7 min readFeb 28, 2023

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It’s been a a busy first month for us and so we thought a medium article explaining who we are, what we are doing and what has happened so far is in order. So, grab a relaxing beverage of choice and read on for what is the very start of an exciting journey that we hope you will join with us.

What is BREWSKI Labs?

BREWSKI Labs is an NFT platform with a difference. We specialise in providing craft beer related NFTs that have real world use and value.

NFTs are digital artwork based on the blockchain. An NFT is a Non-Fungible Token meaning it cannot be divided and exists as a whole. Think of an NFT similar to the Mona Lisa painting, you can own it but you cannot realistically split it into pieces, whereas cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin is more like the US Dollar and can be divided into smaller amounts.

In the coming months the team will focus on building the following three components of the BREWSKI Labs eco-system:

  1. Create the 2023 BREWSKI NFT collection and provide a marketplace on which to trade those NFTs
  2. Launch the BREWSKI coin token which will be oil in the engine for the eco-system
  3. Build the BREWSKI Council, a ‘Craft Beer Council’, whereby BREWSKI Coin holders are members, BREWSKI holders can vote on any key proposal submitted whether they relate to the BREWSKI Labs ecosystem and how it should be improved or from brewers who want feedback or an opinion on subject matter such as a new craft beer idea and would it be popular etc.

The Team & Company

BREWSKI Labs is the crypto arm of the BREWSKI brewery brand. The brand consists of a brewery located in Helsingborg, Sweden, a chain of BARSKI bars located in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark as well as a distribution company which sends out over 1 million cans of BREWSKI craft beer per year to 36 countries around the world.

The owner of BREWSKI, Marcus, has teamed up with data scientist/software developer/crypto nerd, Alan (known online as Chef), to become co-founders of BREWSKI Labs which is a Swedish company under the title of Brewski Mothership AB.

The story so far..


We are finalising the early investment round which will raise capital to provide enough runway for at least the next 3 years. We have several investors onboard who range from those who run their own breweries (and have a keen interest in our product) to those from the crypto world (and have a keen interest in seeing how the craft beer world can be evolved into using blockchain), each investor carefully chosen to ensure they have the right vision to see the product to fruition and beyond.

We have also brought in graphic design expertise to assist with branding and also marketing expertise to advise on how best to launch the product and grow the community.


Expanding the community is key to success for both the BREWSKI Coin token launch as well as the NFT collection launch and so the foundations are being laid to get the BREWSKI Labs message out to both the crypto and craft beer community.

We have released our website which, as you would expect, includes a Whitepaper providing a summary of the project and a Roadmap for the next 18 months development. We have taken the decision to also include Japanese language translation for all pages of the site as one of the largest BREWSKI craft beer community fanbase are located in Japan, therefore making it easier to bring this community into the BREWSKI Labs family.

We have also changed the labelling on every BREWSKI beercan produced from now onwards (that’s over 1 million cans per year!) to now include a QR code which links direct to our Telegram community page where all the latest discussions and announcements take place. Direct marketing in the hands of the very people in the community who enjoy BREWSKi beers and would therefore be interested in the real world usage the upcoming NFTs will offer.

Finally, we are in early negotiations with a centralised exchange for a listing post token launch, further details on this will be provided when we have them.


The BREWSKI Coin token smart contract has been created, tested, published on the Ethereum blockchain and verified. A multi signature Gnosis safe has been created for the Treasury and smart contracts have been developed for the early investor’s vested tokens.

Our current main development focus is the BREWSKI Coin token launch which will release up to 50% of maximum token supply into circulation via a whitelisted pre-sale offering followed by a general token launch.


The BREWSKI Coin, a utility token built on the Ethereum blockchain, will be at the centre of the BREWSKI Labs eco-system, by this we mean that it will be used as:

  • the sole payment option when purchasing the collectible NFTs
  • utility in providing the backbone of the BREWSKI DAO voting system
  • a means of payment in all BARSKI bars worldwide and the annual BREWSKIVAL 3 day craft beer festival (attended by over 8000 people).

For this reason there needs to be enough BREWSKI Coin in circulation and so we decided 1 billion tokens, with up to 50% released at token launch should provide enough liquidity to cover these needs.

The token will be initially released to the public in two main phases:

Whitelisted pre-sale: active members of the telegram and social media community who show support for the project in it’s early phase will be rewarded by being whitelisted to be able to purchase BREWSKI Coin at a discounted rate ahead of the public crowdsale. These tokens will be distributed immediately after the general release IDO sale and aims to provide initial liquidity for the liquidity pool release post token launch.

Public crowdsale: The main launch of the BREWSKI Coin token will take the form of an IDO, or Initial DEX Offering in the format of a Dutch style auction.

IDO: An IDO uses a decentralized exchange (DEX) to facilitate the token sale. A crypto project provides their tokens to the DEX, users commit their funds through the platform, and the DEX completes the final distribution and transfer. These processes are automated and occur via smart contracts on the blockchain.

Dutch style auction: The auction starts with a very high price per token and decreases over a fixed period time. Bidders can place bids at anytime during the auction, the price bid and the current token value determine how many tokens are received. The auction continues with price reduction until either the allocated time is over, the allocated tokens are all bid or the reserve price is met.

This will take place by providing the token for sale at an initial price of $0.03 per token and will decrease in value over a 3 day period reducing to the reserve price or until all allocated tokens are purchased. This has the advantage over a traditional auction by discouraging early investing whales to snap up all tokens at a very low price (bidding early gives certainty that you have the desired tokens but at a higher price), however, waiting for the price to drop creates uncertainty if there will be enough tokens remaining.

Collectible NFTs & Marketplace

The main product for BREWSKI Labs will be the Collectible NFTs with real world usage, however, the way in which the community can get hold of a collectible NFT will be in two phases:

Phase 1: We will begin with releasing 1000 plain silver beercan NFTs at a fixed price, the same for everyone. The plain beercans will all be (almost) identicle except for the BREWSKI Labs text colour on the beercan. They will have no real world usage but will be tradeable on the BREWSKI NFT Marketplace and serve the main purpose that they can be “recycled” and swapped for a randomly chosen BREWSKI Collectible NFT.

Phase 2: There will be 1000 BREWSKI Collectible NFTs available. Each collectible NFT will be assigned to a plain beercan NFT, however, until the the plain beercan NFT is recycled the owner will not know which one of the 1000 BREWSKI Collectible NFTs they own. Collectible NFTs will not be purchasable direct, they will all be randomly assigned to a plain beercan NFT.

Real World Usage

Every BREWSKI collectible NFT will be a beercan with label artwork from one of the BREWSKI craft beers. However, each will be a unique combination of certain attributes (e.g beercan colour, ringpull colour etc.) with the rarity of the attributes deciding which real world uses are available to the NFTs owner.

As well as being unique pieces of collectible art, the NFTs will act as vouchers enabling the owner to claim the rewards associated to the NFT.

The full rewards list and required attribute will be published in the coming weeks and will include things such as:

  • VIP Festival package for two: 2 free flights from anywhere in the world, several nights hotel and VIP entrance to the Brewskival Festival with Brewers Passes (meaning you are treated as a brewer attending the festival which includes loads of benefits such as free access to the whole area, beer, food, brewers lounge and the very sought for after-party)
  • Brewing Package: a free flight from anywhere in the world and several nights hotel with a trip to the Brewski brewery where you will create a brand new beer, alongside Brewery owner Marcus, name it and help decide on the beers logo.

Stay tuned

In the coming weeks, we will release a series of posts to further explain the whitelisting and how you can get on that list as well as expand on the details for the NFT rewards and the public crowdsale Token Launch.

In the meantime, follow us on Twitter and come say hi on Telegram with any questions you may have.