How to Write a Synthesis Essay

AI writing tool Jasper can be of great help in writing a synthesis essay.

Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"
6 min readJul 25, 2021

PS: This whole article was written by an AI writing tool: Jasper which is also quite good at writing essays and any other type of content. You can generate 10,000 words worth of content for free by visiting their official site. See how Jasper works here.

What Is a Synthesis Essay?

A synthesis essay is a type of paper that synthesizes ideas from different sources in order to create a single argument.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay
How to Write a Synthesis Essay

It requires you to select a topic and then do research on it, finding information from many different sources. In this way, it’s similar to an annotated bibliography or literature review.

The difference between these two types of papers is that in an annotated bibliography, you only use other people’s ideas as evidence for your own arguments; whereas, with a synthesis essay, you also include your own thoughts about the topic.

You must be interested enough in the topic to keep writing through all of the research and continue developing your analysis throughout the paper.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

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The Three Parts of the Body Paragraphs and How They Relate to Each other

The synthesis essay is a common assignment for first-year students in many universities.

It is often the most difficult assignment because it requires you to summarize and synthesize material from different sources into one paper.

Most people find writing this type of essay challenging, but it can be broken down into three major steps that will make the process easier for you:

  1. Finding information about your topic,
  2. Organizing the information into an argumentative structure, and
  3. Finally, write up a well-developed paper.

Once you know what each step entails and how they all relate to each other, then completing this task becomes much more manageable.

This guide will give you an overview of these three steps and provide some tips on how to complete them successfully so that you can produce a high-quality synthesis essay!

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How to Write a Synthesis Essay

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

Before you begin, make a list of the different sources that you will use to gather information.

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A synthesis essay requires at least three independent sources, such as a book or journal article.

The best kind of source for this type of paper is one in which the author analyzes and critiques an original argument or work, rather than just reporting on a piece of research that someone else has done.

If you find several sources, such as books or journal articles, then you can use them to synthesize all the information into one argument.

If possible, try to choose sources with different points of view so that you have more material to work with and can see where the points of agreement and disagreement are.

However, don’t choose sources that you strongly disagree with because you could present your argument in a biased way if you want to support one side more than another.

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If you are writing about an issue that is controversial or have strong feelings about it, try to find sources from multiple perspectives so that you can present all of the points effectively.

You must take care in how you structure your argument so that it is clear and cohesive.

Each part of your paper will have to work together as a whole; there cannot be any confusion about where one section ends and another begins or whether they are related to each other.

Make sure that you are able to clearly explain the links between each part. If you have support for your claim in one section but not another, then be sure to clarify that point by explaining the connection between these two parts of your paper.

It is also important that you separate each of your sources with a header so that it is clear which author or article you are referring to.

This will avoid any confusion about how you have applied the information from each source to your analysis.

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For example, if one author says that a certain issue is “problematic” and another author uses this same term in their essay, then you must explain why they both use the same word but mean different things by it. If you don’t point that out, your reader might think that there is some sort of disagreement between the two authors when in fact they are both just describing the same issue differently.

If you summarize an article or book chapter, then you should put all of the key points into a list at the end of this section. This is called a “works cited” page, and it should list the author or editor, publication date if available, place of publication (where it was published), and finally the web address if you found the material online. You must also include a few short quotes from your sources to show how you have interpreted their information. This will also help you avoid any plagiarism.

If your source is online, then these are the basic rules for how to cite a website:

Original author or editor: include all of their personal information (name, title), along with the date that it was posted online and the URL to access it.

However, if you are using the material as a “quotation,” you can use just the author’s name and the date they posted it.

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Do not include any other information about their contact information or employer — this is called plagiarism if you do!

In your essay, explain which of these three steps was easiest or most difficult for you, and why.

Keep in mind that knowing how to take notes is one of the basic skills that any college student needs, so make sure that you practice it regularly!

This will help you in all of your classes, especially when you have an essay due!

Do your homework and find other sources on this topic to compare and contrast with your ideas.

In this way, you will be able to show that you have done a thorough job in researching the topic.

An effective essay doesn’t just give one point of view — it synthesizes all of the information into a clear and detailed argument. If necessary, write an outline for what you plan to say in your paper.

This will help you write an organized essay, and it can also be used later as a guide for when you are writing the actual draft of your paper.

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In Conclusion

This article has provided some helpful tips and resources for how to write a synthesis essay thanks to the Jasper AI tool. You can visit their official website today and get a 10,000-word free trial from their official website and try it for yourself. You can see how Jasper works here.

It is important that you find an interesting topic and keep your attention throughout the whole paper while pulling together diverse ideas from different sources into one cohesive argument with evidence drawn from research.

If possible, it can be beneficial to summarize each of these points in a list at the end of this section as well as include quotes about them on top of citing each source separately.

This will provide clarity by showing which parts are related or not along with avoiding plagiarism issues.

Make sure that when taking notes during reading, you only paraphrase what was said rather than quoting directly so that there won’t be any confusion over whether they were written by someone else or if they’re yours.



Bernard Loki "AI VISIONARY"

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