How to participate in Blok ICO using MetaMask

5 min readApr 9, 2018


To participate in the distribution of BLO tokens, you must send Ethers (ETH) to the Token Sale smart contract address. This process requires an ERC-20 compatible wallet.

We recommend using MyEtherWallet or MetaMask to buy BLO tokens. This document will explain the steps to send your ETH to Blok’s Smart Contract address.

If you need help installing MetaMask on your computer, please refer to creating an MetaMask wallet here.

If you are participating with more than 15 Ether in Blok ICO.

KYC is required if you are participating in Blok’s ICO with more than 15 ETH. The KYC requires the following documents:

  1. Scanned image/scan of a passport, drivers license or national ID.
  2. Your photo.

Follow the KYC instructions here.

If you are participating with equal to or less than 15 Ether in Blok ICO.

Send your ETH to the below address. 1 ETH = 5700 BLO


Please note the below important points before you proceed further:

  • For every ETH you invest, you will receive 5700 BLO tokens.
  • You will be granted your BLO tokens immediately.
  • They will be available for transfer at the end of ICO i.e 10-May, or when all tokens have been sold out.
  • Minimum contribution is 0.1 ETH
  • Any ETH contribution sent after the sale of all tokens will be refunded back to your own wallet automatically.

Step 1: Open Metamask

Click on the fox-like icon on the right top of your browser window.

A pop up window of Metamask should appear, similar to below

Step 2: Initiate the fund transfer

Once you have funded your metamask wallet address with the desired amount of Ethers, please click on the Send button.

It will take you to following screen, where you will enter Blok’s Smart contract address and the Ether amount you want to invest.

Enter Blok’s smart contract address 0x4863e8c8bd928bd1cf85eea784736e35c2f48a6a

Enter how much Ether you want contribute. (1 ETH = 5700 BLO)

Below is the image to demonstrate how it would look like:

Click ‘Next’ to continue.

On this screen, Metamask allows you to configure the “Gas Limit” in UNITS and “Gas Price” in GWEI.

We recommend to choose 180,000 as the “Gas Limit”. It’s safer to opt for higher Gas limit since unused gas is refunded in your wallet. In case you choose very low value and your transaction is not able to reach, that gas will go wasted completely.

As for GWEI, since the network load is very volatile, we recommend checking with at the time of transaction. Higher GWEI price will increase the probability of your transaction to be picked up early by the miners, but will cost you more at the same time.

When you are happy with the values above, click “Submit” to trigger the transaction.

Tracking your funds to Blok.

We don’t want you to be sitting in the dark. In this section of the document, we shall explain the quick and easy way you can keep yourself updated on the progress of your contribution.

Once you have submitted the transaction, Metamask will provide a transaction ID (also called Txhash). To track the progress of your transaction, please browse to the below website:

The transaction ID (Txhash) will look something like this.


Please note this is a sample Txhash and your actual value will be different and unique for every transaction you make.

Enter the Txhash in the empty field at Right top corner of your browser, and click Go.

The next window will show you the current status of your transaction.

If the “TxReceipt Status” is Pending, it means it is still in Progress.

If the “TxReceipt Status” is Success, it means your Ether contribution has reached the destination (Blok smart contract address in this case).

“Block Height” will display the number of miner confirmations your transaction has received. This number usually grows with time.

Setting up your wallet to view BLO tokens.

BLO ICO contributions will be instantly distributed to your wallet. You must make sure to set up the wallet correctly to see your BLO.

Open Metamask and click “add token”

In the next window that would have appeared, add the following details:

  1. In the “Token Contract Address” field, add the Blok wallet address 0x8426d0dc03335d4a391bf4cf7fe546ff89549de4
  2. In the “Token Symbol” field, mention BLO
  3. In the “Decimals of Precision” field, mention 18

Click ‘Add’ at the bottom.

Now you are all setup to view your BLO tokens in your Metamask wallet.

Thank you for participating in the Blok ICO. We are excited to welcome to you the community of Blokpreneurs.








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Accordingly, we will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information. Any arrangements between you and any third party contacted via the Blok are at your sole risk.



Blok — Revolutionizing the global gig economy by introducing blockchain into the on-demand workforce