The Linux Concept Journey — Directory File

Shlomi Boutnaru, Ph.D.
2 min readJul 4, 2024


As you know there are seven different file types used in Linux ( Among them we have a “directory” file type, we can think about it as a “file” that holds in its content file names and there representing inode numbers (

Thus, using the “rm” utility ( basically removes the file from the directory and does not delete it (until the reference count equals “0”). Also, because of that removing a file does not require any permissions on the file itself, it requires having “write permissions” to the directory containing the file.

Lastly, in order to create a new directory we can use the “mkdir” utility ( in order to create a new directory or the “rmdir” utility ( in order to remove a directory — as shown in the screenshot below (taken using A directory is marked with a “d” as the first character in the output of the “ls -l” command ( — also shown in the screenshot below.

See you in my next writeup ;-) You can follow me on twitter — @boutnaru ( Also, you can read my other writeups on medium — You can find my free eBooks at

