The Creativity Well

Dreams and Fairytales Don’t Always Match

April 01, 2023 — Poem a Day: a foolish poem

Bonnie L. Boucek
2 min readApr 2, 2023


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash


This feeling always keeps coming back day after day.
It doesn’t matter what time it happens — it’s the same.
Nothing seems to be vibrant. Alive. Just muted gray.
I wonder how to make sense of Life. Who’s to blame?

What happened to the fairytale about happy endings?
Why raise the hopes of little girls beyond the stars?
When will there ever be time for splintered soul mending?
Where is it written that everyone’s happiness is on par?

No, this feeling of uneasiness just digs in like a spur, a thorn.
Digging deeper beneath the skin until it becomes a part of you.
Festering. Rotting. Your blood simmers — leaving you torn:
Emotions erupted and reasonable thoughts askew.

Fairytales used to be told to scare children to listen and behave.
Now? Now they’re used to maintain the status quo — to enslave.

The Challenge



Bonnie L. Boucek

Inspired by life’s experiences, she became an Author, Fibromyalgia Creative Coach, Poet, Visionary