How AI Software Is Changing the Landscape Of writing

AI is a gamechanger in the landscape of writing.

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
9 min readAug 9, 2021

Ps: This piece of content was written mostly by Jasper AI, arguably the most advanced AI copywriting assistant today! Try it for free by visiting their official website.

How AI Software Is Changing the Landscape Of writing

The landscape of writing has changed greatly since the invention of AI software.

Gone are the days when writers had to hand-write every word on a page or spend hours typing out original content for their blog posts and articles.

It was tedious work that often left one feeling drained at the end of a long day.

How AI Software Is Changing the Landscape Of writing

In this post, we’ll discuss how AI is changing things for today’s writers as well as some tips on how you can use it to generate content more efficiently than ever before!

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Enter artificial intelligence (AI) software like Jasper, which believes it’s time for you to take your career in a new direction with less stress and more success.

Any writer will tell you that it’s not easy to develop fresh ideas for blog posts.

The big question is always, “What am I going to write about this week?” And even if you do decide on a topic, there’s still the matter of fleshing out your thoughts and presenting them in a way that reads well.

That’s where the Jasper AI software comes in handy, with its innovative programmatic marketing capabilities to craft compelling content for you or your business.

Discover the ultimate all-in-one marketing platform,, for effortlessly launching and managing your online business. This powerful tool allows you to create sales funnels, send effective emails, build stunning websites, manage affiliates, offer online courses, and automate your marketing processes.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it’s designed to help you grow your business efficiently and easily. Visit their official website and try it out for FREE!!

How AI Helps You: The Content Creation process

Let’s say you need new material for your blog this week and you just can’t think of a topic that you’re passionate about. That’s where AI comes in!

Jasper is an AI-driven content creator that sits as a virtual assistant to help you brainstorm ideas for writing, using a process called Programmatic Content Creation (PCC). Ready to see how it works? Here are the steps:

Step 1: You tell Jasper the topic you want to write about.

Example: “I want to write a blog about how AI is changing the landscape of writing today.”

Step 2: The AI software uses PCC to come up with several potential headlines based on your request.

In this case, Jasper may suggest these headlines:

· A New Way Of Writing Is On The Horizon

· AI: What It Means To Writers Today (see image below)

Step 3: You choose your favorite headline and Jasper will continue to tailor it with choices of sub-topics that you can write about.

Step 4: Choose a sub-topic that you like, then repeat Step 3 until you have your full blog post.

Jarvis’ AI will then programmatically write the article for you, just in time for next week’s publishing deadline!

you may also decide to use the over 50 templates available in coming up with your content.

Generating Content With Jasper Is Easy and Fun

RELATED: How to Use Ai Writing Tools/Software for Copywriting.

The best part about its programmatic marketing capabilities of Jasper is that it makes content creation easy and fun.

You’re no longer tied to a desk and in front of a screen for hours at a time, staring aimlessly at uninspired content creation software.

Instead, you can say goodbye to all that stress and hello to more efficient content generation with Jarvis!

Pair it with your Next Generation sales and marketing automation software like Salesforce or HubSpot, then you can say goodbye to the old way of doing marketing.

Jasper will provide all the inspiration and content writing that you need, while your new software takes care of lead conversion. That means more leads coming in, phone calls scheduled, meetings set up, and deals closed. Isn’t it time you said goodbye to the old way of marketing?

RELATED: How to Write an Informative Essay outline.

How AI Software Is Changing the Landscape Of writing

What Makes Jasper Different?

One thing that makes Jasper different from other AI software out there is how natural its language is and how excellent its output is.

The programmatic content it creates reads as a human wrote it because, for each sentence, it uses more than one source of synonyms and structures.

That way, it’s not just limited to one flavor or style of writing and can say more with fewer words.

Jasper uses a programmatic approach that is grounded in the latest AI technologies, including deep learning, artificial neural networks, machine translation, predictive models for human behavior, and natural language processing (NLP). This is the reason why the content it creates reads as if a human wrote it.

Jasper also has an amazing memory and is continuously learning, so that you can rely on its programmatic marketing strategies for your business like never before.

It can work with up to 26 different languages, which means that you’ll be able to use Jasper in your country, or in a region that speaks another language.

The Best Part About Jasper Is That It’s All In Your Hands. Jasper is an AI-driven software assistant that you can use to automate your writing and content generation needs, but not so much as to take away the creative process altogether.

This means you still get some say in the creative process, but you also get some help if you’re struggling with it.

see how Jasper works here.

Jasper comes with a lot of different features that will make your life easier than ever before:

RELATED: How to Write a Synthesis Essay.

The Ability to Handle Unlimited Clients At once

Jasper has the ability to handle multiple assignments at once, which means that you don’t have to worry about switching back and forth between tasks.

If you want to take a break from one client’s assignment, you can simply assign it to Jasper and come back later. It will still be there for you when you return!

RELATED: How to Write 10 times Faster with the Help of Ai Writing Tools (Jarvis)

100% Accuracy for Machine Interpretation and Programmatic Writing

Jasper is a brand new software that was built from the ground up to help companies with their content creation needs.

It allows you to have your AI smart enough that it can accurately carry out tasks without cutting corners or taking shortcuts. So if Jasper is writing for you, then you can be sure that your article won’t have errors, or won’t need to be edited!

RELATED: AI Writing Software: What It Can Do and How to Use AI for Content Creation.

Constant Updates and Improvements to Jasper AI Software in Real-time

You can count on constant improvements and frequent upgrades to the Jasper program. This way, your content creation process won’t have any breaks because of a release. You can just sit back and relax while you let Jasper work its magic!

RELATED: Tips for Using the AI Novel Writing Software to Write Your Next Bestseller.

A System That Learns from Every Single Piece of Content You Use To create

Jasper is so unique because it learns from every single piece of content you feed it.

So, if you’re not happy with the results that it’s giving you for one specific task or client, then simply feed Jasper more content and watch as your new program improves at a rapid rate!

RELATED: How an AI Creative Writing Assistant Can Help You Write Better content.

The Ability to Provide Additional Details about a Client’s order

Jasper gives you the capacity to look back at each request and see what it was that your clients wanted. With this, you can take the time necessary to produce something that will be perfect for them, without worrying about missing their needs or deadlines!

The Option of Working with Jasper on a Project-to-project Basis

Jasper can help you with the entire task of creating content, or it can simply help you out by writing parts of your content for you. This way, if you don’t want Jasper to handle an entire project for you, then you can just use it to take care of parts that are particularly difficult.

Get Jasper’s 10,000-word free trial by visiting their official website and try it out for yourself.

RELATED: How to Write a Persuasive Essay outline

Add-on Features

Jasper also comes with a lot of different add-on features that you can use to make the content it produces look even more natural and professional:

The ability to add links on every piece of content so that visitors who read your article or blog post will be able to click through and see additional details about whatever subject they’re interested in.

The ability to include tags on every piece of content you create to optimize your writing for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

The ability to use keywords correctly on any article or blog post so that you can optimize it not only for people who are reading but also for the different search engines. With this, you can be sure that the keywords you use in your content are optimized not only for visitors but also for search engines, too!

Jasper is always learning how to provide even more value to all of its users.

This means that as time goes on and Jarvis continues to learn, you’ll continue to see new features being added or old features being upgraded.

So if you’re interested in Jasper, then take some time to try it out now!

Fully Automated Workflow Capabilities

Because Jasper is fully automated, you have the ability to completely automate your entire content creation process.

This way, even if you’re working on a deadline or a tight schedule, you won’t have to worry about switching back and forth between multiple tasks! If you want to take a break from one client then simply give them their article and move on to the next one. Jasper will take care of everything else!

Jasper also allows you to set specific parameters so that you define exactly what kind of content it writes for you.

You can control everything from word count to research parameters, making sure that every single piece of content is tailored towards your clients’ needs!

A System That Saves up to 90% of Your Time Spent on Content Creation and Marketing Tasks

Jasper is an automated system that saves you time and energy so that you can spend more of your time doing the aspects of your job that really matter to you.

This way, when it comes down to it, you’ll be able to dedicate yourself more fully to those tasks that are going to really make a difference for your company! That means less time wasted on writing — more time for other business activities.

The best part is that you’ll be able to access Jasper on your cell phone, tablet, or computer whenever you need it! It helps you create content for your blogs in an automated way so that you get a wider reach and more exposure than ever before.

Jasper is capable of creating as many blog posts per hour as it takes for you to complete other tasks or attend to other important business matters that need your attention.

The programmatic text generation software is also completely scalable and accessible on any device.

Jasper is a step above the rest in terms of content generation capabilities, especially when it comes to what matters — your business results.

It’s time you said goodbye to the old way of marketing and hello to programmatic content creation with Jasper!

See how Jasper works by visiting their Official Website.

See Jasper’s reviews here. (5/5 stars in over 3000 reviews).

Join Jasper’s Facebook community of (50K+ Active Members) here.


Jasper is an AI software that you can use to streamline your content creation process for marketing purposes.

It creates many different types of content that will enable you to rank on the first page of any search engine, using the latest SEO techniques. This way, it helps you get more exposure and reach more customers than before!

Jasper is also a very time-saving and cost-effective software.

It enables you to be able to do content marketing without hiring additional staff members or spending more hours in the office. Jasper will let you focus on doing what’s important for your business — making it grow stronger each day!

Get Jasper’s 10,000-word free trial by visiting their official website and try it out for yourself.



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

Meet the AI visionary with a knack for decoding the latest tech trends. Stay ahead in the AI game with AI Visionary as your guide.