Our World to Win

Platform for the Synthesis Slate for Boston DSA

Beth Huang
3 min readJan 24, 2018

About Us

We’re proud members of the Boston Democratic Socialists of America, and we want our chapter to be a powerful vehicle for social change in the Greater Boston area. We believe in the potential of a renewed, broad left that can win a new world. That’s why we’re running with the Synthesis slate.

As seasoned organizers with experience in the labor movement, campus activism, and community organizing, we come to DSA with leftist politics informed by our experiences with the precarity of life under capitalism and share the strong conviction that pluralism is DSA’s greatest strength. We have seen how white supremacy and patriarchy compound the effects of capitalism. From this, we believe that working class people directly impacted by problems born of capitalism must take the lead in in creating strategies that advance socialism. Our own participation in social movements rooted in resilience, solidarity, and militancy has led us to commit to socialism, not only as a worldview, but as the long-term project of achieving a different world. Check out the vast experiences we bring to Boston DSA as a group.

We believe an organization that accommodates a diversity of views, fosters growth and learning, and brings those different viewpoints together is best positioned to carry out this project. We believe that building the power of working class people is the only way to win democratic socialism.


We’ve boiled down our platform to four planks, and will be releasing detailed explanations of each plank over the course of the next few weeks. These planks comprise: strengthening internal democracy, increasing accessibility, building a socialist movement, and growing Boston DSA.

Every step we take in our work must reflect the qualities we want in our world. To that end, we are committed to enacting our democratic socialist principles in every meeting, event, and choice we make as an organization, from the smallest casual neighborhood gathering to the largest annual general meeting. This platform is an attempt to name the qualities we believe Boston DSA needs to sustain the fight, and the qualities we as leaders would seek to engender in all the bodies of the local.

As candidates for leadership of Boston DSA, we believe that advancing democratic socialism in the Greater Boston area means:

  • Strengthening internal democracy through increasing transparency, accountability, accessibility, and internal debate about socialist strategy in the 21st century;
  • Growing DSA membership, especially within marginalized segments of the working class, through “serve the people” programs, rigorous recruitment, and intentional on-boarding;
  • Collaborating across tendencies to build a democratic socialist organizing model to win transformative reforms that increase the power of working class people;
  • Developing a cadre of skilled organizers through integrated political education and on-the-ground work;
  • Aligning our interests as socialists and organizing with working class communities of color and broader social movements in Boston;
  • Sharing resources and building statewide and regional power with DSA chapters in Massachusetts and the Northeast;
  • Increasing the power of the working class and undermining the power of the capitalist class by taking part in workplace organizing, electoral victories, and civil disobedience.

We believe that we have a world to win. We believe that democratic socialism can win.

Introducing the Synthesis Slate

Our World to Win: An Overview of the Synthesis Platform

Plank 1: Growing Boston DSA

Plank 2: Building a Movement & Wielding Power

Plank 3: Internal Democracy & Accessibility



Beth Huang

Community organizer in Boston. #WIunion forever. Type A+. Ex-gymnast.