Archives 005-What Can I Do Best?

Botife Adu
2 min readSep 4, 2022


If you can at the tiniest bit relate to uncertainty, then you should read this. I am so grateful that I went through this phase and that I now know better. I hope that as we progress in this Archives series, you come to see how I’ve truly grown; afterall that’s the reason I am on this space, sharing me(a.k.a my thoughts, perceptions and view of life) and my progress with you. I still ask myself this question but I now do it with a more informed mind.

Photo by Daniel Mingook Kim on Unsplash

What Can I Do Best?

“What can I do best?” a question that I have come to start asking myself, a question that has almost become bothersome because I do not seem to have answers to it.

Almost everyone I know is good at something.

What am I good at?

What is that something that I can teach people? Is it a vocation? Is it skills, what can it be?

Funny how that thing I am good at is looking at me in the eye but somehow my eyes are closed to it.

It’s definitely very close to my heart, I’m almost sure it would be something I love doing but I cannot seem to recognize this uniqueness.

Well, only one way to know, I go to Him that created the uniqueness in me and even created me.

He knows best what I do not know about myself.

He is going to tell me. And yes I am going to ask Him about it.

What can I do best?

A question that is not willing to leave my heart until I find the answer to it.

Maybe it is a skill, or talent or gift or even hobby that I need to develop; but how do I develop something I am yet to recognize.

Only if the eyes of my understanding are enlightened on this matter. Holy Spirit reveal myself to me!

God did answer me.

