Everything you may have missed in 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 (Banner Image)

Everything you may have missed in 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3


Staying up to date with every release can be challenging — so I’ve gathered all the details you may have missed from before the holiday break into a single place. Get up to date and start the new year as informed as possible!

Mendix 10.1: Boosting Your Development Experience!

This update is all about supercharging your development journey by eliminating glitches and introducing game-changing enhancements. In this section, we’ll dive into the thrilling world of Mendix 10.1.1 and explore the fixes and enhancements that make it a must-have for every developer.

Smoother Sailing with Fixes

  1. Seamless Sign-Out: Mendix has crushed a pesky bug that made signing out from Studio Pro a frustrating experience. No more hiccups when you log in and out — it’s all smooth sailing from now on!
  2. Pop-Up Vanished: Say goodbye to those annoying pop-up windows demanding usernames and passwords when opening the App dialog box without signing into Studio Pro. Mendix has bid them farewell, making your workflow slick and streamlined.

Mendix 10.1.0: A Recap of Awesomeness

Before we deep dive into the fixes, let’s do a quick rewind to Mendix 10.1.0.

Epic Enhancements

  • Date and Time Power: Take control with the ability to set Localize to No for date and time attributes of external entities, giving you more precision in localization.
  • Hola Basque (Euskara)! Mendix expanded the language support by adding Basque (Euskara), opening doors to a wider global audience.
  • Search Magic: The introduction of advanced search in tree controls lets you find results containing recursive data, making the Selector dialog box a breeze to use.
  • Read-Only Awesomeness: Add and edit dialog boxes for business event subscriptions now feature read-only description fields, boosting documentation capabilities.
  • Parameter Mapping Mastery: Mendix has fine-tuned parameter mapping for actions and snippet calls, so no more unexpected changes when adding parameters or altering selection modes.
  • OpenAPI 3.0 Delight: Alongside the existing specifications, we can now publish the OpenAPI 3.0 spec for REST services, ensuring compatibility with modern APIs.
  • Workflow Wizardry: User task behavior in workflows has become rock-solid, ensuring successful task completion even when the user count is low.
  • Lost in Translation? No More! We’ve expanded error message translations in Mendix Runtime, making it easier to troubleshoot and localize issues.

Fixing the Glitches

In Mendix 10.1.1, Mendix has obliterated the bugs that used to haunt your development journey. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Workflow Harmony: Mendix has enhanced conflict detection during workflow migration, allowing you to continue conflicted tasks when needed.
  2. Visibility Power Restored: The “Visible for page” setting can now be changed from the Properties pane, resolving a known issue.
  3. XPath Brilliance: Issues with incorrect results from data source XPath constraints have been fixed, ensuring data accuracy.
  4. Synchronization Sensation: Problems related to synchronization in offline-first profiles have been tackled, offering better error insights.
  5. Validation Vindication: Validation Assist now generates accurate validation microflows, promoting code quality.
  6. UI and Accessibility Brilliance: Addressed various UI and accessibility issues, creating a smoother user experience.
  7. And Many More! A slew of other issues, from error messages to unexpected behaviors, have been vanquished, making Studio Pro rock-solid and dependable.

Mendix is all about empowering developers to create outstanding applications with ease, and Mendix 10.1 is a testament to that commitment. Stay in the loop with the latest Mendix updates.

Keep an eye out for more thrilling updates from Mendix as they continue to revolutionize low-code development, turning every developer into a superhero of innovation and efficiency!

Mendix 10.2.0: Accelerating Low-Code Development!

Rev up your engines, developers! This update is a game-changer in the world of low-code development. Buckle up as we take a thrilling ride through the performance boosts and feature enhancements that await you in 10.2.

Unleash Lightning-Fast Performance

  1. Open App Dialog Box: The need for speed is met with an optimized Open App dialog box. It now zips through app version numbers, getting you where you want to go in record time.
  2. Say Goodbye to Database Sessions: Mendix Runtime has thrown away the keys to the database kingdom. It now manages sessions internally, ensuring your resources are used efficiently.

Supercharged Features for Your Arsenal

  • OData Actions: Ready to take control? You can now publish and consume OData actions, making microflow publication in OData services a breeze. The new “Call external action” activity opens up endless integration possibilities.
  • OData Service Contract Updates: Keep things fresh! Now, updating your OData service contract is as easy as pie, with options to use a file or URL.
  • Git Magic: Stay in sync with your Git server effortlessly. The periodic background fetching keeps you updated without causing any chaos. Push and pull like a pro.
  • Android 13 Compatibility: The Native Template now caters to Android 13 (API level 33), ensuring you stay in tune with the latest trends on the Google Play Store.
  • Visual Pizzazz: Enjoy a visual feast with improved UI elements, pop-up window layouts that are on-point, and snazzy toggle controls. Property filtering in the Properties pane makes managing properties a breeze.
  • Microflow and Nanoflow Brilliance: Say goodbye to guesswork! Mendix now automatically determines the return type of your microflows and nanoflows based on your expression. It’s like having a co-pilot in your development journey.
  • Multi-User Task Power: Take control of multi-user tasks with the option to wait for all participant responses. No more rushing; you decide when the task is complete.
  • Navigate Anywhere: Your Mendix apps are now road warriors! They can run on nested URL paths, giving you the freedom to choose your path.
  • Logic Bot Supercharger: The MxAssist Logic Bot menu has been souped up for maximum performance, especially in larger apps.
  • Error-Proof Dialogs: No more surprises! Dialog boxes now revert changes and close when an “oops” moment occurs, ensuring your data stays consistent.

Bug Squashing Heroes

Mendix 10.2.0 comes with its team of bug-squashing heroes, ready to vanquish any issues:

  • Object actions? Now calculated to perfection.
  • Log messages? No more spilling over multiple lines.
  • Marketplace widget updates? Now a smooth ride.
  • Hidden custom close actions? No longer playing hide-and-seek.
  • Scientific notation? Fully supported.
  • Non-persistable entities? No longer causing headaches.

Stay Ahead with Mendix 10.2.0

While Mendix 10.2.0 is a game-changer, there are a few bumps on the road, like the Go to dialog box not focusing on shortcuts (but fear not, it’s fixed in 10.3.0).

With Mendix 10.2.0, you’re strapped into the driver’s seat of an app development Ferrari. It’s faster, smarter, and more powerful than ever before.

Mendix 10.3.0: Unleashing Awesomeness in App Development!

Ready for some exciting news? Let’s buckle up and explore the game-changing features and improvements that make this 10.3 release a must-have for every developer.

New Features

Reverse Association Direction: Swipe to Empower!

Imagine having the power to effortlessly flip the direction of an association in your app with a simple right-click. Well, now you can! Say hello to the “Reverse direction” feature that simplifies data modeling and puts you in control.

Java Dependency Management: Brewed to Perfection!

For our Java enthusiasts, managing .jar dependencies per module just got a whole lot easier. Mendix now handles conflicts between modules automatically. No more dependency headaches! Gradle resolves these dependencies, ensuring you always have the latest and greatest.


Performance on Steroids!

We’ve fine-tuned the engine! Experience blazing-fast startup performance in Studio Pro. It’s time to supercharge your development speed.

Microflow Magic: Define Your URL Destiny!

You’re the master of URLs now! Define a URL for your microflows, and watch the magic happen during client startup. It can include object and primitive parameters, and even open specific pages if your microflow commands it.

More Goodies:

  • Simplified OData service updates using Share URLs from the Catalog.
  • Realigned Call external action with contract changes effortlessly.
  • Microflows in OData services can handle System.HttpResponse parameters.
  • Improved UX with resizing dialog boxes.
  • Define microflow decision methods for multi-user tasks.
  • Say goodbye to “current activity removed” conflicts in workflows.
  • Enhancements in handling external enumerations and document naming.


Bug Squashing Galore!

We’ve crushed pesky bugs and made Mendix even more robust. No more hiccups with input field focus, data grid filters, or slow XML imports. Text areas will play nice in Chrome, and microflows will perform like a dream.


Time for an Upgrade!

In the future, starting with Mendix 10.5, PostgreSQL 11 won’t be supported anymore. So, if you’re using it, consider upgrading for a smoother ride.

Breaking Changes

Streamlined Deployment!

We’ve simplified things by removing the “Build Using Gradle” option from Deployment settings. From now on, it’s Gradle all the way for app deployment.

Known Issues

A few quirks still lurk, such as container widgets behaving oddly in Structure mode and versioning conflicts in workflows. Rest assured, our team is on the case!

Mendix 10.3.0 isn’t just an update; it’s a leap forward in app development. With powerful new features, dazzling improvements, and bug fixes, it’s your ticket to creating exceptional applications. Don’t miss out — upgrade now and ride the Mendix wave to development excellence!

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy coding!

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