The Second Amendment: America’s Greatest Right, II

Part II: Gun Rights for the Borderlands

Boško Vuković
4 min readJul 5, 2023
An acrylic Illustration of a Hussite battle. These Bohemian religious fighters were so fierce, that when Joan of Arc condemned them in 1430 AD, she threatened to lead a crusading army against the Hussites unless they returned to the Catholic Faith, but her capture by the English Crown and Burgundian troops two months later would keep her from carrying out this threat.

In Part I of this essay, the author of this text has explained the history, as well as the importance, of the American Second Amendment. We have successfully traced back the origins of the Western right to bear arms back to the Bohemian Hussites of the Late Middle Ages. And as far as everyone knows, the Bohemians (meaning the Czechs) are a Slavic People. The author of this essay has raised many questions for the American foreign policy decision-makers in Part I. Now it is time for us to analyze the Slavic perspective on Gun Rights — for this issue may prove vital for the region’s long-term survival and stability — as well as a solution for the Eastern European Crisis which is plagueing the region ever since the Fall of Communism in 1991 AD.

Now, it is time for the Slavic People(s) to ask themselves some very important questions…

Shouldn’t the Slavs — victims of the Holocaust — support any right, any law which will help them avoid such a terrible tragedy in the Future? Remember, although many Jews were horrifyingly exterminated by the Third Reich — Slavs are, by far, the largest demographic among the Nazi regime’s victims.

Shouldn’t all the Peoples of Eastern Europe, unwilling to live under the yoke of Moscow, allow themselves to be weaponless and (h)armless against the self-proclaimed “second most powerful army in the world”? Or against the foreign hordes which are engulfing Europe as we speak, fundamentally changing its demographic. France — as always — the prize of the Caesars. Will Durant found an interesting analogy (or homology — remains to be seen) between how Caesar “saved” (a term used very loosely here) Gaul from the Teutons and how the Americans “saved” (a term used less loosely than with Caesar, for lack of long-term Civilization-centered vision after 1918 AD as well as 1945 AD) France from the Germans. Aren’t foreigners once again raining down upon France — as Oswald Spengler rightly predicted a century ago — ready to commit greater horrors than any French Revolution ever?

Shall the Men of Eastern Europe fall prey before these formless wandering warbands —which are not unlike the Sea Peoples at the Twilight of the Bronze Age — just as the world, right now, is nearing the end of the Capitalist World-System?

Shouldn’t the Serbs and the Montenegrins, who possess the largest civilian arsenals after America and Yemen, adopt the Second Amendment as their own? For all the pro-American non-governmental organizations (which are ALL “woke” for some unknown — but probably extremely stupid — reason) which wander the territories of Former Yugoslavia, not a single one actually supports real American values such as the Second Amendment.

Shouldn’t THAT be worrying (for Serbs and Montenegrins, at least)?

All Slavs desire, from the deepest foundations of their Soul, freedom from Imperialism (or any kind of foreign oppresion). The Germans and the Turks, and in many cases, sadly, the Russians (through the Romanovs, and later, through the social-imperialism of the Soviet Union — aptly examined, at multiple occasions, by Mao Zedong) remain in bitter memory, for many innocent lives were lost under the iron wills of these Empires.

But could any Empire oppress a People as Sovereign as the Americans?

Shouldn’t the freedom-seeking Slavs ensure no government tyranny comes after them ever again?

Haven’t they suffered enough?

Never again — but only if the Slavs (re)adopt the right to bear arms!

The Orthodox Church doesn’t seem to support such rights in Serbia. They are even seemingly working against it! Must we remind the clergymen of Eastern Europe of the teachings and examples set by Saint Cosmas the Aetolian — the great Greek saint noted for his prophecies throughout the Orthodox World?

They will ask for your rifles. Retain two. Give one and keep the other. A single rifle will save a hundred souls.

And one last question — for every True Russian patriot (every true son of the Motherland!) out there — shouldn’t the government in Moscow (namely President Vladimir Putin and all his Kremlin lackeys) — if it is so patriotic as it claims — arm the Russian People(s) against the alleged “incoming NATO invasion” of the Motherland? If Russia is the Future — shouldn’t it be claimed by the Russian People?

And not by its oligarchs?

If Russia faces the Anti-Christ — as the Kremlin media proposes these days — shouldn’t the Russians prepare him a baptism in fire? Shouldn’t then the Russians be the warrior-martyrs of Christ fighting off the Legions of the Apocalypse?

Or, maybe, something else is rotten in the State of Russia



Boško Vuković

I am a Slavic Socialist fascinated by Culture(s), Philosophy, Religion(s), Science(s) and Epic Fiction, determined to discover the hidden Rhythm of History.