How to Make High-Consciousness Love

Benzion Giertz, PhD
6 min readAug 19, 2019

Also read: How to Make High-Consciousness Love: Part Two — 5 Steps to High-Consciousness Love

Part One

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. “ — Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

How many millions of articles have been written about how to find and keep love? Why should you read one more? Because this two-part article is different from all the rest. It presents a method and tool to perpetually renew your love relationship that actually works. Do yourself a favor.

Humans love love. The #1 most used hashtag online is #love. Our greatest thinkers, writers, and spiritual leaders agree that love is the ultimate answer to all our deepest existential questions. If love is so crucial to our happiness and purpose of life, why do we so often fail at it? Why is holding onto love like trying to put a moonbeam in a box?

Your love story begins with golden, rosy feelings of wondrous fulfillment in the presence of your beloved. Lovers describe the utter satisfaction felt at this time with words like: “You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, nothing short of my everything.”

In the beginning, love fulfills your every desire. Why doesn’t this view persist and how can you keep love evergreen? There are important things to understand about the process of love in your life. And the good news is — there is a way to preserve and enhance love.

After Love, Life Happened

The sensational high of new love is destined to disappear because life is a progression of evolving desires. The love story that was once the centerpiece of life gets pushed aside as new desires pop up and your attention turns to fulfilling them.

The satisfaction you received from new love can’t accommodate all these new desires. The lover who once felt like the beginning and end of the universe can no longer provide all the fulfillment you need. Of course, the opposite is also true — you can’t entirely fulfill your partner either.

You are compelled by your nature to become the servant of your ever-evolving desires which aren’t strictly centered around your partner. When your desires go unfulfilled, frustration and disappointment becomes associated and entangled with your love partner in your mind and emotions. This happens because in the beginning, your partner seemed to be your complete fulfillment and you subconsciously expect it to continue.

Over time, dissatisfaction mounts and often leads to bitterness and alienation in a relationship.

You increasingly discover that your self-interests conflict with those of your partner, causing battles to begin between your individual competing desires.

Your compulsion to satisfy these new desires is so powerful that you can easily fall into using the weapons of emotional violence — anger, blame, the withholding of love — to defend your interests, influence, and opinions. Of course, your partner does the same.

The Trap of the Bad Reality Loop

Negative experiences with unfulfilled desires color your relationship reality and knock the trajectory of your love off-course. As a result of the way the brain functions to construct reality, rather than meeting each new moment and interaction with your partner as a fresh page, you experience the present through the darkened lens of frustrated desires from the past.

There is an axiom in psychology that says that you are a recombination of all your yesterdays and experts in the neuroscience of consciousness support this view. With all the signals the brain receives from your senses and all your past experiences, which it has organized into expectations, your brain constructs a fully-immersive 3D image of reality — your own personal virtual reality movie.

You may consciously grasp that you need to let go of the past and popular wisdom offers its support for breaking the bad reality loop — “We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living fully in the present,” but even when you try to create the kinds of special couple moments that once filled you with happiness, the sunshine just isn’t as bright through the dark clouds of past disappointments and bad scenes because we are powerless to override the construction of reality that naturally occurs inside the brain.

How to Break Out of Love Jail

The first step to break out of love jail is to gain an awareness of the process that’s taking place. The evolution of desires is completely normal and doesn’t mean that your love is doomed if you learn how to work the system correctly.

To maintain active love over the long haul, you must connect purposefully with your partner to manage your system of combined desires. Armed with awareness, together you can face the ongoing march of desires and the resulting changes taking place in your perception of reality.

Standing side-by-side to manage your system of desires actually broadens the basis of your relationship connection and even that will take you far beyond the mere filling of desires, but there is far more available. With your situation framed correctly and team spirit in place, once you have the right tool and know how to use it to break love free, the sky’s the limit for love.

The tool you need will be your golden ticket to the source of higher intelligence and consciousness. You will be able to apply this elixir to your relationship. Although the tool and technique have been known and used for more than 3000 years by a select few, it has been updated to suit the audience and challenges of the Global Era. The tool has been given the name, The Dialogue Circle.

Bird’s-eye View of Love’s Escape

“We create a world according to our mode of participation, and we create ourselves accordingly.” — David Bohm

Consciousness is a fundamental quality of the universe. Although the brain does produce your experience of reality, it does not produce consciousness itself. Instead, your senses and brain can be connected with those of your partner and configured to act as a kind of receiver which “picks up” the fundamental consciousness that is all around us and “transmits” it into our own being.

In the Dialogue Circle, you and your partner will have a mutually shared experience with the transmission of consciousness in a very intense and intricate way. The practice of the Dialogue Circle serves as a laboratory for the exploration and transformation of consciousness and how to apply this to your relationship.

When using the Dialogue Circle method, you and your partner will learn how to suspend your individual points of view and enlarge your sensation to circumscribe formerly inaccessible reaches of the outer reality through a special kind of connection.

The enlargement of sensation that occurs in the Dialogue Circle creates the positive and freeing experiences your brain requires to rewrite your experience of relationship reality. This process produces an ever-fresh environment for love.

This fresh new perception of reality provides a powerful kick-start to love with every use. The Dialogue Circle is a tool for attaining peak experiences and awakening states upon demand. This practice leads to ongoing and sustainable Renaissance of your relationship.

The Dialogue Circle teaches you how to suspend everything that interferes with constructive interaction. In the space of calm connection this creates, emotional attachment to your desires loosens and within this balanced state, higher consciousness flows like a stream between two banks. It allows you and your partner to dip into the stream of higher consciousness that flows between you where the new reality lies and to irrigate your love with its wellsprings.

Using the Dialogue Circle tool, it’s possible for you to experience what the great physicist David Bohm describes as, “… the deepest harmony that is open to man: an awed sense of the unknown indefinable totality from which all perception originates — the source of Intelligence.” Imagine what can happen when this is applied to your love relationship.

Prepare for Your First Dialogue Circle

This concludes How to Make High-Consciousness Love, Part One. In Part Two (Medium, 24 August 2019), you will take a detailed look at the practical and experiential workings of a couples Dialogue Circle. You will be provided with a sample lineup for a Dialogue Circle session and directions on how to carry out your first couples Dialogue Circle.

How to Make High-Consciousness Love: Part Two — 5 Steps to High-Consciousness Love



Benzion Giertz, PhD

Creator of CIRCULAR DIALOGUE METHOD for optimal social intelligence in any life setting or social issue. Research Program Manager & Chief Editor, ARI Institute.