7 Benefits of Pie Boxes You Must Know

Boxes Hub
4 min readOct 21, 2019


Bakery items are the most consumed products in the market as they are perfect for every type of occasion and event. They give the most convenient snack and the most luxurious food items so that no one will feel left out to celebrate their happiness with the world


Delicious, scrumptious, and the most nutritious bakery item, pies, need packaging that must keep the freshness and the taste of the product intact for the longer period and decorative pie boxes used by the bakeries these days are the most innovative and functional.

If you are not using custom pie boxes for your pies than there is no doubt that why your product is not as popular as the other businesses.

Here are the most amazing benefits of pie boxes that give the required boost to your company in the most efficient way.

Healthy Packaging Material

Health over everything!

Customers are not unaware of anything these days. They know how things what and what’s necessary for what. Custom pie boxes are made of the healthiest packaging material that is available in the market, kraft paper and cardboard. Kraft paper does not pass through bleaching during manufacturing which helps in keeping it away from toxic chemicals that can cause any health-related harm to the product.

Secure The Taste

It is necessary for pie packaging to keep the freshness and the taste of the product intact for a longer period. Pies are mostly served hot and packed too. Cardboard is used to make pie boxes because it is strong and sturdy that do not collapse easily thus keeping the shape of the pie as it is. Custom pie boxes also absorb the excess heat inside the box rather than keeping it trapped inside the box that can create moisture resulting in sogginess of the pies. Nobody needs that!


Pie packaging has become a challenge for the bakery owners because of the increased competition. Cardboard pie boxes fully customizable in terms of shapes, sizes, and designs that create distinction in the market with their uniqueness and brand-oriented packaging. These boxes are available in every kind of shape and the most amazing and captivating is window cut out custom pie boxes. Window cut pie packaging keeps the focus on the product rather than keeping it hidden in the box.

Free Marketing & Advertising

Custom pie boxes with colors that represent the company, custom logos, attractive designs, and innovative shapes set a standard for the brand and increase the worth of the brand in the market. Pie packaging does not stay in the bakery but travels everywhere and these boxes with brand logo reinforce the brand whenever it comes in contact with the customer. High-quality boxes develop a more impressive image of the product and the company in the market.


Colors play a crucial role in human life. They are associated with different emotions and feeling. Use of custom colors for pie boxes used by the companies is not just for beautiful appearance but they speak for the brand in the long run. Brand oriented colors, custom logo, particular font for the text, and other design elements create an identity for the brand that helps in recognition and promotion in the long run.


Pie packaging that is used these days is highly sustainable as it is made from the recycled paper and is recyclable as many times as possible. It is bio-degradable and does not leave any waste behind.


The most amazing benefit for the companies is that wholesale pie boxes are the cheapest boxes in the whole market. Wholesale pie boxes are as high-quality and durable as any other expensive packaging that is available in the market.

You are missing a great opportunity to create an impressive image of your brand if you are not getting wholesale pie boxes. Wholesale pie boxes give you the freedom of getting your custom designs, the logo of the company, and captivating patterns or designs that surely turn heads around. Wholesale pie boxes are the most economical boxes that are in everyone’s reach.



Boxes Hub

I am digital marketing manager with more than 7 years of experience in design and packaging industry.