9 Best AI Automation Practices for Marketing and Sales

Pavel Stenyushin
Published in
5 min readFeb 23, 2023


Sometimes, videos or articles that demonstrate the impressive things that OpenAI can do, don’t actually help you improve your work efficiency. That’s why we made a list of nine practices specifically tailored for marketing and sales, which could be implemented in 15 minutes and save you time for more important tasks.

My name is Pavel, and I am a Product Marketing Manager at Albato — platform which helps you to automate your workflow by integrating the apps you use every day.

I can vividly recall the excitement our team felt when we first delved into the realm of ChatGPT. With nobody on our team having any prior experience with neural networks, we were thrilled to uncover their endless potential.

Using our internal app builder, we swiftly integrated OpenAI into our platform, although our grasp of potential use cases was initially rather abstract. We were determined to explore the possibilities.

The first idea was to integrate Slack with GPT-3.5 This allowed us to share the integration with our entire team. And as our team members experimented with this novel feature, we soon realized the Slack-OpenAI integration was an excellent use case.

However we were left pondering what other beneficial tools we could assemble to automate processes. Eventually we came up with those 9 automations I want to present to you.

In this article, you will find a quick overview of these automations. Additionally, at the end of the article, there is a guide where you can study the automations in more detail, along with links to ready-to-use automation templates provided. This will allow you to set them up in just 5 minutes by creating connections to services.

The best thing about these automations is that you can use them, regardless of your role within the company, and they don’t require any coding knowledge. This means that literally everyone could implement then in their workflows.

1. Automating e-mail summaries

This automation actually works as an AI secretary summarizing and allocating e-mails to the responsible teams mentioning the level of importance.

Problem: Long response times to important emails can be a major roadblock to closing deals and retaining customers.

Result: The customer receives a quick and accurate response, reducing wait times and improving the overall customer support experience.

In the age of social media and online reviews, brands need to stay on top of their game to maintain their reputation and credibility. So there are two automations below which can help to track and manage reviews in real time.

2. Automating track brand mentions

Problem: Failure to track brand mentions in a social media in a timely manner reduces brand reputation.

Result: The brand is able to quickly respond to negative sentiment, addressing customer concerns and improving their experience.

3. Automating Track Reviews

Problem: Failing to promptly address negative reviews and risk losing potential sales and damaging brand reputation

Result: The brand can respond swiftly to negative reviews, improving the reputation and credibility of the business.

4. Automating Content generation

Problem: Generating content is the most time-consuming task for our team.

Result: The integration can reduce the time and effort required to create content, freeing up resources for other important tasks.

5. Automating Updates Publishing

Problem: Users find out about updates in the product late and go to competitors.

Result: The automation of the content generation process saves time and leads to improved engagement with customers and increased ARPPU.

6. Automating Cross-promotion

Problem: Adapting content to promote different platforms leads to high resource usage.

Result: The integration will streamline the content cross-promotion process, reducing the time and resources needed to prepare different content. OpenAl will ensure consistent and high-quality content and leading to improved engagement with the target audience.

7. Automating video and presentation creation

Problem: Manually creating short videos and presentations requires a lot of time and team effort

Result: This integration will streamline the process of creating useful video content for your target audience without increasing the number of team members. It will save the team time and resources by giving them the opportunity to tackle more complex content.

8 Powerful team productivity tool

Problem: Searching for information and generating ideas wastes hours and reduces team productivity

Result: Teams can organize effective brainstorms. Use AI as a source of up-to-date information and inspiration. Free up time to focus on important tasks.

9 Powerful Task Management AI Tool

Problem: Routine in preparing marketing tasks shifts focus and wastes valuable team time

Result: OpenAI allows you to enrich the description of tasks with useful information and structure, performing the preparatory part of the task. The team will be able to be more creative and improve the quality and quantity of completed marketing tasks.

We hope that these automations will be a valuable addition to your team, making your work more efficient and allowing you to focus on the tasks that matter most, while eliminating the need to waste resources on routine tasks.

We have also prepared a guide with detailed explanations of how each automation can be set up.

Here is the link to download the guide.

This guide also includes links to “Solutions” — ready-to-use automations that we have already set up for you in Albato. To use them, simply install the solutions and grant access to the accounts for the apps used in the automation.

And don’t forget to join our Facebook community!

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