NEK! Lyrics Breakdown — Maze

ben kelly
11 min readSep 4, 2024


Taking a break from the usual Gachapin & Bandmaid fun to take a look at NEK!. They’re a relatively new band (as of writing), but the quality of their songwriting shows some real maturity. A lot of youtube reactors have already covered the cool stuff they’re doing musically so as usual I’ll leave it to them. This song is also lyrically quite clever and deserves a bit more attention. I’ll probably miss a bunch of pop-culture references and there seems to be a bit of Kansai-ben thrown in for good measure. Don’t lynch me.

混ぜ混ぜ素人 (x2)

Mix it up, Amateur

混ぜ — maze — On its own ‘maze’ means mix (the title of the song — yes I know it looks like the English word, but ‘mah-zeh’ is what you’re after). Repeated, it can mean ‘mixed up’ or ‘mix it up’.
素人 — shirouto — amateur


混ぜこぜ — mazekoze — jumble, hodgepodge
マリオネット — marionetto — marionette
東京 — toukyou — Tokyo

Mixed up marionette Tokyo


飽きたら — akitara — if you get sick of it
捨て去りなはれ — sutesari nahare — throw it away. nahare is (I think) a kansai-ben form of the imperative ‘nasai’ — a command. ‘suteru’ on its own is to throw away. ‘sutesaru’ suggests a more energetic form of discarding/rejecting something. Hika rolls her tongue slightly on the ‘ri’ of ‘sutesuri’, which gives it a sort of assertive tone. If you roll your ‘r’s when speaking Japanese, it can sort of startle people (Tokyo people at least). It can come across as a bit rough or commanding.

If you tire of it, throw it away


無秩序 — muchitsujo — chaos
シルエット — shiruetto — silhouette
やるかやられるか — yaru ka yarareru ka — do or die (literally ‘Do? or have done to you?’ or ‘Attack? or be defeated?’). It can be translated a few ways.

Chaotic silhouette, do or die


こんがらがって — kongaragatte — becoming enmeshed/entangled
這いつくばう — haitsukubau — crawl, grovel

Tangled up, crawling


真正面 — masshomen — directly in front
から — from
攻めたら — semetara — if you attack
サンドバック — sandobakku — punching bag (sandbag)

If you attack head on, you’re a punching bag


いい子ぶって — ii ko butte — playing (pretending to be) nice,
ぶりっ子 — burikko — a somewhat derogatory term to describe someone who pretends to be helpless or defenceless to be appealing
正義 — seijo — justice
鉄槌 — tettsui — hammer

Playing the good girl, cutesy hammer of justice

The book-ending of ‘ko’ here is clever wordplay. The repeated ‘bu’ sound sort of phonetically ties the two terms together. The whole line makes me chuckle. The MV translation goes with ‘Pretending to be a good girl, a hypocrite wielding the hammer of justice’, which is a pretty good take, I reckon.


アブラカダブラ — aburakadabura — abracadabra
信じたら — shinjitara — if you believe
おしまいなのです — oshimai nanodesu — (you are) finished. ‘oshimai’ means ‘that’s it / the end’. Adding ‘nanodesu’ gives a sense of explaining definitively how it is.

If you believe, then you’re finished


今日 — kyou — today
敵 — teki — enemy
明日 — asu — tomorrow

An enemy today is still an enemy tomorrow


友情 — yuujou — friendship
ハイブラ — haibura —could be either high brow, or a contraction of high brand. I’m going to go with the former
心 — kokoro — heart, mind, spirit
バラバラ — barabara — all over the place, scattered

Friendship high brow Heart scattered


燃え散らかして — moe chirakashite — this is a compound verb of moeru (burn) and chirakasu (scatter). ‘burn it all’ might be a close analogue.

Burn it all down


生きていきましょう — ikite ikimashou — let’s keep on living

Today too, let’s live on


間違い探し — machigai sagashi — spot the difference
疑心暗鬼 — gishin anki — A 4-character idiom that means ‘once you suspect, everything looks suspicious’. You could shorten it to ‘paranoia’, which is less of a mouthful, but seems to lose something in translation.

Spot the difference. Paranoia dope


憧れ — akogare — adoration, admiration (also yearning, longing)
スパイシー — supaishi~ — spicy

Spicy adoration


足元 — ashimoto — your step, underfoot
お気をつけて — oki wo tsuteke — take care, be careful
ください — kudasai — please give me
全て — subete — everything

These couple of lines are cleverly put together. ‘ashimoto o ki wo tsukete kudasai’ is a common phrase that means ‘please watch your step’, and its ambiguous whether the first ‘kudasai’ belongs to this phrase or the next one (kudasai kudasai subete wo kudasai) which means ‘give me, give me, everything’. It creates a shift in tone from concern about one’s wellbeing, to demanding and self-centered. If you hadn’t worked out that you’re NEK!’s plaything yet, you’re probably starting to get the idea.

Watch your step (please)
Give it to me, give it to me, give it all to me


遊びましょう — asobimashou — let’s play


どいつもこいつも — doitsumo koitsumo — everyone (every last one). It’s informal to the point of rudeness. koitsu/aitsu/doitsu are references to another person that you use when you don’t think much of them and you don’t care who knows.
シャカリキ — shakariki — going all out, frenetic
鬼だるい — oni darui — incredibly sluggish/languid, but also ‘bothersome’, ‘tiresome’. ‘oni’ means ‘demon’ and is often used to magnify the thing it’s attached to.

The MV went with ‘everyone is annoyingly overenthusiastic’, which captures the dismissiveness of ‘doitsumokoitsumo’, and makes sense if ‘onidarui’ refers to Hika and not the people she’s talking about. I don’t know if ‘annoyingly’ quite captures the intensity and feeling of being drained that ‘oni darui’ conveys. Think ‘All of these fuckers are going all out and I’m so over it’.

Anyone and everyone, all try-hards. I’m so over it.


愛 — ai — love
だの — dano — a colloquial term used to list things, often things you feel sort of disconnected from, or possibly viewed negatively
恋 — koi — romance

Love and romance (and stuff)


Sorry (not sorry)

欲 — yoku — greed, desire
まみれ — mimare — covered in, smeared with
ごめんなさいな — gomen nasai na — I am sorry. The ‘na’ at the end gives it an informal (and therefore insincere) meaning.

Sorry (not sorry) I’m so stained with greed


我ら — warera — we
魔NEK!猫 — ma neki neko — some more fun wordplay. 招き猫 (maneki neko) are those waving cats you see that invite good fortune. The way NEK! have written it, ma means ‘demonic’, (or “The dreaded…” if you’re being overly dramatic) and slotted in their own name for the rest.

We’re NEK!, the cats that beckon mischief
(Sorry, that’s the least cringey thing I could come up with that tries to work with what they’re going for. It’s kinda cool in Japanese)



騙し絵 — damashi e — trompe l’oeil — If like me your are neither French, nor an art connoisseur, then you may not have known this term. It’s a sort of 2-dimensional picture that appears to be 3-dimensional. Thanks NEK!. TIL.
踏み絵 — fumi-e — This one I did know. It’s a picture of Jesus that is intended to be stepped on. Japanese authorities back in the 1600's, used it to weed out Christian converts (who then tended to be crucified).

Trick art (or) fumi-e?

Trick art, or fumi-e? 足元お気をつけてください

It’s difficult to translate succinctly. My take is they’re presenting a deceptive test for your very soul. The MV translated this as ‘trick art, fumi-e’, which is technically correct and probably sidesteps having a bunch of histrionic bullshit brigading the comments, so I can’t blame them, but it also dodges tying together NEK!’s aforementioned mischievous intent, the callback to ‘watch your step’ and the subsequent arrival at their intended destination:


地獄 — jigoku — hell
ようこそ — youkoso — welcome

Welcome to hell♡

Welcome to hell

That heart makes all the difference. I bet Hika put one of those at the end of her last Line break-up message.

Meanwhile, at Cocoro’s Gun show…


回れ — maware — turn. Hika pronounces this as ‘mare’, which may be a Kansai-ben thing, or stylistic choice. I’m not sure which.
右 — migi — right
お次 — otsugi — the next (thing, person etc). The ‘o’ makes it more polite than just ‘tsugi’. Used here I’m guessing, to fit the cadence.
左 — left

Turn, turn to the right
Turn, turn, next is left


感覚的 — kankakuteki — sensory. ‘kankaku’ means sense, feeling, intuition. Adding ‘teki’ to the end of a noun makes it the sort of adjective that in English tends to end in ‘istic’.
支配 —shihai — rule, control
お手の物 — ote no mono — one’s speciality
華麗なる — karei naru — splendid, brilliant, magnificent. The ‘naru’ bit threw me. I’m used to it meaning ‘becoming’. Going to the books a bit, this is apparently a device from classical literature that makes a phrase seem more dramatic or sophisticated.
ウィンク — uinku — wink

Sensory control is our speciality
With an elegant wink

So rather than a wink being playful, it’s elegant sophistication used to make you wheel left or right at will.


Back to our pre-chorus. No change from last time until we get to


あら — ara — An expression of surprise, generally at something unexpected and unwanted. ‘ah!’ or ‘oh no!’
やだ — yada — no way, eww, do not want. A contraction of ‘iya desu’.

Ah, no. No way in hell

I’m taking a little bit of poetic license here, but I think it works.


行き場のない — ikiba no nai — no place to go
怒り — ikari — rage, anger
ったら — ~ttara — an expression of exasperation similar to ‘I mean…’ or or ‘honestly/really’. In this case, ‘I mean, this pent-up rage, it makes me sick’.
反吐がでる — hedo ga deru — (lit) vomit comes out. It makes me sick.
わ — Can be a feminine sentence ending particle to soften an expression, but (as in this case) can be used for emphasis and isn’t particular to any gender.

I mean, this pent-up rage — it makes me sick


あっちっち —acchi-cchi — hot hot hot
地の利 — chinori — advantageous position
活かした — ikashita — capitalised on, made the best use of
理想郷 — risoukyou — Utopia
完成 — kansei — completion, accomplishment

Utopia achieved, (by) capitalising on advantageous position

秒でSwipe Block

秒 — byou — second (of time)

Swipe Block in a second


いいとこ — ii toko — strong point, good thing
切り取り — kiri tori — cut off, cut out
マーメイド — ma~meido — mermaid

Mermaid with the best parts cut out


全て — subete — everything
あげません — wont’/don’t give

I won’t give it all (to you)

ハイエナチック キミとマッチング バードウォッチング上から下まで

ハイエナチック — haienachikku — hyena-like. A joining of ‘hyena’ with ‘tic’ borrowed from English words that end in ‘istic’ (a very stylised form of 的 if you like).
キミとマッチング — kimi to macchingu — matching with you
バードウォッチング — ba~do uocchingu — birdwatching
上から下まで — ue kara shita made — from top to bottom

Hyena-like, matching with you, birdwatching from top to bottom


顔じゃ無い — kao ja nai — the literal translation is ‘not the face’, but in this case you could read it as ‘not about looks’
なんて — nante — ‘something like’, ‘such a thing as’
バカ言うな — baka iu na — don’t say stupid things. In many contexts this is a fairly harsh imperative phrase on the level of ‘don’t talk shit’.
っての — tte no — emphasises the preceding phrase in a way that carries strong emotion or conviction, similar to ending a sentence with ‘I tell you’ or ‘okay??’

“Looks don’t matter?” Don’t be stupid


所詮 — shosen — in the end, after all
見せびらかしい — misebirakashii — showing off
類 — tagui — kind, sort

In the end, it’s all for show


羨望 — senbou — envy
眼差し — manazashi — gaze, look

Envious looks


キンキラキン — kin kira kin — a sort of onomatopoeic phrase that means gaudy or glitzy, repeated as gin gira gin to give the impression there’s a lot of it going on.

Just glitz and glam


美しく — utsukushiku — beautiful
儚い — hakanai — ephemeral, fleeting (but also possibly ‘fickle’, ‘vain’)
瞳 — hitomi — eyes (particularly the pupil)
哀れ — aware — pitiable, pathetic

Ephemeral beauty of the eyes, how sad

The alternate meanings of ‘hakanai’ are interesting, given the surrounding lyrics are calling out shallow bullshit. Same goes for ‘aware’. Both seem to fit in context, but change the emphasis. (The MV went with ‘so pathetic’).


どこ — doko — where
まで — made — to, until

How far???


果て — hate — the end, the limit
しがみついて — shigamitsuite — cling on, grab on
やる — yaru — do

I’ll cling on to the very end


Anyone and everyone, all try-hards. I’m so over it.
Love and romance (and stuff)
Sorry I’m so stained with greed
We’re NEK!, the cats that beckon mischief
Trick art (or) fumi-e?
Welcome to hell♡

It’s a catchy tune. The lyrics are equal parts inspired and oddball, but they’re clever. I reckon they might give Kobato Miku a run for her money. If hell is a gig with this mob playing, I’m totally fine with that.

Back to other songs I’ve written about



ben kelly

Professional nerdherder. Opinionated middle-aged white dude in the areas of tech things, scotch, various Japanese things, lifting heavy stuff and trading