BLOCKv — March Update

Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2018

Exciting stuff is happening here at BLOCKv! We’ve been developing more partnerships, improving our technology, expanding our team, and getting ready to release our platform to the world!

Here’s what happened in the short month of February…

Strategic Partnerships to showcase vAtoms:

DJ SASHA — Behind the Curtain

BLOCKv partnered with DJ Sasha (Grammy nominated artist and one of the top DJs in the world) to create an augmented reality contest. The prize: Access to Sasha’s rehearsal in London and a chance to meet the DJ himself. Read more here.

“It was a very powerful experience to see the emotional reactions of the fans, really showcasing the value this platform can offer brands and artists” says Reeve Collins, CEO of BLOCKv.

The project was so successful that Sasha decided to expand our partnership and create a powerful experience for his upcoming boat party on March 22nd. vAtoms used in this activation bring a whole new level of engagement and we cannot wait to showcase them to the world. Updates on that event coming soon — stay tuned!


BLOCKv is excited to share the work on a new use case: a university engagement tool designed to increase campus involvement through experiential incentives. The iOS application — a live, social game — will reward college students with vAtoms for checking in to the most on-campus events. Built on BLOCKv, these vAtoms provide the unique ability to collect, redeem, or even trade digital gifts with classmates. We will unveil the project and more details in our next update.


BLOCKv helped VIKTRE, the online platform for pro athletes raise over $100,000 dollars to restore power to Puerto Rico. BLOCKv developed the vAtoms that made the distribution of the contest viral via sharing — the more a contributor shared, the more chances their team had to win the contest. Read more here.

“People in Puerto Rico have been living without power for months with no fresh water, hospitals or schools,” explains former Packer and Jaguar NFL great Don Davey, one of the athletes participating. “The VIKTRE Challenge is all about allowing these people to resume their normal lives.”

Development Partnerships: Bancor

BLOCKv entered into a partnership with Bancor Network, the first protocol for autonomously convertible Smart Tokens™, to create a VEEBNT Token Relay that will enable anyone to easily convert VEE to and from ETH online. This is a very important partnership that will allow our developers to purchase VEE and participate in the ecosystem. Read about the benefits of this partnership here.

Developer Portal and Roadmap:

We are excited to report that we are on track with the release of the BLOCKv beta platform and developer portal this month. The portal will provide developers with comprehensive API and SDK reference docs, tutorials, getting started guides, samples, and FAQs. Additionally, the portal will also provide chat and email based support. We are very close so get your engines revving! For updates, please sign up on our developer page.

Event Participation

We continue to build relationships with the developer communities around the world and participate in conferences, events, and meetups. Here are a few of the events we participated in over the past month:

PHX Startup Week

The Arizona event was attended by several hundred crypto enthusiasts, investors, entrepreneurs and newbies. A full blockchain day was included in Startup Week as an initial step by local entrepreneurs and investors to build a crypto hub in the desert. BLOCKv took the stage to share the company’s vision and encourage attendees to participate in the blockchain 3.0 movement by creating vAtoms and starting businesses on top of the BLOCKv platform.

D10e Conference

BLOCKv’s CEO Reeve Collins attended the conference and shared the history of development of the BLOCKv platform and the blockchain industry at large.

Upcoming events
Puerto Crypto
San Juan, PR
March 14–16
BLOCKv CEO, Reeve Collins, will be speaking along with many BLOCKv advisors.

San Juan, PR
March 17–19
BLOCKv will be attending the conference to continue spreading the excitement of the BLOCKv platform.

Stay Tuned!

Next few weeks are key for BLOCKv. Not only will we release our platform and reach our Q1 milestone, but we will also reveal more about the partnerships and projects results, expansion of our team and more! Please follow our blog to get updates on all our progress.

Thank you for your continued support!

Work with BLOCKv

Want to work with BLOCKv? We are always looking for talented marketers, project managers, developers, and organizational leaders. If you’re interested in working with us or know someone that might be a good fit, please contact us at

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BLOCKv enables the creation and distribution of #smartNFTs, generating one-to-one experiences and creating new levels of human engagement. Powered by #VEE.