AI That Writes Stories: What It Is and How to Use It to Come up with Creative stories.

Do you have doubts about AI writing stories? YES! AI can write creative engaging stories.

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
6 min readApr 20, 2022
AI That Writes Stories: What It Is and How to Use It to Come up with Creative stories.
AI That Writes Stories: What It Is and How to Use It to Come up with Creative stories.

Ps: This piece of content was written mostly by Jasper AI, arguably the most advanced AI copywriting assistant today!

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What is AI that writes stories?

The AI that writes stories is a machine learning algorithm that can create new and fresh content with the help of AI.

AI is a technology that helps to solve complex problems by learning from the existing data and getting better at it over time. It can make decisions autonomously or in combination with human intelligence which makes AI reliable.

AI That Writes Stories: What It Is and How to Use It to Come up with Creative stories.

How an AI that writes stories works.

The AI learns how to write stories by reading and analyzing all kinds of literature like books, articles, newsfeeds, etc., which makes AI capable of understanding the human thought process.

AI can understand the meaning of words, and phrases and also learns how to write stories based on its analysis.

It uses statistical learning to analyze large data sets, find patterns in them and build predictions from those patterns.

The AI that writes stories can work in various languages, including English which has a large database available online for AI to read and understand. This helps it in creating new stories that are not only interesting but also realistic.

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How AI helps in storytelling.

AI also uses surrounding information to make its stories very realistic along with adding elements like plot, theme, setting, characters, etc.

It is also capable of recognizing the importance of a particular word or phrase and its impact on a story’s theme which helps it in adding relevant information to a story being written by AI.

How to use AI that writes stories to come up with creative stories.

The AI that writes stories is available as a web tool, with the help of which you can type in your own ideas and the AI will automatically write an interesting story around it.

It provides options to select from different genres like Fantasy, Action, Adventure, etc. so that users have more control over their stories being created by AI.

Users can also change the AI’s default settings by changing words, phrases, and genres to make them more suited to their writing style.

The AI that writes stories provides a unique way of coming up with interesting content which can be helpful for bloggers who find story writing challenging.

With AI being capable of creating new fresh content from your own ideas, you do not have to worry about coming up with new ideas for blog post content.

Benefits of using AI that writes stories

There are various benefits AI provides when it comes to writing a story, some key benefits include:

  • AI can understand the meaning and context of words which makes its output accurate.
  • It can generate story content 24 hours a day, seven days a week without getting tired which gives it an upper hand over human writers who need breaks in between writing sessions to recharge themselves.
  • The AI that writes stories is always available for use anytime and does not require any supervision like the case with human writers where they might get distracted in between a story writing session.
  • It never gets bored of writing content which makes it more reliable than human writers who get tired and frustrated when continuously doing the same thing day after day.

Limitations of using AI that writes stories

Although AI provides various benefits when it comes to writing stories, there are some limitations of AI that need to be taken into consideration.

AI has limited knowledge about the world which is based on what it reads and learns from other sources making its understanding of real-life scenarios more limited than human writers who have firsthand experience in their lives.

This can be solved by feeding AI with information about real-life scenarios before using AI to write stories.

AI might not be very good at describing human emotions which is why it can create unrealistic characters who are perfect in everything they do without showing signs of any flaws or weaknesses and that’s why they give an option of choosing the tone of voice AI should use when writing a story.

Our pick of the best AI that writes stories.

There are many AI’s that write stories, but our AI of choice is Jasper AI.

AI That Writes Stories: What It Is and How to Use It to Come up with Creative stories.

It has a simple interface that allows users to understand its working easily and quickly start using it for their own story writing needs.

Jasper also provides options so you can choose from different topics or genres to suit your writing style before letting AI take over the rest of the work for you.

It also has a very helpful AI trainer feature that helps users to train their AI before using it for story writing tasks.

The AI trainer gives you random sentences and asks you to write more like those which mimic the AI’s own style of writing stories. This allows users to understand how AI writes stories, adjust its settings based on their needs, and then start using AI to write stories without any problems.

The future of AI and storytelling.

AI is constantly evolving and AI stories are becoming more realistic by the day with it getting trained to learn new skills like creative writing, etc. which makes it better at creating interesting content on its own with minimum help from humans.

It is predicted AI will be able to create more interesting and realistic stories in the future by allowing it to learn from various sources of information like social media posts, news articles, marketing websites, etc. which can help AI writers come up with new ideas for creating unique content on its own without any human involvement.

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An AI that writes stories is a very helpful and time-saving tool for story writers.

It can understand what it reads, write about real-life scenarios without making errors, and come up with new ideas every day based on various sources of information it learns from which makes AI a better and more reliable story writing option.

The AI that writes stories can also be trained to learn from mistakes and improve its writing skills over time which is why it’s a great tool for story writers who want their stories written well in no time.

As per our research on AI that writes Jasper AI is the best AI that writes stories you should take a look at it when looking for an AI that helps with your own storytelling needs.


  1. What is an AI Story Generator?

It is a program that uses AI to write stories and allows users to input information like:

- Title of the story.

- Genre.

- Characters details (name, gender, age). etc.

2. How does AI Story Generator work?

AI Story Generators collect data from various sources online before coming up with an AI story by using algorithms and AI to come up with new stories every day that can be used as a content source for your website or blog.

3. What are the best AI Story Generators?

Jasper AI is the best AI Story Generator that we’ve found after extensive research on many AI story generators.

4. What are the Benefits of AI that writes stories?

Using AI helps in story writing saves a lot of time for writers who don’t have enough time to come up with their own ideas or

5. Can robots write stories?

Robots cannot write stories on their own AI helps in story writing by using AI algorithms and other forms of AI technology to come up with new ideas for creating unique content every day.

6. Is AI good enough to write my own stories?

Yes AI is becoming more advanced every day and it can be trained to learn new skills like creative writing, etc. which makes AI better than human writers in creating interesting content by itself without any help from humans.



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

Meet the AI visionary with a knack for decoding the latest tech trends. Stay ahead in the AI game with AI Visionary as your guide.