12 Days of BONKmas — Festive BONKmas Activities

9 min readDec 10, 2023


This document will serve as an accompaniment to both the FAQ and the Public Long Form Medium Article, aiming to provide all necessary details to the Nice List requirements.

Activities Introduction

Welcome to the BONKmas Activities Guide! This document aims to serve as a supplementary article to the main BONKmas introduction and overview.

For those of you who do not yet know what BONKmas is, make sure to head over to the following article to learn more before revisiting this page!

The 12 Days of BONKmas: One Year Anniversary Celebration

12 Days of BONKmas FAQ

Nice List — Highlighted Activities

As mentioned in the parent document above, each day of BONKmas, following the initial day of BONKmas when users can first start creating their Nice List Profiles, there will be a number of social media posts highlighting the special BONKmas activities. These activities are designed to put a spotlight on key products and partnerships within the BONK Ecosystem. A diverse range of apps from DeFi to gaming and art has been selected to showcase how deep the social layer and utility of the BONK ecosystem has become over the last year. Lets explore these activities in more depth below:

Silicon Valley BONK (SVB)

Product Description:

Silicon Valley BONK (SVB) offers a unique gaming experience, blending strategy with a dash of chance. In this game, timing is everything. Players purchase keys, each carrying the potential to unlock grand rewards. The intriguing twist? The last key purchased before time runs out wins the game. This mechanic keeps players on their toes, as the game’s clock resets in the final moments, adding to the suspense. SVB represents a blend of strategic play and the thrill of anticipation, wrapped in a user-friendly format. It’s a game where every decision counts, and the final minute can turn the tables, offering an engaging and rewarding experience for everyone involved.

Special Activity:

For BONKmas, SVB presents its 100th game, marking the finale of its first season. This special Christmas-themed game offers an enticing twist:

  • Reduced Key Price: Keys will be available for 420k $BONK, down from 6.9M.
  • Enhanced Initial Pot: The game will commence with a substantial starting pot of 4 Billion $BONK.
  • Festive Theme: The website and game interface will be adorned with Christmas decorations.

Participants can check off this activity on their Nice List by playing this unique, festive version of SVB through the purchase of at least one key, or by having purchased a key from any prior game! It’s an opportunity not just to celebrate the holiday season but also to potentially reap significant rewards in this special edition of the game.


Product Description:

BONKbot revolutionizes the trading experience by integrating the power of Jupiter routing into the familiar environment of Telegram. This innovative tool transforms how users buy, sell, and manage trades, offering unparalleled speed and convenience. With BONKbot, the world of trading is at your fingertips, accessible directly within Telegram, a platform many already use daily.

Key Features:

  • Trade a Variety of SPL Tokens: BONKbot supports a wide range of SPL tokens, including Token2022, ensuring users have access to a diverse trading portfolio.
  • Optimized Routing: Trades are routed optimally, powered by the advanced technology of Jupiter.
  • Instant Trading: Users can swiftly trade new Raydium Pools and engage in Auto Buy with contracts.
  • Developer-Friendly: Creating Telegram Deeplinks for instant trading is a breeze, enhancing accessibility for new users in any chat.
  • Ecosystem Support: All fees generated by BONKbot are funneled back into the $BONK ecosystem, reinforcing its growth and stability.
  • Democratized Trading Fees: The Referral Program allows users to earn from their participation, making trading not just a personal venture but also a community-building activity.

Activity Description:

For those looking to tick off the BONKbot activation on their Nice List, there’s no special event required. Simply deposit 1 SOL into BONKbot and make your first trade. If you’ve already completed this step in the past, you’re all set! This activity is about getting hands-on with BONKbot, experiencing its seamless trading process, and contributing to the $BONK ecosystem. It’s an opportunity to delve into the world of digital trading with ease, leveraging the efficient and user-friendly interface of BONKbot.


Product Description:

BonkSwap, launched in April 2023, stands as an essential component of the $BONK Ecosystem, operating as an independently owned Automated Market Maker (AMM) decentralized exchange. Its primary focus is to facilitate efficient and secure token swaps within the ecosystem.

Key Features:

  • Versatile Functionality: Initially offering simple functions, BonkSwap has expanded its capabilities, including a partnership with Hxro Network for the “BonkOrBust” game.
  • Technology and TVL: Utilizing Gobi Labs’ AMM software, BonkSwap boasts a Total Value Locked (TVL) of over $1 million, particularly in BONK/USDC and BONK/SOL pairs.
  • AMM Model: BonkSwap employs a “constant product” AMM model, distinct from the Concentrated Liquidity AMM used by platforms like Orca.
  • Core Services: These include direct token swaps, liquidity provision, esBONK staking, a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) feature for $BONK, and the BonkOrBust game.
  • Fee Structure: BonkSwap’s fees are distributed to support liquidity providers, reward programs, operational expenses, and development partners.

Activity Description:

To mark off BonkSwap on your Nice List, engage in one of the following activities:

  • Swap Tokens: Complete a token swap directly on the BonkSwap site.
  • DeFi Routing: Have an order routed through BonkSwap using another DeFi protocol.
  • Pool Participation: Deposit tokens into BonkSwap pools.
  • DCA Utilization: Use the DCA feature for $BONK.

These activities not only offer you a chance to experience BonkSwap’s diverse functionalities but also contribute to the broader $BONK ecosystem. Whether you’re a first-time user or a seasoned participant, each interaction with BonkSwap during BONKmas brings you closer to completing your Nice List in a meaningful way.

Solana Saga and BONK dApp

Product Description:

The Solana Saga, a smartphone exclusively designed for the Solana ecosystem, marked a significant milestone in the fusion of blockchain technology with everyday devices. Among the first wave of native applications available on this innovative platform is the BONK dApp. This application acts as a central hub for all of BONK’s most popular features and functions, offering Saga users a seamless and integrated experience. The launch of the BONK dApp on Solana Saga was met with enthusiasm, as users were greeted with a bonus reward of free $BONK upon downloading, further incentivizing engagement within the Solana ecosystem.

Activity Description:

To check off the Solana Saga and BONK dApp activity on your Nice List, users need to either claim their free $BONK if they haven’t done so already or go ahead and claim it during BONKmas. This simple action not only enriches the user experience on the Solana Saga but also integrates them further into the vibrant and growing BONK community. Claiming this reward is a testament to being an early adopter of the BONK dApp on the Saga, demonstrating active participation and support for the evolving Solana ecosystem.

Exchange Art

Product Description:

Exchange Art is a leading digital art marketplace on the Solana network, enabling artists and collectors to seamlessly trade artworks using $BONK. This platform supports both unique one-off pieces and limited editions, fostering a dynamic community of creators and enthusiasts. Exchange Art not only facilitates transactions but also champions the artists who add vibrancy and diversity to the digital art scene.

Activity Description:

To mark your participation in BONKmas, simply buy or sell art on Exchange Art using $BONK. This activity immerses you in the digital art world, allowing you to either enrich your collection or share your artistic creations. Engaging with Exchange Art is a meaningful way to support the Solana art community and a direct path to completing your Nice List task.


Product Description:

MixMob: Racer 1, set in a cyberpunk world, catapults players into the exhilarating underground scene of robot racing, a sport that’s not just about speed but also strategic depth. This game is where the thrilling realms of racing and card strategy collide, akin to blending the dynamics of Mario Kart with the intricacies of Hearthstone, all within a crypto framework.

Players engage in intense 3-minute battles, racing and strategizing with their MixBots — customizable, breedable robots. Each arena, ranging from Rookie to Degen levels, offers unique challenges and opportunities to win crypto.

Key features include:

  • Training and Breeding: Develop your MixBots to enhance their performance.
  • Races and Power-ups: Compete in various arenas and tailor your MixBots with strategic attributes and card decks.
  • Wagering and Watching: Place bets on races and watch other competitors battle it out.
  • Customization: Use the MixLab to create and upgrade assets, adding a personal touch to your MixBots.
  • Live Tournaments: Participate in events and win prizes across various categories.
  • Cross-Platform Play: Engage with the game on desktop, iOS, and Android, ensuring a versatile gaming experience.

Activity Description:

For BONKmas, engage in MixMob by playing the game AND using $BONK to buy $SUDS in game. Whether you’re battling it out in tournaments or navigating the game’s economy, your involvement contributes to the innovative spirit of MixMob. This activity is an exciting blend of gaming and blockchain, offering both fun and a chance to complete your Nice List.


Product Description:

In Moon Boi Universe (MBU), players enter the domed city of Mecha Mecca, a cyber-fantasy RPG world filled with intrigue and cosmic threats. As Dré, a daring Rust Runner, you face the aftermath of nuclear devastation and confront the authoritarian Mega Corporation FAANG and new extraterrestrial enemies. This immersive narrative lets players explore deep lore, utilize advanced gear, and engage in a tale of courage and conspiracy, set against the backdrop of an otherworldly urban landscape.

Activity Description:

For BONKmas, dive into MBU by playing mini-games in the BONK Arena or purchasing in-game items with BONK. Your participation in the Moon Boi Universe not only enriches your gaming experience but also contributes to completing your Nice List in this rich, cyber-fantasy adventure.


Product Description:

Jito is the first independent Validator Client on Solana, helping to not only bring security to the network but also allow searchers to execute MEV transactions on Solana. BONK runs a solana Validator powered by Jito, where the commission goes towards supporting the BONK Ecosystem.

Activity Description:

To check off this item on your Nice List, stake Solana on the BONK Validator, powered by Jito. Staking in the BONK Validator is wallet agnostic and can be done natively within Phantom, or on the link above using SolFlare. This participation aids in securing the Solana network and directly contributes to the growth and support of the BONK Ecosystem.


Product Description:

GooseFX is a super app for trading crypto spot and perps, NFT aggregator marketplace, single side pools and staking. They’ve listed $BONK as an asset in their Single Sided Liquidity Pool, allowing depositors to earn rewards. You can learn more at https://docs.goosefx.io/features/farm

Activity Description:

To complete this activity for BONKmas, deposit $BONK into the GooseFX Single Sided Liquidity Pool.

Dual Finance

Product Description:

Dual Finance presents a breakthrough token incentive mechanism that redefines participant alignment within the ecosystem. It grants users who lock up liquid tokens or engage with the protocol’s features the right to purchase tokens at a future price, without the obligation. This innovative approach diverges from the norm of distributing free tokens, opting instead to provide free options on tokens, thereby creating a more mutually beneficial relationship between the protocol and its users.

Activity Description:

To complete this BONKmas activity, deposit $BONK in the Christmas Dual Finance Reward Pool or any previous Loyalty Pools.


Product Description:

marginfi is a comprehensive suite of persistent smart contracts that collectively function as a composable, DeFi-native prime brokerage. This innovative protocol facilitates peer-to-peer lending and the management of trader positions across multiple blockchains. An integral part of marginfi is mrgnlend, an overcollateralized borrow/lend protocol, which is seamlessly embedded within the broader marginfi system. This integration offers users a robust and versatile platform for managing their digital assets and trading strategies.

Activity Description:

For BONKmas, you can engage with marginfi by depositing $BONK in marginfi Earn, or by using $BONK as an asset for lending or borrowing within the platform. To participate, sign up at mfi.gg/r/bonk. This involvement not only contributes to the marginfi ecosystem but also allows you to actively utilize $BONK in various financial strategies.

Additional Activities

In addition to all of the festive BONKmas Activites, Santa wanted to make sure to recognize all of his brave participants that took part in the BONK Boxing Day Event during Solana Breakpoint ‘23.

Staying Connected

To remain updated on $BONK’s progress and continued efforts, readers are encouraged to follow this Medium page and engage with the community via social media channels like Twitter, Discord, and Telegram. This engagement will ensure access to the latest information about the $BONK ecosystem as it further establishes itself as a core part of Solana’s story.

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