ADAMANT — How the Messaging on Blockchain Actually Works?

Yan Brale
3 min readApr 12, 2019


I will now introduce very basics of messaging at ADAMANT. This text is ‘must read’ if you’re new to this blockchain project or just don’t want to get deep into tech part.

ADAMANT — a messenger applying blockchain. As GitHub history says, the intense building goes for the second year in a row.

Two leading points are: the messenger has no actual servers or data centers. Everything is transferred through blockchain. Stored too, respectively. And the direction its team took is to provide users with anonymity and security.

So, we have a blockchain for messages. It is only used anonymously.
Digesting and moving on.

The blockchain is separate, built exactly for messaging. It is public, applying DPoS by Lisk’s. How can a public blockchain handle secure messaging? Easily. All the messages are strongly encrypted — pure end-to-end. From account to account, from address to address.

So everything available for the middleman, blockchain node operator, is nothing. Just a mess of symbols, which is available publicly — too unimportant. The actual messages’ content is always available only to you and the address you’re writing to.

There is a blockchain that transfers undecryptable messages, stores as well. The use of it does not require any personal data.

How? The message is a blockchain transaction. The transaction has its fee, like in any other blockchain. The fee for transferring a message is 0.001 ADM. The fee also depends on the message’s size and the color of its eyes (the last one is a joke, maybe).

Delivery time till your interlocutor will receive the message is about 4 seconds. Soon, messaging transactions will become instant. Everything’s on-chain, at the mainnet.

The real use of blockchain — for messaging. At the top reliability level. Let’s move forward.

How am I using ADAMANT? Nothing’s more simple. There are apps for browsers, Android and iOS.

The passphrase is the only way to log-in. No phones, emails, auth. services, etc. This one is anonymous. By the greatest traditions of cryptocurrency. So, in the case of web-application: at first, you generate the new passphrase.

Then get some free tokens in the “wallet” section.

After — contact some address. And start chatting anonymously, through the blockchain. Applications are only graphical interfaces to the saturated blockchain reality.

1000 messages cost 1 ADM. This is about $0.0004 USD per middle-size message.

Buying ADM for one dollar, you’ll text for years. This is the price you’re paying for obviously secure messaging. It’s uncontrollable for centralized data points. It’s hardly trackable to attach the address with a real person. It’s independent of easily-hackable factors like e-mails/phones. And many more reasonable things to think about.

It will not put you under the glass cup.

ADAMANT adepts blockchain in the most beneficial way for daily use.

Fine. These are basics of messaging-only in ADAMANT. Follow the next article to see the description of additional in-app features. Or another one to learn of what makes ADM token valuable on the market.

