Cheerleaders Never Win The Game

Me, a jaded old bard? Probably, but I’m correct just the same, “Cheerleaders never win the game” unless the game is pulling the wool over the eyes of the cheerleaders.

Billy Jones
2 min readOct 7, 2021
Photo by Clayton Scelzi on Unsplash

I love cheerleaders. For me the cheerleaders are the best part of the game. As a matter of fact, cheerleaders are the only part of the game I enjoy. But let’s be real, the cheerleaders never carry the ball, never take a turn at bat, and not once has a cheerleader shot the winning hoop. And while it is perfectly acceptable to be a cheerleader, relying on cheerleaders to win the game will only bring failure.

And yet so many are willing to become cheerleaders for the “next big thing” despite the fact that it’s all just BS. Get it?

Sadly too many of you never get it. You rally behind every cause thinking that will solve the problem, but the only problem that is ever solved is, how will the public relations (PR) companies and con men make their next big score.

Me, a jaded old bard? Probably, but I’m correct just the same, “Cheerleaders never win the game” unless the game is pulling the wool over the eyes of the cheerleaders.

Are cheerleaders necessary? Of course cheerleaders are necessary, but actually doing the work is what is most needed. Anyone can stand on the sidelines and shout. Besides, most of you simply haven’t what it takes to be a cheerleader be it reducing the violence in your local schools, reducing dependence of fossil fuels, helping the poor, reducing gentrification, or saving the environment. Yet being a cheerleader is what you try to be.

Why are you always falling for “The Eternal Allure of Bullshit” ? You’re making yourselves look stupid even if you aren’t.

Why do I care? Better yet, why should I care? Even better, why don’t you care? Are you not tired of being hustled, conned, and spat upon by people you’ve never harmed? Aren’t you tired of pitching dreams that will never come true? It doesn’t matter what the game is, the cheerleaders won’t be the ones who win the game. Never happened, never will happen.

It’s the cheerleaders who make it easy for politicians to lie to us by shouting so loudly we can’t hear the whispers of truth. It’s the cheerleaders who always promote the “next big thing” via their ignorance. No matter if the cheerleaders are PR thugs, too good to be true gurus, or the real estate developer getting rich on your tax dollars while promising economic development that will never happen.

Are you just another cheerleader?

Articles, poetry, short stories, and yes, the occasional rant, are made possible by readers like you who send me tips via Ko-Fi and share my works with others. Thank you for your support. -Billy



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at