Open Sourcing SSI Snap for MetaMask

Blockchain Lab:UM
3 min readAug 11, 2022


This is the final part of the blog series SSI using MetaMask Snaps. Make sure to check out all parts:

  1. It’s time to prove your worth in DAO — SSI using MetaMask Snaps, Part 1/3
  2. It’s time to prove your worth in DAO — SSI using MetaMask Snaps, Part 2/3
  3. Open Sourcing SSI Snap for MetaMask

It’s time to prove your worth in DAO — SSI using MetaMask Snaps, Part 3/3

This final article concludes the series “It’s time to prove your worth in DAO — SSI using MetaMask Snaps” and announces the release of SSI Snap alpha.

In the first part, we presented the idea behind SSI Snap, its architecture, and a simple demo platform. In the second part, we provided some examples of practical uses of the SSI Snap. We implemented a Snapshot plugin that enables the use of VPs to vote on proposals.

Everything is being open sourced :)

We are finally open sourcing SSI Snap and releasing the documentation, where you can check how to integrate the exciting world of DIDs and VCs into your dApp. You can find all the links at the end of the article.

Why use SSI Snap?

  • Give access to SSI to millions of existing MetaMask and dApp users
  • Easily integrate DIDs and VCs into your dApp using SSI Snap Connector library
  • Let MetaMask handle the security of cryptographic keys
  • Users themselves can decide which DID method they want to use and where they want their VCs to be stored
  • dApps can easily request VC with a single RPC call — no need to develop extra logic and care about where (which networks) to retrieve VCs from

Since we are big supporters of collaborative open source development, we invite you to join the discussion on our Discord and if you are tech savvy — feel free to create an issue and even contribute with a pull request!

Moving forward

We’ve achieved a lot in the several months, but there are still many things to buidl. There are plenty of planned upgrades for the SSI Snap in the pipeline. Some of the most important features we have yet to implement are additional ways of storing VCs, support for different DID methods, and a configuration page. If you’re interested in the future development of the SSI Snap, please visit our roadmap.

We will continue working on the SSI Snap since we believe it can play a significant role in the never-boring world of web3 and web3. At the moment you can only use SSI Snap with MetaMask Flask, but we’re eagerly waiting for MetaMask to release Snaps and the SSI Snap to officially go live!

SSI Snap links

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Blockchain Lab:UM

A multidisciplinary team of researchers, developers and consultants who develop and evaluate blockchain-based services.