Operation Enduring Digitarti

The worst parody you’ve ever read continues to raise its weary head.

Billy Jones
1 min readApr 10, 2022


Photo by Ryan Byrne on Unsplash

Previously, Entry 547

Today our hero is surfing the waves in lovely… Wait a minute, we all know that’s BS, he can’t swim. And so, from some basement somewhere he writes.

Entry 1455

“I need a fan club,” he spoke aloud. As usual no one could hear him but hearing his own voice made him feel as if someone could hear him. Such was the insanity that had pushed him to begin Operation Enduring Digitarti in the first place. “If I had a fan club then the media would take notice of me. Before long I’d be the best known writer in the world.”

He sat and stared at his computer for the next several hours as if fans might somehow appear on the monitor. None did. Finally he shouts, “Did someone redact that too?”

To be continued in Entry 1461 as soon as he gets his fat ass out of bed.



Billy Jones

I'm just a retired long-haul trucker who exchanged his rig for pen, paper, and keyboard. Read more at http://Wackemall.com