The Second Amendment: America’s Greatest Right, I

Part I: Shield of Mankind

Boško Vuković
8 min readJul 4, 2023
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

The Second Amendment, ratified on December 15th, 1791 AD, is the foundation upon which lies the Great Civilization of America — the Frontier Spirit of the High Civilization of the West, as well as its last Democracy. It protects the right of the American People to keep and bear arms, claiming that the right is non-negotiable. The right to keep and bear arms serves as self-defence — as well as the deterrent against government tyranny. A self-regulating mechanism. Only one more civilization-state, apart from the United States possesses a social instrument which serves a similar purpose as the American Second Amendment — the Middle Kingdom (Zhōngguó 中国). The Chinese version of the American Second Amendment is the famous Mandate of Heaven (Tiānmìng天命)— an ancient political doctrine which allows any man worthy of becoming the Son of Heaven (Tiānzǐ天子), through skill and merit, not birth, to overthrow any and all corrupt governments. It should come to us, then, as no surprise that the great Chinese Communist revolutionary, Mao Zedong, famously said that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Many modern American conservatives would argue that the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech as well as the right to petition the American Government for a redress of grievances, is the foundation of American Society. But what protects freedom of speech from — let us say — government tyranny? The right to bear arms. As long as the American People remain armed, so will government tyranny be kept at bay. The political power of the American People against the Globalist Elites cannot be measured by either numbers or wealth — but by the amount of weapons both sides have amassed in the last century. Chairman Mao Zedong simply gave one of the best definitions of political sovereignty ever given.

An American Conservative would be surprised with such an acute definition of political power. In America, the Radical Left, which are essentially radical and progressivist bourgeouis ultra-liberals (thus no friends of the American Worker), pushes for tighter and tighter government controls and restrictions of the Second Amendment. Sometimes, these radicals are accused of being Marxists. Sometimes, some of these so-called “leftists” falsly claim they are Marxists. But what may come surprising to most American Conservatives, as well as their Liberals, is the fact that Karl Marx, one of the greatest philosophers of the XIX Century AD as well as the ideological founder of the Communist Movement, was for, not against, gun rights.

However, it should be noted that Communist governments throughout History, as well as those still in power today, haven’t given their People the right to bear arms — contrary to the teachings of the founder of Communism, Karl Marx. Why, you may ask? Cultural (or Civilizational), ideological, situational and political differences which shall be the subject of another essay.

In order to further Mao’s arguement — there is one interesting fact any analyst or free-thinker should have — the fact that the American People own nearly one hundred times as many firearms as the American Military and nearly four hundred times as many firearms as the American Police. This fact becomes especially interesting when it is compared to two other curiosities — (a) the budget of the American Military accounts for nearly 40% of military expenditures across the globe, spending more than the next ten countries combined — (b) that the budget of the American Police, in some States, is far greater than the military budget of some countries. These two curiosities toghether send a powerful message: that the American People are, in fact, one of the greatest political powers in the entire world. And thus the last Frontier of Mankind against Globalist Tyranny. No other People on Earth can resist the installment of a global dictatorship more abely than the Americans. And the American People can never forget this fact — for the world could fall under a thousand-year-old Darkness if they ever allow the Government to take away their weapons.

All these guns, supported by the Second Amendment, guarantee the sovereignity of the American People. The lesson any People or Nation (or Individual for that matter) can take from this is the fact that Iron, not Gold, buys Sovereignty. Guns are Sovereignty — both for the Individual as well as for the Collective.

It guarantees freedom from tyranny. It shall guide the American People from any form of usurpation of power from the American Caesars of the Near Future. Tyrants will most certainly appear among the ranks of the coming American Caesars, and many of these tyrants will most certainly attempt to take away the People’s Guns. As long as the American People protect their rights — they will remain a Sovereign People — even if, after centuries of Caesarism, the country falls apart and disintegrates into smaller political entities.

That is the greatest legacy of the American Civilization — the Second Amendment. It is among the best lessons American Civilization has taught Humankind. Its guns won its independence. Its guns, alongside its massive military (ofcourse), as well as its unique geographical position, guarantee that America will always be safe from foreign invaders coming from Eurasia.

But Gun Rights aren’t originally from America.

The American right to keep and bear arms originates from English Law. Historically the English Bill of Rights of 1689 AD allowed:

That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law.

This meant that the Bill of Rights guarantees the right of Protestants to possess weapons for self-defense. However, the right to keep and bear arms was even older than that. Its roots are on the Eastern Borders of Europe. The Proto-Protestant Bohemians, otherwise known as Hussites, in 1421 AD, enacted a formal duty of all inhabitants to obey call to arms by provisional elected government in order to defend the country. The first battle in which Hussite Taborite militia employed firearms as the main weapons of attack took place the same year. And the Bohemians were, and still are, Slavs.

Proto-Protestantism (a Germanic Reformation of Christianity) coming from the Slavs? Just like the Dionysian Mysteries, which serve a similar function and role as Protestantism was in the West, Buddhism in India or Islam in the Middle East, in the religious history of the Graeco-Roman Cultural-Historical Type, originated in either Phrygia or Thrace (both non-Hellenic peoples). But this is a topic for another time…

The English term pistol the ubiqitous gunpowder weapon of Modernity originated in XV Century AD Czech language. (Interestingly enough the English word robot also originates from Czechia). Mariánská skála in Ústí nad Labem is Europe’s oldest continually-open shooting range, established in 1617 AD.

Apart from the History of the High Culture and Civilization of Europe, the right to bear arms can be found in the Magian Religion of Islam. The Sharia Law, for an example, there is an intrinsic freedom to own arms. However, in times of civil strife or internal violence, this right can be temporarily suspended to keep peace and prevent harm. Citizens not practicing Islam are prohibited from bearing arms and are required to be protected by the military, the state for which they pay the jizyah (جِزْيَة). In exchange they do not need to pay the zakat (زكاة). Yemen, the world’s most armed state in the world right after the United States, recognizes statutory right to keep and bear arms. Firearms are both easily and legally accessible. Although Yemen is a fallen country, one should note the fact that the Houthis have successfully defended themselves against the Saudi invaders (who are one of the most powerful men on Earth, due to their immense wealth, mercenary armies and lobbyist connections throughout the Modern West) of their homeland because they possess the right to bear arms.

Now, let us return to the matter at hand.

We have already successfully established the Slavic connection to the Second Amendment — from Bohemia to America. We have also established the fact that one of the greatest legacies of American Civilization will most definitely be the Second Amendment.

Why does all of this matter?

There are two perspectives we can use to see the importance of this issue. American and Slavic.

Let us first analyze the American perspective, as the Slavic perspective shall be the subject of this essay’s second part. America is the Last Daughter of the West. It is the Ultimate West. The Farthest West ever reached. And the West is declining, as all High Cultures and Civilizations eventually do. This decline, however, is not immediate. It shall be a centuries-long process, just like it was with the Roman Empire, Han China (meaning the Han Empire) or Mauryan India. As I have explained before, in my older essay, The Future of Eastern Europe: Visions of the Intermarium, Eastern Europeans, who are mostly Slavs or Slav-like Peoples, are America’s perfect allies. And, if needed, the author of this text will explain it in further detail at another place and another time.


Shouldn’t America openly support the Czech right to bear arms? They are NATO allies (shouldn’t America or Americans really consider this term, “ally”, properly — from a Spenglerian perspective? — who gives a damn about NATO anyway — most of these countries need American support to exist at all, NATO or no NATO) after all. And why stop at Czechia? Why not expand these rights into Poland? Or the Baltics? Or Hungary? Or Romania? Or Serbia? Or Montenegro? Serbia and Montenegro do have the largest civilian arsenals, right after the United States and Yemen.

Isn’t the War in the Ukraine America’s most important foreign policy issue at the moment? Isn’t America spending billions on Ukraine’s defense? Although Ukraine can resist Russia, President Vladimir Zelensky shouldn’t be America’s long-term option. Or we can see it from another point of view — Zelensky should become more effective and useful for Ukraine, and — of course — America. But he can, actually, become more useful…

Especially if America wants to create a geostrategic player to rival the likes of Franco-Germany, Russia and Turkey (maybe even Japan, developmentally speaking)…

And especially for American Conservatives!

Shouldn’t they support the development of conservative policies across the world — to tell the world the American Dream?

Shouldn’t Kyiv adopt the Second Amendment as its own?

Shouldn’t the National Rifle Assosication expand into Eastern Europe: creating branches everywhere — Ukraine, Poland, Montenegro, Serbia, Czechia, Romania or Hungary? Or everywhere across the Intermarium?

These are questions for real American and Eastern European leaders, especially those which are pro-Western. If they want to become democratic societies, as they say, shouldn’t they be adopting the most democratic right (to bear arms) of the world’s most democratic society? Future American leaders and decision-makers must dwell on these questions — for they are of key geo-strategic long-term influence.



Boško Vuković

I am a Slavic Socialist fascinated by Culture(s), Philosophy, Religion(s), Science(s) and Epic Fiction, determined to discover the hidden Rhythm of History.