’s somebody saying ‘You’re (just) acting’.

自分らしさ 見失って 私何になればいいの?
私じゃなくたっていいの それくらいわかってる

If I lose myself, what should I become?
It doesn’t have to be me. That much I understand.


何番目 — nanbanme — what number (in a sequence)

Which number me am I today?


何のため — nan no tame — for what purpose(?)

A replica for what purpose?

穏やかに居たい ホワイト 負けたくない日は ブラック

穏やか — odayaka — quiet, calm
居たい — itai — want to be, want to stay
ホワイト — howaito — white
負けたくない — maketakunai — don’t want to lose
日 — hi — day(s)
ブラック — burakku — black

When I want to stay calm, (I wear) white. On days I don’t want want to lose, it’s black.

どんな声でどんなトーン? 選択ミスご愛嬌

どんな — donna — what sort of
声 — koe — voice
トーン — to-n — tone
選択 — sentaku — choice
ミス — misu — mistake, error
ご愛嬌 — goaikyou — amusement, entertainment

What sort of voice? What sort of tone? Wrong choice. That’s cute.

御守り代わりのアクセに 鞄に潜めたキャンディ

御守り — omamori — lucky charm
代わり — kawari — substitute
アクセ — akuse — accessory
鞄 — kaban — bag
潜めた — hisomeru — conceal
キャンディ — kyandi — candy

A lucky charm. A swappable accessory. Candy concealed in a bag.

サイテーから少し浮上 ないよりはずっとマシ

サイテーsaite~ — a slang pronunciation of 最低 (saitei), the worst, the lowest, terrible, disgusting
から — kara — from
少し — sukoshi — a little bit
浮上 — fujou — rising, surfacing
ないより —nai yori — more than nothing
ずっと — zutto — always, throughout
マシ — mashi — preferable

A step above loathsome, but it’s still better than nothing

どれもこれも私だって 偽物なんかじゃないって

どれもこれも — dore mo kore mo — each and every
だって — datte — in this case ‘datte’ acts like spoken quotation marks around her thoughts
偽物 — ikamono — fake, forgery
なんか — nanka — something like
じゃない — ja nai — am/is not

All of these (replicas) are me. I’m not some sort of fake.

Like the chorus there’s a dichotomy of the fakeness of replica people juxtaposed with an ownership of them as distinct things with utility.

使い分けて 自分も誰かも傷つけないように

使い分けて — tsukaiwakete — using properly
自分 — jibun — (my)self
誰か — dareka — somebody, anybody
傷つけない — kizutsukenai — to not wound
ように — you ni — in order to

心ごと切り離せたら きっと楽になるけど

Use each one as intended, so as not to hurt yourself or others

There is so much depth to this song. We each of us have multiple roles we play in our life. At work, there are certain expectations and rules that govern how we act. As a member of a family, another distinct set of expectations and rules. If you’re a member of a team or club or social group, there’s a different set of expectations again. Each of these sets of rules are a sort of agreed social contract that becomes a sort of co-evolutionary constraint that alters us and in turn is altered as we interact with them. Can you say that any single one of these roles is your ‘true’ identity? Is acting to please others a valid role if it’s a survival mechanism?

心ごと —kokoro goto — one’s entire heart
切り離せたら — kiri hanasetara — if/when (you) cut off/separate/detach
きっと — kitto — surely, undoubtedly
楽になる — raku ni naru — become easy/easier
けど — kedo — although. Contraction of ‘keredomo’.

If I could separate my entire heart it would surely be easier, but

If you wanted to go for something less literal, you could go with ‘If I could switch off my feelings’, or ‘If I could separate my heart from my mind’ (the MV translation).

痛み 涙 忘れないわ いつかの私救うため


いつかの私 — itsuka no watashi — ‘the me of someday’ or ‘future me’ if you like.
救う — sukuu — rescue
ため — purpose, sake

I can’t forget the pain and tears. They’re there to save me one day.

うんざりレプリカピーポー お見事ね
仮面を被っては 本物はどこ?
終点はない 見栄っ張りくだらない

I’m sick of these replica people. Good job eh?
Laughing on the outside. Haha.
Hiding their real intentions. Where is your true self?
There’s no end in sight. You’re vain and worthless.
I know and I can’t help it.

ねえ ダメじゃないよね? 誰か言って

ne, it’s okay isn’t it? Won’t somebody say
‘It’s going to be alright’?

自分らしさ 見失って 私何になればいいの?
私じゃなくたっていいの それくらいわかってる

If I lose myself, what should I become?
It doesn’t have to be me. That much I understand.

自分らしさなんてみんな 一生わからないかも
空いた穴を埋めるように ハマるように演じちゃって

I guess people go their whole life without understanding themselves.
Like covering an open hole you fit yourself to the role.

自分らしさ 見失って 私何になればいいの?
私じゃなくたっていいの それくらいわかってる

If I lose myself, what should I become?
It doesn’t have to be me. That much I understand.

生き抜くため 演じてるの 他に術があるなら教えてよ

生き抜く — ikinuku — to survive, live through
演じてる — enjiteru — acting, performing
他に — hoka ni — besides
術 — jutsu — art, technique. This is the ‘jutsu’ of martial arts like kenjutsu or jujutsu. It implies something that can be practically applied.
あるなら — aru nara — if you have, if there is
教えてよ — oshiete yo — tell me(!). ‘oshieru’ means ‘to teach’, so ‘teach me!’ would be a valid translation, though ‘tell me’ is closer to its general colloquial usage.

Acting to survive is all I have. If you have anything else up your sleeve, tell me!

A bit of poetic interpretation here. A more literal translation would be ‘If you know any technique other than acting to survive, teach/tell me!’.

今日はバースデイ 6番目のレプリカ

今日 — kyou — today
バースデイ — ba-sudei — birthday
6番目のレプリカ — rokubanme no repurika — replica number 6

Today’s my birthday. (Now) I’m number 6 replica.

The frantic relentlessness of the end of this song gives me flashbacks to the ending scene of Mulholland Drive. There’s the same silence after that leaves you wondering ‘what the hell did I just experience?’.

特にセルフ・タイトル・アルバムと今回の「W」で、Gacharic Spinはメンタルヘルスと社会の期待に合わせることの難しさについて掘り下げている。I wish I」、「Mindset」、「Replica」(カチカチ山がサポート)などの曲には、ある種の物語の糸が織り込まれている。ここ数枚のアルバムでは、以前のバンドにはなかったある種のまとまりがある。 これは、彼らが率直に弱さをさらけ出そうとする姿勢によるところが大きいと思う。キャッチーで、彼らの音楽的才能が発揮された曲はたくさんあった。しかし、人間的なつながりを強く感じさせる曲はそうではなかった。
Particularly with their self-titled album and now with ‘W’, Gacharic Spin have delved into the topic of mental health and the challenges of conforming to societal expectation. Tracks like I wish I, Mindset and Replica (with some support from Kachikachi yama) have a sort of narrative thread that weaves through them. With the last couple of albums, there’s a sort of cohesion to the band that wasn’t there in previous incarnations. I think in large part this is due to their willingness to be openly vulnerable. They had plenty of tracks that were catchy and showed off their musical talent. Songs with such a strong, visceral human connection not so much.

これは典型的なGacharic Spinのトラックとは違うが、もしこれがこれから彼らが届けてくれる音楽のレベルだとしたら、彼らの人気が高まるのは目に見えている。
This is not. your typical Gacharic Spin track, but if this is the calibre of music they’re going to be bringing us from now on, I can only see their popularity growing.

Back to other songs I’ve written about



ben kelly

Professional nerdherder. Opinionated middle-aged white dude in the areas of tech things, scotch, various Japanese things, lifting heavy stuff and trading