BioCoin and the Green Cryptocurrencies Trend

3 min readFeb 23, 2018


Recently, the magazine WIRED published an article about cryptocurrencies and blockchain at large, titled 2018 will usher in the green cryptocurrency revolution”.

BioCoin’s founders were not surprised — but happy — to read an evidence. More than that: there is no doubt that this trend will continue. Inevitably.

BioCoin at the forefront of this green revolution

This article of Wired describes exactly the process of a project such as BioCoin! Obviously it’s been several months since we explain our vision. We have been doing this for a long time, for example through the LavkaLavka agricultural cooperative’s network.

Our concern to trace the quality of products and to help finance small eco-producers — including local agriculture — has naturally pushed us to create a simpler and faster form of financing. Blockchain technology in this sense is a significant evolution of our century. And will probably dramatically disrupt the future of our operating methods from a management and commercial point of view.

At the same time, the state in which we have rushed the planet does not give us the right to continue running behind an immediate profit solely for the purpose of personal enrichment. With almost 8 billion humans on Earth, the main issue of our survival is also related to how we fit into a virtuous and sustainable pattern.

Among the main issues: energy and land. Land for growing, raising or producing quality locally is becoming increasingly rare. Especially if one looks for a soil exempt from all traces of pesticides … (except in largest lands, as in Russia for exemple where a lot of hectares are free-OGM).

Beyond the year 2018, which must actually sign the actual application of a change in behavior, it is the entire era that must find ecologically acceptable solutions. BioCoin is a tool made to facilitate the development of green activities and to incitate people to have more ecoresponsive behaviour, watching to enterprises which choose more sustainable practices.

The tech solution we have created is based on a marketing tool in the form of a loyalty program via a blockchain. Our token BIO, is therefore a cryptocurrency directly related to the real economy, with the state of mind to provide a financial alternative to the players in the green economy.

Our BioCoin platform will soon completely develop it thanks to the funds raised via our succesful ICO. Besides, this success also underscores investor’s interest in the future of the planet and shows that Wired’s article is well-founded.

Already, many professionals, in Russia as elsewhere in the world, knock on the door of our site to join the project and become a partner of the loyalty program! Their trust which we are discovering day by day, reinforces us after all these months in which we have stood firm. LavkaLavka is known in Russia and our eco-token BioCoin is legally accepted.
We know that thousands of ICOs are created every week, but the BioCoin project is unique because it brings with it a meaning, ethics and a real economic opportunity. Quite simply.

The world is ours! A greener world of course. Business will be all the more at the rendez-vous that they will guarantee a cleaner future.

“Green blockchain” meaning green mining too … (next post will talk about the energy question).




Blockchain-based loyalty platform with its token biocoin (BIO) created to support organic farming & green businesses. Our news, reflexions and thoughts.