Operation Enduring Digitarti

Which came first, the chicken or the author?

Billy Jones


Photo by Darius Cotoi on Unsplash

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Today our hero… ah, I mean, birdbrain, lays an egg on a wall. Or something like that.

Entry 1567

“Chickens!” he shouted. “I’ll write about chickens. Better yet, I’ll blog about chickens and before you can say ‘two eggs over easy’ I’ll be making the headlines and selling books by Billy Jones like crazy. After all, people love chickens.”

He dreamed of how the story would go national and how backyard chicken farmers around the world would buy his books. He dreamed of the day when he would be asked to bring his chickens on Oprah, and the mad rush to the bookstores wherever he and his chickens pooped as Operation Enduring Digitarti swept the literary world. The heads of the major publishing houses would be falling at his feet and worshiping him like a god. He dreamed of being nicknamed ‘The Chicken Poet’ and becoming a United States Poet Laureate like Randall Jarrell, aka ‘The Bat Poet’ had done right there in his very hometown all those years before.

It didn’t take long before he and his chickens became the story in the local mainstream daily but while they wrote about his advanced chicken farming techniques and his rebellion against anti-chicken laws, they failed to mention he wrote books. To them he was just another chicken farmer.

“Curses, fouled again!”

Don’t worry, the end is near but you’ll have to read Entry 1593 to find it.



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at http://Wackemall.com