How To Launch, Startup Playbook

Ben Tossell
2 min readOct 18, 2017


We’re opening up our process for launching startups.

At The Upstarters, we run people through an intensive 4-week program in launch and/or growth. We’re all about rapid implementation and results following a set number of things that we think are important when going through the process.

This process has been put together from a number of different techniques and experiences. Including Nathaniel Smithies’ experience in building, scaling and becoming acquired with Plus Guidance, and my experience helping thousands of products launch on Product Hunt, plus many of my own side projects (including 10 startups in 24 hours).

We’ve decided to share this playbook so you can see for yourself what we think it takes to get something launched. These are just the main points initially but there is some scratching the surface detail there too.

We have also built a little Launch Calculator so that you can see how much it can cost to launch, depending on a number of factors you may or may not already have covered. Feel free to play around with that:

Today we launched these things on Product Hunt 🙌

Would love your feedback there 👆

If you know someone who could benefit from either of our programs then you can get £200 referral fee if they start with us.

Feel free to reach out to us at The Upstarters and if we can help you get launched and/or grow, don’t hesitate to fill in the application and we’ll jump on a call to discuss your project right away!

Would appreciate a 👏 to help get this in the hands of makers who need it! 😇


