You’re an Artist. You Hold the Power to Do What You Want.

In Every Moment, You Are the Arbiter of Your Life

Blake Powell
3 min readJul 10, 2017
Photo by Aziz Acharki via Unsplash

Contrary to popular belief, as an artist, writer, or creative you don’t have to do everything all of the time. Neither do you have to make the most of all the time you have — even if you’re an entrepreneur, you don’t have to hustle every day until your face melts off.

You don’t have to work 16 hour days to be successful in your art.

Hell, you don’t have to work every single day of your life.

You can take time off sometimes. In fact, you’ll probably need to just to relax and recharge the neurons responsible for creativity in your brain.

Here’s a way to flip the concept of hard work on its head: sometimes doing nothing is the best way to make the most of your time.

Sometimes giving the creative brain a break before launching into the next product or book or service is the best thing you can do to maximize your progress. Sometimes giving yourself a break is incredibly liberating.

Sometimes jumping straight from one thing to the other is killing your ability to create. And sometimes it’s not.

You’re the only one who can set that definition for yourself. That’s why being an artist is so fun.

Forget hustle. Forget making the most of your days.

Instead, focus on doing what works for you. Try different things, test the waters and experiment to see what sticks. Listen to others and soak in their knowledge and experience and then develop a strategy to do things your own way.

Don’t buy into the myth that you’re not unique. You are. And you have more power and individuality as an artist than you think.

This is your hill. Once you’ve climbed it, it’s up to you to do with it what you will. You can burn it, stake a claim in it, build a home on it, or use it to rally the troops… or you can sell it, farm it, or do nothing with it. Or you could always allow someone else to decide what to do with it for you.

However, the second you relinquish control for your art is the second it falters. Why not take responsibility for it instead? Why not stake a claim on your art and broadcast it for the rest of the world to see today?

For if it’s not truly yours, then whose is it?

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Blake is an author, writing coach, and coffee lover based in Vancouver, Canada. He helps writers step into their potential and create great art. If you’re struggling to find your voice, you can download a FREE copy of “The Bulletproof Writer’s Handbook” to conquer the blank page today.

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Blake Powell

I’m a writer, dreamer, and lover of ☕ as well as a future Financial Planner. Get tips on writing by downloading my FREE book ->