Medium Logo Concept

Bence Bogár
3 min readOct 9, 2015

These are my three steps how I embraced the new Medium logo.

Before I tell my story you should know these facts:

  • I believe in the mission of Medium.
  • I love the product. I use it everyday.
  • I put the app icon on my main screen.

1. Deny

Alarm clock. Red slippers. Filter coffee.

App Store. Updates. Update all.

And then a silent wtf!?

That was my first opinion about the new Medium logo.

2. Do

I have different methods how I embrace the continuous change in my life for example sunrise meditation, daily design and sunset running.

It is always good to remember myself that I became a designer because this is the way how I can solve a problem or convert into an opportunity.

So I rescheduled my meetings, tasks and I gave myself 5 hours:

  • 2 hours Moleskine
  • 2 hours Sketch
  • 1 hour Medium

The colors and the typeface of the new logo made me satisfied so I do not deal with them.

I just concentrate to the shape and I create three levels of meaning from concrete to abstract.

M-character, pen and book

First level:

  • M-character – symbol of Medium

Second level:

  • pen – symbol of writing
  • book – symbol of reading
origami, bird and hourglass

Third level:

  • origami – symbol of changing
  • bird – symbol of spreading
  • hourglass – symbol of timing

Final version.

Medium logo concept

App icons.

watchOS, iOS and Android

What do you think about it?

3. Accept

I pushed the publish button, make another cup of coffee and read some of my bookmarks.

What a beautiful day, thank you Medium! :)


Mobile, IOT & AI Designer
Twitter, Medium and Dribbble.
Ping me! I’d love to hear from you.

Collaborate with great teams like Makery.
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Here you can read more about my latest design projects:
Apple Watch App Icon Concept and Product Hunt Logo Concept.

