We try to get this bad boy rolling. Like a spindash. Nice

3 min readJul 21, 2016
go tell virtuastep__ (the guy who made the logo) on twitter how dang good he is at design

Everyone on Earth has the exact same story about Sonic The Hedgehog, mascot of SEGA; They played his games as a kid and then they grew up to not like them as much and also they found out they were a furry.

This has been the case for literally everyone I have ever met, including a senator, and so it is upheld as one of life’s great truths. However, there is an outlier: Me! Boocanan!

So as the only living being on Earth who’s touched a Sonic and is (as of writing) not a furry, I feel it’s time to tell my story. To go down as one of history’s bravest and boldest writers.

To leave behind a legacy, that is my wish.

I will be accomplishing this by playing through Sonic Adventure 2 and generally being an ass about the whole situation. Let’s get started

that poorly resized steam header will probably be very indicative of our experience together

(For this little venture, I’ll be playing the Steam port of SA2, I usually use the Gamecube port when I want to suffer but trying to get good looking screenshots on a Nintendo console is like unclasping a bra with oven mitts)


Steam just tells you that it’s doing this, when it’s really just cleaning up its room after jacking off because you gave it some more money.

oh FUCK YES. Look at this Gamecube demo disc shit. We are in the thick of it now.

My hands are trembling.

I don’t want to break my goddamn fingers trying to work a keyboard control scheme, so let’s get my gamepad set up. We’re almost there —

(no gamepad settings)

Oh you son of a bitch.

Now I gotta go redownload Joy2Key because literally every video game ever has gamepad controls but this one.

like i’m playing smash bros or something, damn

Next: We escape from the city. Nice one boocanan. Thanks

boocanan is about to blast through sonic adventure 2 for you and you come in here asking for a favor? get the hell outta here.

if you wanna make her an offer she can’t refuse LATER, you can hit her up here.

