HOW KARAK CHANGED THE WORLD or Origin of Crypto Security

MS Mesh
5 min readJun 29, 2024


Hello, greetings and welcome, everyone!
Almost 4 month ago i wrote my first post about not popular at that time project called Karak. Long time ago Karak was not even in mainnet, it became a successor from Risk Harbor, a small platform where users could bridge their assets. Now Karak is the biggest player securely wise, which everybody is acknowledged of as the best network of the networks to store assets for upcoming airdrops!

But how it started?

Well, after Risk Harbor (2021–2023) Karak team does an exciting announcement in their Discord:

Testnet of Subsea has began, users needed to request test ETH and USDC in Discord server faucet and then bridge them to Subsea pools:

Now Subsea is in mainnet, however interface didn’t change which remindes OGs of old testnet phase

Then Karak team makes two important announcements: Firstly, Karak now is in testnet phase, with Andalusia Labs that has raised a $48M Series A at $1B+ Valuation; full post 👉 here. Secondly, SlashProof is the second component of Karak ecosystem; full post made by me 👉 here and by team 👉 here

And finally on 27th of February the team announces that Karak is now officially in mainnet:

Subsea now becomes the first app live om Karak with tonnes of other collaborations later on.

Mainnet of Karak

After Karak begins its journey in mainnet it attracts many investors and collaborations, which i mentioned in my posts earlier: Rabby wallet, Phantom wallet, and other investors here + here.

Early Access phase has began, on 29th of February Karak introduced their first LRT(Liquid Restaking Token) with Swell. Swell holders of rswETH could now earn Karak XP by bridging rswETH to Karak here. Karak interface was looking orangy-black style like this:

6th of March: Karak launches Zealy and Season 2 of the Early Access XP Program alongside with Celestia, new integration!

13th of March: Season 3 is now live, Karak introduces another collaboration — Hyperlane!

21st of March: New Season 4 is running, Karak also cooperates with Stride!

March 27 and April 6: last Season 5 and Season 6 of Early XP, with huge upgrade afterwards.

Karak V1 is now dominating!

On 8th of April Karak closes early XP campaign and introduces us with new website, awesome interface, more integrations within itself and enhanced security! See the full extended story by Karak here.

Everything about pools, design, TVL, features are clarified in my post 👉 here.

After that Karak introduces integrations with: Frax, Pendle, Magpie, wBTC and many more networks. (For full information see announcements in Karak Discord).

2nd of May — Karak adds Mantle pools; later on this month collaborations with Spark and Bedrock.

June 1 — Karak TVL has reached an insane $900 Million! June 3 — LST (Liquid Staking Tokens) in many Arbitrum pools. Karak has now reached 5 networks within itself with many staking/restaking features. See my posts here and here.

June 5 — the long-awaited 1 billion mark in TVL has been crossed!

Post from official Karak Twitter

June 13 — Karak introduces KUDA: Karak Universal Data Availability.
There has been much more updates, however if i included all of them, my post would be 10x times longer, once again — check Karak Twitter and Discord announecements.

Future of Karak?

The team and developers are in progress to introduce us with Karak V2, which i already mentioned in my previous posts: 1, 2. It’s likely that Karak will soon be launching V2 where there will be an added feature similar to the operators in EigenLayer for enhanced protocol protection, also in one of the publications they mentioned that there is a very limited time left, but there will be some kind of snapshot for early users. Also, testing of Karak V2 is going right now as was announced by team. I would say Karak is about to launch their new version when TVL will be $1 billion as we can see from the website.

Image was taken from my twitter

So, Karak has a very reach history, great present with fruitable pools and defenitely brightful future! It is the worldchange of blockchains which is going to be with lowest fees ever! Don’t hesitate and bridge to it to participate in the MASSIVE AIRDROP.

If you are not in Karak yet, join your fruitful adventure — and enter one of those codes: tLdMY ; Uwgul ; DSVTp ; k04TJ ; 9H48E. Also, don’t forget to see my previous posts!

Best wishes and have a fruitfull day! 🍊🍊🍊

