Choosing To Be… “All In”

Brian R. Martens
5 min readApr 24, 2019


Photo by Jeremy Dorrough on Unsplash

What does it mean to be “All In”? To fully show up to exploration, learning, and opening.

For me, it means choosing to commit. Being “All In” has to be a choice you make not a choice that others make for you. Of course, you are always getting information, talking with friends and mentors. You are doing your “due diligence” for the important decisions.

And, there is a point where you stand on the cliff of decision. Poet, Patrick Overton has a beautiful way of stating these times in your life with his poem, Faith.


When you walk to the edge of all the light you have

and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown,

you must believe that one of two things will happen:

There will be something solid for you to stand upon,

or, you will be taught how to fly.

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

This stepping off, this leap of faith, this dying the little death (ego death) is letting go of the false self. This limited person we thought was us. This seeming flesh and blood, a mirage. Now, in this moment of commitment a puff of thin air, an image no longer believed.

This false self, a container of hopes, wishes, dreams, and also duties, obligations from family members to be this or that, is resistant to letting go. The false self may not want to let go unless it is feeling so limited and stuck that it has to feel a change. The false self knows there will be a mess at the bottom of the cliff. Things will be broken and parts will die as you watch that old self dis-integrate.

Each letting go will be easier and easier. Soon, you will not watch the false part of yourself die because there is so much to do, accomplish, and look forward to. The choice to be “All In” is so invigorating, exciting, and life affirming that you can’t wait for the next step, the next adventure on your path. There is less and less anchored to your old self, your old ways of being, and thinking.

What is your current “All In” status at this time? What are your projects, dreams, and relationships that you are ready to say yes to.

Indigenous cultures know that spring is a time for healing and a time to pay attention to what has heart and meaning for us. Indigenous people also know that:

  1. When there is too much to do, do not be afraid.
  2. When there is nothing to do, do not be hasty.
  3. Do not think about opinions of right or wrong.

This also relates to making decisions and when to go “All In.” In the four-chambered heart as I mentioned in my last episode and article, there is the clear-chamber of the heart. When we are confused or doubting in our heart, it is a time to wait for clarity. States of ambivalence and indifference are precursors of confusion and doubt. Rather than jump to conclusions or make premature decisions, the clear-hearted chamber is asking you to wait until you have more clarity about a decision.

Another aspect of being “All In” is acceptance that there is more work to be done after the decision. The decision is just the beginning. Because the Universe has our back in situations of trust and letting go, we know that there will be assistance in accomplishing our goal, project, or establishing a relationship. We must know the subconscious is waiting to support us. We are not being asked to go it alone. This is the time to know there is more to our being than an outer shell. The authentic self, the real self, the quiet inner voice, is always ready to speak when we are ready to listen.

During the quiet times between falling asleep and deep sleep or in the morning before you are fully conscious, what are the visions that are coming to you and asking for your willingness to be “All In.” Remember the Universe supports the dreamer. One of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein is:

“ Imagination is more important than knowledge”

Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Finally, here is a poem of mine that evolved from a decision, enjoy:


After the decision, the storm,

full onslaught of drenching rain

accosting the senses and filling baggage.

Standing against and rising redwood like

to clear air, above the grounded roots.

The voices came like a blustery fierce wind

determined to find passage through

a crack to unloosen the roots from soil.

Scaring the birds, the snake holding its skin

no new songs, silence.

Nature, flowing and allowing

no resistance, deflecting wind

bending in all ways

to allow the disturbance to pass.

The trees knowing the flood

will nourish beyond the destruction,

the deep water absorbed

bringing abundance to new growth,


The storm leaving only the essential.

Only the beauty and mystery

trust stands beyond the storm

deep rooted, thriving in clear air.

The blood of wisdom rises from deep roots,

coursing through body and soul, restoring

life’s breath, allowing the world to be free.

Create and be well…

Brian R. Martens

I have more Creativity classes coming to the area:


Thursday, April 25, 10 am — 2 pm
Ignite Your Creativity!!!
This Workshop will explore Creativity through poetry, nature, and perception. Learn how to tap into your own creative genius and how to nurture you unique special gilts and talents. Bring a journal and writing materials.
Taught by Brian Martens
Contact: 707.887.8386 —

And, for Marin people or those wanting to join me at Book Passage in Corte Madera. This is my first class in this beautiful space. It will be a special day of learning about the “Origin of Creativity,”( a book by Edward O. Wilson), writing Haiku, and deepening your own creative spirit.

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Brian writes poetry concerned with the “Human Condition”, and such topics as Awareness, Transformation, and Deep Intuition. He seeks to inspire and motivate people.



Brian R. Martens

He writes poetry concerned with the “Human Condition”, and such topics as Awareness, Transformation, and Deep Intuition. He seeks to inspire and motivate people