AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
10 min readAug 31, 2021


PS: This whole article was written by an AI writing tool: Jasper ( Formerly Jarvis). You can generate 10,000 words worth of marketing content for free in the Jasper trial by visiting their official site. See how Jarvis works here.

AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.
AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.

AI has been getting better and better, and AI writing software is one of its most impressive feats- AI can write content that ranges from captivating story pitches to compelling blog posts like this one.

AI writing software isn’t AI that writes complete articles, but AI that largely automates the writing process and helps you perfect your content.

Using AI for content creation has become popular recently because it’s more cost-efficient than a human writer and can expand your business reach by sharing even more interesting stories with readers on various channels.

In this AI blog, AI will be used to help us write an article that outlines AI writing software and how to use AI for content creation.

AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.

What Is AI Writing Software and How Does It work?

AI writing software is AI that is programmed to write pieces of content.

AI writing software works by creating content using AI, with a bit of help from humans.

To create AI, developers program AI algorithms to understand information (like words) and make decisions based on that information, which is how AI learns.

For example, AI will read every piece of content that has ever been published about finance in order to learn how to write about it effectively.

The more content AI reads, the smarter AI writing software becomes- this is also why developers always have to keep developing new AI and improving existing AI.

AI writing software usually goes through a few stages, including data analysis and suggestion making before it gets to the actual writing process.

First, AI starts by analyzing large amounts of data such as keywords and phrases that we might write about. Next, AI will suggest what content to write, then it will start writing.

AI writing software is great because it doesn’t have to go through the process of inspiration or brainstorming- AI can generate ideas that a human writer might never come up with on their own.

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What Are the Benefits of Using AI for Content Creation?

Using AI writing software has many benefits, including saving time, reducing the workload, and generating quality content.

Using AI writing software can automate large chunks of your content creation process, which is great because you won’t have to spend as much time on creating written pieces.

AI writing software is also beneficial for businesses that may not be able to hire a full-time writer, but still want to share a lot of information through written content.

AI writing software can also be used to verify facts and statistics, which is great for having accurate content that you won’t have to spend too much time on fact-checking.

Finally, AI writing software can help with your SEO by generating a lot of different content that is targeted towards keywords.

AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.

How to Use AI for Content Creation.

In order to use AI for content creation, you’ll need to have a website and familiarize yourself with the process of managing your own content.

Managing your own blog is fairly simple and involves registering a domain name, hosting it on a web server, creating unique user-facing URLs (like, then publishing new content regularly.

In order to use AI for generating blog topics, you’ll need to have at least three posts with unique and accurate information that is related to the topic your AI uses to write.

For example: if you want an AI that writes about fashion, you’ll need to have already published three individual blog posts related to fashion.

You should also note that the more content you already have, the better your AI will become at writing content related to that specific topic.

Using AI for content creation involves uploading all of your pre-existing information, then training the AI to understand how to use that information in order to write about it.

This involves feeding your old content into the AI portion of writing software and adding a small amount of new content every day.

Once you’ve developed your own AI, you’ll be able to use it for future articles and blog posts.

To generate new content, simply feed your AI some information that you want to be included in the piece of content.

You can also adjust how much of each part of writing you want your AI to focus on; for example, if you don’t want any videos or images, then it’s up to you to decide how many paragraphs and sentences there should be.

You can also adjust how much AI writing software should focus on readability, SEO, and your specific needs.

To ensure that your content is high-quality, it’s best to start off by reading through the whole piece of content yourself so you can make any necessary changes or edits before publishing it on your website.

RELATED: How an AI Creative Writing Assistant Can Help You Write Better content.

How to Choose the Best AI Software for Content creation.

When looking for the best AI writing software, it’s important to consider if you want a program that generates a lot of articles at once or just focuses on one article.

You will also need to consider which types of content generation you’re willing to have an AI write: do you only want articles, or would you like any type of written content generated, like FAQs or blog posts?

Another thing to consider is what kind of platform you want your AI software to be on.

You can either use a cloud-based system or download an app onto your computer, depending on how much you trust the hosting company and what type of devices you have access to in order to use it.

You should also take into account how easy it is to use the software and what type of support options you have.

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Finally, it’s important that your chosen AI writing software can be updated in order to always provide high-quality content.

Jasper is one of the most popular AI writing software options and our overall best because it allows you to generate unlimited articles in just a few seconds.

Jasper can help with SEO, readability, and quality control by generating a lot of various types of content and allowing you to make any necessary changes before publishing.

Jasper is also easy to use, cloud-based has great support options, and updates regularly in order to continue providing high-quality content.

Many other AI writing software options are available, but none of them compare with Jaspers’ wide range of features and functions.

RELATED: How to Use AI Writing Tools/Software for Copywriting.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Writing and Its Impact On society.

As AI writing software becomes more advanced, these programs will likely begin to learn how to write complete articles within the next decade.

This technology can drastically reduce the workload of writers and help people connect with readers on a larger scale than ever before.

Artificial intelligence is also able to contribute to business growth by bringing in new potential customers who have never heard of a brand or business before.

However, AI writing software will also make a significant impact on the job market because it can replace many types of writers.

Human writers may be valuable in fields that require creativity or critical thinking, but for most other jobs, AI writing software can do a better job without losing efficiency.

RELATED: How AI Software Is Changing the Landscape Of writing.

With AI writing software, you can save time and money by having content automatically generated for you in just a few seconds.

You can also ensure that the content is high-quality by making any necessary edits yourself before publishing it online.

As AI writing software becomes even more advanced, expect to see fewer human writers on news websites and blogs because AI will be able to write complete articles within the next decade.

All in all, AI writing software is a great way to save time and money by automating content generation while also ensuring that your content is high-quality.

If you want to use AI writing software for your blog or website but aren’t sure where to start, we recommend Jasper because it’s one of the few AI writing software programs that generates unlimited content and allows you to make edits before publishing.

Examples of companies that have already started using this technology or are considering it as an option include Volkswagen, Forbes, AOL, TechCrunch, and The Huffington Post.

See how Jasper works by visiting their Official Website.

See Jasper’s reviews here. (5/5 stars in over 3000 reviews).

Join Jasper’s Facebook community of (50K+ Active Members) here.

RELATED: How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of AI Writing Tools (Jarvis).

Final Thoughts on The subject

This technology is so new that many companies are still considering it in order to determine whether using AI writing software is the right choice for their content strategy.

We believe that AI writing software will make a significant impact on the job market because it can replace many types of writers.

No longer would people be required to spend hours creating content from scratch, which gives AI writing software a huge advantage over human writers.

Even so, we believe that there will always be certain industries that require creativity or critical thinking and therefore don’t make sense for AI writing software to take over.

In the future, we might see some news websites and blogs completely rely on artificial intelligence instead of human writers to generate content, but for the time being, AI writing software is most effective when it’s used in conjunction with human writers.

If you already have a blog or website or plan on generating content online in the future, consider using an AI writing software program such as Jasper to save time and money while ensuring that your content doesn’t suffer from poor quality.

The best way to determine whether AI writing software is the right choice for your brand or business is to try out different options and see what fits you best.

Jasper works well with most websites and blogs, so we recommend starting there if you haven’t used any AI writing software programs before.

RELATED: Tips for Using the AI Novel Writing Software to Write Your Next Bestseller.


  1. What is the best AI writer?

There are many different AI writing software programs available, but Jasper is the best because it is one of the few that can generate unlimited content and allows you to make edits before publishing.

2. Is AI writing free?

There are a number of different AI writing software programs available for download or cloud use, but most of these will require you to pay an ongoing subscription fee in order to use them, but with jasper, you can get a free trial of up to 10000 words in their official website.

3. What is an AI writing assistant?

An AI writing assistant is a program that uses artificial intelligence to help you create content for your blog or website.

4. What are the benefits of using an AI writing assistant?

There are many different benefits to using an AI writing assistant, but one of the main benefits is that it takes away some of the pressure from having to write completely original content.

5. What are the disadvantages of using an AI writing assistant?

One of the main drawbacks to using AI writing assistants is that it may make you lazy when it comes to your content.

Another drawback is that some programs have issues with grammar and sentence structure, which can lead to lower quality content because it may not pass through a human editor before being published.

6. Can AI write code?

Yes, there are many different types of code that AI writing software can write.

For example, some programs can even generate code for you based on certain parameters or variables that you input first.

7. Can AI write stories?

Yes, the most popular type of AI writing software is a program that can generate stories with some level of detail.

8. Can AI write poetry?

While it isn’t technically impossible to use an AI writing program to generate poetry, there are so many variables with this form of creative content that it would be difficult for the writing assistant to get it 100% correct.

9. What is Article Forge?

Article Forge is a cloud-based AI writing program that allows you to generate content easily.

10. What does Article Forge do?

Article Forge helps users extract data from various sources, so they can put it into a format that’s readable for their audience.

11. What is an AI generator?

AI generator basically provides tools to create automated algorithmic tasks which can perform a series of organized operations in a more efficient way than humans would.

12. Is Shortly read free?

No, but it does offer a free trial.

13. What is shortly AI?

Shortly AI is an automated article publishing tool that allows you to create high-quality content without the need for in-depth research.

14. Can AI write blogs?

Yes, AI writing software is being used to create blogs by many different brands and businesses.



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

Meet the AI visionary with a knack for decoding the latest tech trends. Stay ahead in the AI game with the AI Visionary as your guide.