How To Survive Through An Indian Weddings As An Introvert?

Betterhalf Wedding
5 min readSep 5, 2023


Indian Wedding

The larger-than-life Indian weddings are filled with extravagant glitz & glamour, loud music, endless dancing, fun & games, and a lot of chatter! While extroverts have the time of their lives at these grand Indian affairs, introverts tend to dread them. For introverts who find their solace surrounded by silence, the thought of spending hours through small talk with people they hardly know is overwhelming, to say the least!

Does that mean you’ll have to skip these events for the rest of your life? Absolutely not! (Well, unless you want to hear your friends and family cribbing about it forever.) The introvert in us curated a list of hacks that not only help you survive through Indian weddings, but these tips will help you enjoy them to their fullest. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

  1. Prepare Yourself!

To spend your energy at the wedding, introverts must first build up the energy! Different people have different ways of charging themselves. Some prefer reading a book, while others indulge in yoga and meditation. Listening to a podcast or watching their favourite show might be calming for some, and others choose to take a quiet walk through nature. Whatever your way is, prioritise your mental health and give yourself the time you need (be it a few hours or a whole day).

2. Wear What Makes You Comfortable & Confident

Other than lavish venues, intricate decor, delightful cuisines, and a promise of forever, Indian weddings also are a sight to behold when it comes to fashion. Men and women pick the best of their outfits for this special day. While choosing your outfit, however, remember that comfort makes you confident. It may take some time but with little research, you’re sure to find an outfit that makes to comfortable and is best suited for both the wedding theme and your personality!

3. Go with a Plus-One!

One sure-short way to make yourself a lot more comfortable among a bunch of strangers at an Indian wedding party is to choose a person you are comfortable with as your plus one. Your plus-one can be your partner, a friend, a sibling or even a parent! Going to a wedding with a plus one with make you 100% more comfortable and confident. However, if not mentioned in the invite, be sure to ask the host if the party is open to bringing a plus-one along!

4. Find Familiar Faces

Trust us, we understand the anxiety that you experience if you’re going to a wedding with a no-plus-one rule. Appalling, isn’t it? But, are you really alone at the party? There might be some acquaintances, and this might be a good chance to turn them into your friends. Find a familiar face, and try to strike up a small conversation (and well, hope that they are good at continuing the conversation :P). Apart from this, there might also be certain co-introverts lurking around the edges at the party. If you come across one, maybe pass a little smile and tell them your favourite thing about their outfit. Who knows, you might make a new friend!

5. Indulge in Activities That You Enjoy

Introvert or extrovert, everyone got activities that they enjoy! If you like to dance, join the floor and dance like no one’s watching (because really, no one is watching). If you enjoy wedding games, you can try playing them with smaller groups rather than big ones to make yourself more comfortable. If not anything, you can join these games as an audience member and cheer on your favourite people.

6. Set Your Limits — Say No!

Introverts are usually blessed with reflective personalities. So, use your superpower to reflect and set a limit for yourself. You don’t have to participate in all events. Pick and choose the ones that make you feel comfortable and politely decline the invite to join an activity that’s making you feel uncomfortable. Remember nothing is worth messing with your mental health for!

7. Take Breaks!

Continuous mingling with people can be exhausting, especially for introverts! This is why you shouldn’t shy away from taking small breaks in between. Whenever you feel drained, step out from the crowd for some quiet time. A great way is to go for a walk around the venue and have a look at the masterpiece the wedding planner has created. That helps to calm yourself down and to see more of the wedding venue.

8. Go Easy on Alcohol

For most people, alcohol is a go-to at parties for its ability to lower inhibitions. Although liquid courage might look tempting to an introvert, especially at a social event like a wedding, it’s definitely not worth the uneasiness and embarrassment you might have to face once you get a little too drunk. It’s always crucial to drink responsibly, no matter where you are!

9. Accept When You Are Exhausted

We only have so much energy, and let’s face it! That energy is draining out with every conversation you’re making as opposed to extroverts who restore their energy with those very conversations. Don’t push yourself more than you should. Overworking yourself will do more harm than good. Remember, it’s completely okay to give your best wishes to the couple and leave early if you don’t want to stay through the whole wedding.

10. Rest & Rejuvenate

Weddings are tiring for everyone. However, they suck out an introvert’s energy in a way others can’t imagine. Now with the wedding done, it is time for you to indulge in your ‘me time’ and restore the energy that you have lost worrying about the big day, and on the big day!

Final Thoughts!

There you go! Ditch those excuses and enjoy weddings in India with these sure-shot ways that are going to help through the grand Indian wedding. After all, an Indian wedding is a surreal experience that mustn’t be missed. Like what you read? Keep an eye on this space for more such articles!

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