VEE is Alive! Token Distribution Complete

3 min readNov 23, 2017


We are excited to announce that VEE tokens were distributed on November 23rd, 2017 as communicated. We appreciate your support and the trust you’ve put in the BLOCKv team.

The BLOCKv smart contract source code was published on our Github and audited by ChainSecurity, Ltd. (Audit report) The audit report can be found on our github contract repo as well.

As we celebrate a successful token generation event and the distribution of VEE, we understand it is only a small step towards reaching our goal of ushering in blockchain’s interface moment. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about partnerships, development and our involvement in industry events.

Get involved and stay up to date on BLOCKv by joining us on Telegram, Facebook, Twitter and Medium.

ERC-20 compatible wallet instructions to view the BLOCKv Token

For many wallets, the BLOCKv Token will appear automatically. If this does not occur, you will need to add the token manually to your wallet. Each wallet should have a well-documented process for this. For most major wallets, instructions can be found below. For any not listed, we recommend reviewing the wallet provider’s official documentation.

Basic information about VEE:

Contract address: 0x340D2bdE5Eb28c1eed91B2f790723E3B160613B7
Token name: BLOCKv Token
Token symbol: VEE
Decimals: 18


  1. In a new tab, navigate to the “Send Ether & Tokens
  2. Unlock your wallet
  3. Under “Token Balances”, select the option to “Add Custom Token”
  4. Enter the BLOCKv Token contract address in the “Address” field (0x340D2bdE5Eb28c1eed91B2f790723E3B160613B7)
  5. Enter “ VEE” in the “Token Symbol” field
  6. Enter “18” in the “Decimals” field
  7. Click “Save”

Log in to Ethereum Wallet/Mist

  1. Open the “Contracts” tab and click “Watch Token”. The “Add token window” will then pop up.
  2. Enter “0x340D2bdE5Eb28c1eed91B2f790723E3B160613B7” into the “Token Contract Address” field.
  3. Add the following details:
    Token name: BLOCKv Token
    Token Symbol: VEE
    Decimal places: 18

We expect that imToken will shortly add VEE to its list of supported tokens. At that time, your tokens should appear in your wallet automatically. In the meantime, you can export your wallet seed and add it to MyEtherWallet to view your tokens.

To export your wallet seed and add it to MyEtherWallet, follow these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “Mnemonic Phrase” and type in the 12 word seed you got when you created your imToken wallet
  3. After you do this, you will be able to access your imToken wallet, together with your VEE, via MyEtherWallet
  4. Click “Add Custom Token” and fill in the following details:
    Address: 0x340D2bdE5Eb28c1eed91B2f790723E3B160613B7
    Token Symbol: VEE
    Decimals: 18

You will need to manually add your VEE to your Parity wallet. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab and tick the “Contracts” box
  2. Open your main wallet screen
  3. Click on “Contracts,” then click on “Watch contracts”
  4. Once the pop-up appears, select “Token — A standard ERC20 token”
  5. Add the following details:
    Contract name: BLOCKv Token
    Contract address: 0x340D2bdE5Eb28c1eed91B2f790723E3B160613B7
    Contract ABI: should be added automatically

For information about how to manage VEE tokens with MetaMask, please see their FAQ section on managing tokens.

Hint when using hardware wallets (like “Ledger nano S” or others):
Please make sure you set “Contract Data” to “Yes”/”On” in the Ethereum Settings of your hardware ledger, otherwise you might not be able to generate a transaction (e. g. for transferring VEE).

Note for transferring VEE (independent of Wallet being used):
Please note that the gas price for transferring VEEs (as any other ERC20 token) might be higher than when transferring ETH, which means that in several cases the default settings for gas provided by some Wallets (often 21,000) might be too low. Hence, we recommend a setting of 90,000 (ninety thousand), which should have you covered for most cases (amount of tokens to be transferred, network conditions) in case you encounter problems when trying to make a transfer (e. g. “…gas too low…”).




BLOCKv enables the creation and distribution of #smartNFTs, generating one-to-one experiences and creating new levels of human engagement. Powered by #VEE.