Product Hunt Logo Concept

Bence Bogár
Design + Sketch
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2015


Let’s celebrate together the Product Hunt 3.0 for iOS! 😻

I really love how and what Ryan Hoover and the Product Hunt team has been building.

I have only one tiny problem and this is the logo. It always reminds me to a parking lot sign.

I could not sleep last night so I decided to make a damn good coffee and design my own version. I gave myself 5 hours:

  • 2 hours Moleskine
  • 2 hours Sketch
  • 1 hour Medium

I createted two levels of meaning.

Concrete level:

  • P-character – symbol of Product
  • target – symbol of Hunt
P-character, target, super hero

Abstract level:

  • super hero – P-character and target

Final version.

Product Hunt logo concept

App icons.

watchOS, iOS and Android

What do you think about it?

It is 3 p.m. I am bit tired and really happy of course. I hope I will sleep well tonight.

Have a beautiful dream!


Mobile, IOT & AI Designer
Twitter, Medium and Dribbble.
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Here you can read more about my latest design projects:
Apple Watch App Icon Concept and Medium Logo Concept.

