A Short-list of ADM Coin Utilities & Available Use-cases, And Why the Crypto-market is Mostly Unreliable

Yan Brale
3 min readJun 27, 2019


I’ve often talked about the lack of real token/coin appliances on the crypto-assets market and the forgotten meaning of ‘utility’ token category. As most of the projects are trying to create the fundamental explanations of the value of their assets, in fact — most often it comes to be only illusions.

Unfortunately, even if the project dev & organization parts are really good, this does not guarantee the logically-built utility explanation of the issued asset as well. Consequently, there are hundreds of trading coins/tokens, that are evaluated by traders & holders on behalf of these assets’ brand names, marketing campaigns (media coverages), or the community supporters number.

In fine, utility assets with low or no-usage performance seem to be much tougher than the concept of CDOs.

Having in view this curious idea, despite I’ve done this before in a longer version, I also found reasonable to present all the utilities of ADM, the coin issued and used for ADAMANT’s messaging infrastructure support, in only a few points — this should tightly clarify my position of why ADM is incomparably better and more reliable in terms of digital financial tools than anything else presented on the daily trades or ICOs or IEOs or STOs or MTOs or whichever shopping-platform you prefer.

Major points on ADM coin use cases/utilities and general value description:

A-1. Store of Value *Product UX-Based Value Definition*;

A-2. Limited Coin Supply *Forgeable on DPoS Through TOP-101 Delegate*;

A-3. 5-Seconds Transactions Confirmation *One-cent Commissions*;

B-1. The Only Payment Method for Network Commissions for Messages & Other Types of Data Transfers through ADAMANT’s Blockchain *used in all its Cross-platform Apps*;

B-2. Convenient & Simplified In-Chat Transfers of the Coin *on all Cross-platform Apps of ADAMANT Messenger*;

B-3. Voting for Delegates List on ADAMANT Messenger’s DPoS-consensus Blockchain *Management & Network Governance*;

B-4. Staking & Membership on ADAMANT Messenger’s Network Forging Pools *Grouping of Community Members into Interests-Lobbying Group — Delegate as the Technical Representation & Power Tool*;

B-5. Trading on In-Chat Exchanges (Bots) of ADAMANT Messenger as the Major Currency *Instant Anonymous Assets Market Basic Coin*; — Closed alpha dev stage till July 2019.

The “A-” part is to be considered as a pretty good competitive indicator to all coins, although this isn’t the main development target by far. While the “B-” is to eliminate each competitor in terms of ‘utility’ or even ‘profitability’ if you’d like to consider “B-4” as such a tool.

I believe the use cases above compared to the regular messenger’s users number are doing well with balancing the tokenomics of ADM in order to make the estimated value of the coin against the BTC as reasonable and justified as possible — a kindly positive factor of no-anomaly activities to the rate of currency, which saves the initial sense of this currency issuing and its existence on the market.

And I’m not talking about the ‘possible use-cases’, claiming the ‘potential’ to be ‘borderless’ or ‘galaxy-conquer’. These are facts, the developments code always shows itself to publicity — the apps are waiting for you likewise.

Enjoy the reality.

