Mind & Master Your Energy

Especially If You Are An Empath

Blue Savira
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Black and white image of power energy lines representing the flow and vitality of energy, symbolizing concepts of mindfulness, self-empowerment, and energy awareness that are very important from empaths.
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The Empath’s Challange

In our everyday lives, we often overlook that everything is energy, constantly interacting and flowing from the people we encounter to the places we go. Once we become aware of this, it completely transforms our life experience. This awareness is particularly essential for empaths because their heightened sensitivity to energy can significantly impact their well-being.

But what if we could learn to navigate this sensitivity and reclaim our power?

Empaths are individuals with a high level of sensitivity who can tap into the emotions and energies of those around them. This can be a wonderful gift, but if not managed effectively, it can become overwhelming. A common struggle for empaths is absorbing energy without realizing it. Feeling and relating are natural dynamics that can happen automatically, leaving them confused and unsettled. They may experience a sudden shift in mood or energy without understanding the cause.
Healthy boundaries are crucial.

The Importance of Boundaries & Mindfulness

Being an empath myself, I’ve learned this the hard way. Recently, I have made significant strides in establishing and upholding healthy boundaries to protect my energy and peace. For example, I am learning to say no and have become more selective about the people I spend time with and the media I consume. (what I read, watch, and listen to.)

Yet, recently, I discovered that it is not enough.
One common struggle for empaths is distinguishing between their feelings and those they pick up from others, leading to confusion and emotional overload. To manage and protect ourselves, we need to actively practice discernment through awareness and mindfulness when it comes to external energies (whether from people, places, or situations).

A few weeks ago, I suddenly felt agitated and restless for no apparent reason. It took me a moment to realize that I was still carrying the energy of a close friend who confided in me about the difficult time he was going through. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh at myself when I finally recognized this, thinking, “When will you learn?”.

Master the Energy

This experience has been valuable for me. It has highlighted the importance of continuously improving my energy management ability, even when I thought I was already skilled in this area. It has also emphasized the significance of being in tune with my vulnerability and emotions, as this allows me to better understand others. I realized I need to be more mindful and cautious when sharing strong connections with people and in certain situations.

The good news is that just as we allow external energy to “come in,” we can also detach from it with simple willpower. Acknowledging others’ energies is the first healthy step to detaching and restoring our energy. In my recent experience, I took additional measures by cleansing my home and myself with sage, salt, incense, and mantras, which instantly helped me release external energies and restore my harmony.

Empowering Empath Strategies

As empaths, these experiences are invaluable opportunities to refine and strengthen our boundaries, safeguarding our inner peace and energy.
They remind us of mindfulness and self-awareness’s vital roles, helping us distinguish between our emotions and those we absorb from others. Instead of passively absorbing external energies and sometimes feeling like victims of circumstance, we can actively choose how to engage with them.

This proactive approach empowers us to reclaim our personal power, deepening our understanding of both ourselves and others. By consciously managing and preserving our well-being, we transform challenges into pathways for growth and self-empowerment. This journey not only builds resilience but also equips us to navigate life’s complexities with authenticity and grace.

Embracing the Empath’s Journey

As empaths, we navigate a unique path of sensitivity and insight, where understanding energy becomes pivotal to our well-being.
From learning to set boundaries that safeguard our inner peace to practicing mindfulness that enhances our self-awareness, each experience offers us profound opportunities for growth and empowerment.

Being an empath is not just about feeling deeply — it’s about harnessing that sensitivity as a source of strength.
By consciously managing the energies we encounter, we reclaim our power to shape our experiences and interactions. This proactive approach not only preserves our vitality but also fosters deeper connections with ourselves and others.

As we continue on our journey, let’s prioritize self-compassion and authenticity. Let’s embrace our emotions without judgment and honor the boundaries that protect our energy. Each step we take towards self-mastery reaffirms our ability to thrive as empaths in a world that benefits from our unique gifts.

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Thank you for reading this article and for any claps you may give.
I greatly appreciate your engagement!

Until our paths cross again,
Blue Savira



Blue Savira
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

I write for myself, to myself. I not claiming to teach but to connect with others on a journey of self-reflection and discovery