Quantum Computing Essentials: The Bloch Sphere and Quantum States Explained

Sebastian Bochoniuk
9 min readSep 26, 2023


Bloch sphere abstract representation

In the realm of quantum computing, the Bloch sphere and quantum states often appear daunting. This article simplifies these concepts, providing practical insights. We explore the Bloch sphere, decode quantum states, and illustrate how altering a qubit’s state impacts quantum circuits. Our aim is to empower your understanding of qubits, offering fundamental knowledge for quantum computing.

In our previous exploration, “Decoding Quantum Computing: Unveiling the Quantum vs. Classical Difference”, we uncovered the fundamental distinctions that set quantum computing apart from classical computing. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend doing so, as it provides valuable context for our current journey. Now, as we dive into the core principles of quantum computing, our focus shifts to the Bloch Sphere and Quantum States. These fundamental concepts serve as the bedrock of quantum computation, providing a visual framework for understanding the intriguing behavior of quantum bits. Mastering these fundamentals is essential as we prepare to explore gates and construct our first “hello world” quantum circuit.

The Bloch Sphere

The Bloch Sphere is a fundamental visual representation tool in quantum computing. It’s akin to a 3D map that allows us to conceptualize and manipulate the quantum states of qubits.

At first glance, the idea of needing a sphere to comprehend the state of a qubit might appear intimidating, leading to the belief that it could be overly complex. However, in reality, it’s no different from our familiarity with an XY plane, which we use to visualize two-dimensional coordinates, or an XYZ spatial cube, which aids us in grasping three-dimensional space. Just as these visual aids simplify our understanding of conventional geometrical concepts, the Bloch Sphere serves as a powerful tool for demystifying the intricate realm of quantum states.

Image 1. The Bloch Sphere

Let’s start with a very simple approach, picture it as a sphere where the North Pole represents the state |0⟩ (bit value 0), and the South Pole represents the state |1⟩ (bit value 1). The equator then represents a superposition of these states, where qubits can exist in any combination of |0⟩ and |1⟩. So far pretty straightforward right?

“In quantum computing, |0⟩ is often called ‘ket zero’ or simply ‘ket 0,’ while |1⟩ is ‘ket one.’ This notation, part of Dirac notation, represents qubit states, with |0⟩ corresponding to classical bit 0 and |1⟩ to classical bit 1.”

For those seasoned in programming, manipulating vectors in three-dimensional cubic spaces is second nature. It involves translating objects along the X, Y, and Z axes to achieve desired spatial transformations — an intuitive process where altering values corresponds to shifting an object’s position. However, when transitioning to the quantum realm, a paradigm shift awaits.

In the Bloch Sphere, the familiar cubic world gives way to a spherical space. Here, the values once associated with translations now take on a new role, signifying rotations along different axes, That is why in the image you can see angles associated with the axes, θ (Theta), associated with rotations around the X-axis and ϕ (Phi), associated with rotations around the Y-axis.

This shift, while seemingly subtle, is profoundly significant. In the Bloch Sphere, changing these values doesn’t result in spatial movement; instead, it orchestrates rotations within the quantum state itself, the state vector. Initially, this change in perspective may lead to some confusion. However, as you become acclimated to this spherical mindset, you’ll gain the ability to manipulate quantum information in new and exciting ways.

Before we dive deeper into each of the axes in the Bloch Sphere, let’s take a moment to solidify these new concepts. We’ve established that the sphere serves as a visual aid to understand the qubit’s state, with the North Pole representing |0⟩, the South Pole representing |1⟩, and any point around the equator signifying an intermediate or superposition state. When we manipulate each axis through rotation, we effectively alter the qubit’s state.

Now, the real excitement begins as we delve into how each of these axes influences the qubit’s state vector and what this implies for the behavior and capabilities of the qubit. Understanding these dynamic interactions will unlock the true power and potential of quantum computing.

The X-Axis

The X-axis in the Bloch sphere represents the basis states |0⟩ and |1⟩ of a qubit. A qubit on the positive X-axis (North) is in the state |0⟩, while a qubit on the negative X-axis (South) is in the state |1⟩. It’s like a classical bit with two distinct values.

The rotation around the X-axis modifies the probability amplitudes of the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states. As you increase θ from 0 to 180 degrees, the probability of measuring |0⟩ and |1⟩ transitions smoothly. At θ = 0, the qubit is in the |0⟩ state, and at θ = 180 degrees, it’s in the |1⟩ state. Any θ value in between creates a superposition state, meaning the qubit has both |0⟩ and |1⟩ components, with their probabilities determined by the specific θ value.

Let’s see a clear and practical example, at θ = 90 degrees, the qubit is in a perfect superposition (|0⟩ + |1⟩) / √2, meaning it has an equal probability of collapsing to either |0⟩ or |1⟩ when measured.

“Don’t get scared by the notation (|0⟩ + |1⟩) / √2. It’s a standardised way to represent a balanced superposition of |0⟩ and |1⟩ states in quantum mechanics. The (√2) in the denominator ensures that the total probability of all possible outcomes (|0⟩ and |1⟩) adds up to 1, a fundamental rule in quantum physics. Alternatively, you might encounter expressions like (√0.5 |0⟩ + √0.5 |1⟩) or (√0.7 |0⟩ + √0.3 |1⟩), indicating different probability distributions like 50% / 50% or 70% / 30%.”

If you imagine the Bloch sphere, when you rotate around the X-axis, you’re changing your position along the surface of the sphere by altering the theta angle (θ) while keeping the phi angle (ϕ) constant. This visualization helps in understanding how X-axis rotations affect qubit states geometrically.

The Y-Axis

The Y-axis introduces the concept of superposition, where a qubit can simultaneously exist in |0⟩ and |1⟩ states. What sets this axis apart is its role in introducing the concept of ‘Relative Phase.’ Positioned on the positive Y-axis, a qubit embodies a superposition state with a positive probability amplitude for |0⟩ and a negative probability amplitude for |1⟩. Conversely, on the negative Y-axis, the qubit exists in superposition, but with a negative probability amplitude for |0⟩ and a positive probability amplitude for |1⟩. ‘Relative Phase’ represents an additional property of the qubit state, influencing its interactions when combined with other qubits or subjected to operations.

Rotations around the Y-axis on the Bloch sphere directly alter the phi (ϕ) angle, inducing phase shifts in the qubit’s state. Unlike X-axis rotations, which primarily impact probability amplitudes, Y-axis rotations reshape the phase relationships between the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states, especially when the qubit is in superposition.

This Y-axis rotation plays a pivotal role in creating Interference Effects and Complex Quantum States, at the core of quantum computing’s exceptional ability to perform specific calculations exponentially faster than classical counterparts.

When you rotate around the Y-axis on the Bloch sphere, you are shifting your position along the surface of the sphere by adjusting the phi angle (ϕ) while keeping the theta angle (θ) constant. This visualization provides insights into how Y-axis rotations influence qubit states geometrically.”

Stepping Back: A Quick Recap for Clarity

Before we delve into the Z-axis, let’s take a moment to recap our journey so far. The X-axis and Y-axis may have initially seemed somewhat similar, potentially causing some confusion. However, there’s a crucial distinction between them that might take time to be apparent.

Let’s review them with a more practical approach. Consider a single, isolated qubit: when we rotate it around the X-axis, we straightforwardly alter the probabilities of measuring |0⟩ or |1⟩. But what about rotations around the Y-axis? Surprisingly, when we measure the qubit, they don’t have a noticeable effect on the qubit’s state in isolation; it’s as if we’re simply rotating around the X-axis. The significance of Y-axis rotations becomes evident when qubits interact with others, leading to phenomena like interference effects or entanglement.

Having established the significance of qubit interactions, let’s explore this concept further in the context of entangled qubits. When two qubits are entangled, their states become interconnected, giving rise to interference effects. In such scenarios, rotations around the X-axis behave predictably, altering the probabilities of measuring |0⟩ or |1⟩.

However, the Y-axis rotation takes on a unique role regarding the measured outcomes. It introduces a phase shift within the probability distribution defined by the X-axis, without altering its boundaries. To illustrate this, consider an entangled qubit initially positioned at 70 degrees on the X-axis. This means it has a higher probability of measuring |0⟩ (67%) than |1⟩ (33%).

Now, if we manipulate the phase shift using the Y-axis, we navigate within this probability space without changing its limits. For instance, setting the Y-axis to 180 degrees results in an inversion of probabilities, yielding 33% for |0⟩ and 67% for |1⟩. At 90 degrees on the Y-axis, we achieve a balanced 50% probability for both |0⟩ and |1⟩. The fascinating part is that all intermediate Y-axis angles create unique phase shifts while the probabilities determined by the X-axis remain constant.

In essence, the Y-axis rotation introduces nuanced variations within the probability distribution defined by the X-axis, offering a powerful tool for quantum manipulation within an entangled qubit system.

The Z-Axis

The Z-axis in quantum computing represents the global phase. However, global phases don’t directly affect what we measure in quantum computations. When we measure a quantum state, we’re mainly interested in how different parts of it relate to each other, not the overall global phase.

For instance, if you have two qubits with the same X-axis and Y-axis values but different Z-axis (global phase) values, they’ll produce the same measurement outcomes. Rotating them around the Z-axis won’t change what we measure.

But despite not directly affecting measurements, global phases are essential for maintaining the consistency and completeness of quantum theory. They’re like a background element that helps ensure quantum algorithms and gates align with the principles of quantum mechanics.

In summary, global phases are important for the theoretical underpinnings of quantum mechanics, even though they don’t change what we observe in quantum measurements.


In summary, the Bloch sphere offers a tangible representation of a qubit’s quantum state, providing insight into how it can be manipulated and measured within the realm of quantum computing. By exploring its three axes — the X-axis for state alteration, the Y-axis for relative phase or interference control, and the Z-axis for global phase — we gain a profound understanding of qubit behavior.

With a solid grasp of the Bloch sphere and its fundamental axes, we can now embark on a more accessible exploration of quantum gates and their practical applications within quantum circuits. Armed with this knowledge, we are well-equipped to delve into the intricate world of quantum computing and harness the power of qubits to create innovative and transformative quantum algorithms and simulations. Whether you’re a seasoned quantum enthusiast or just taking your first steps into this quantum realm, this foundational understanding of the Bloch sphere will serve as your compass, guiding you toward the creation of your very own quantum circuits and the realization of quantum computing’s immense potential.

Thank You

Thank you for reading! If you found this article helpful and want more insights into the world of quantum computing, please consider following me and leaving a comment. Stay tuned for the next article where we’ll dive into creating your first “hello world” quantum circuit. Your feedback and support will make this journey even more exciting!

Image 1. Smite-Meister, Bloch sphere. (2023, August 5). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloch_sphere



Sebastian Bochoniuk

With over 8 years in electronic design and 18 years crafting high-performance systems, data, and AI, I lead digital transformation and tech innovation.