“There Will Be Spring”

Brian R. Martens
6 min readMar 28, 2019


Spring, photo by Karl Fredrickson

I’m back in a writing and podcast mode so this is good. This comes as Spring beckons with a green wave of its hand. Taunting with a promise of warmth and growth of green. The thought of this article started with a poem. This poem, “There Will Be Spring,” wanted to breakthrough into a new phase, a new round of thoughts, articles, and podcasts on the “Human Condition,” bringing awareness, transformation, and deep intuition into your life. I hear a drum roll for “There Will Be Spring.”

There Will Be Spring

The Persimmon tree

starting to break bud

one of the last to ripen

one of the first to bud.

There will be another Spring,

there will be another summer, fall, and winter

the persimmon says it’s so.

I trust the trees the signs of nature, growth.

I trust the trees more

than a newscast, a blog, a website.

Trees don’t speak with a forked tongue.

The Western culture not wanting to slow down

no seasons just more, more, and more

Insatiable insecurity of action.

The Persimmon taking all its cues from nature,

Sun warming the Earth enough to raise growth from the roots

to push buds open when ready.

The Earth giving enough strength to continue the cycle.

One more cycle of bud to fruit and harvest.

The Persimmon and climate in a dance

a new normal, searching the deep wisdom

of plants to survive, thrive.

This winter has been long

has felt like a hundred years below ground

felt like a full blown, active, fully open,

pushing summer, without the sun.

All this work below ground

mixed with taking stock, consolidating, holding,

hibernating within,

looking for the self, finding the self, again.

Now, the healing to begin again,

the green of health again.

Flashing a fiery green, of all flavors

deep forest green, fresh, electric, yellow-green

smooth, ribbed, mottled, pointed leaves

all the possibilities now in form,

function together, felt as healing.

This paying attention

the love of spring in air

the renewed beating of the heart in love

the divine story revived again

by the song of the love birds

healed again by the beating heart

drumming to the beat of Spring.

The words of healing spoken through lips aflame

with a desire for green again.

So what is this love affair with Spring and green and the beating heart. Spring romance, spring love, spring has sprung me open from underground. The work of going down and within like the seeds, waiting, waiting, waiting for heat, for sun, for a breaking open to something. Something new again to open to. Spring may be the most aware time especially if you have seasons where you live. Aware of the heat is most comforting. Throwing off the cloak of darkness. The body responding to heat with movement, activity outside, again. Remembering all the other Springs lived and enjoyed. The garden, the plants, the blooms, kids running with abandon, the body knows Spring.

What can Spring teach you? What has been germinating in your body, in your soul all winter? Spring is about noticing and giving attention to what has heart and meaning in your life. Since love is the greatest healing force in the universe, spring is a special time to begin again. During the winter we have built a plan in our hearts and now we get to express that plan, that desire and yearning that we felt. The seed of our winter longing is being awakened through our heart. Healing is trusting, creating, connection, and expressing who you are.

Self-love, photo by Hanna Postova

Our healing around love asks us to give love as well as receive love. How can you be equal in giving and receiving love. Often we are better at one or the other. This is especially important in regards to our self-love. How well do you give yourself love by taking care of yourself. How do you support yourself with food, sleep, relaxation, play and recreation. Are you able to give yourself time off when you and your body need it? Do you listen to your body and take care of it when it is under stress, or do you push beyond your limits. Are you able to receive love from your partner and family and friends?

What is the story you are telling yourself about love? Every Spring is different and new, can you change your story about giving and receiving love? Can you shape-shift your story to make it a healing story and be your own change-agent? This is the time when Spring and nature can assist your process of change. Just witness the beauty and change that explodes every Spring. Pay attention to your own process and align it with the season of Spring. You will blossom as well.

Here are a couple Haiku I wrote about Spring:

Receding snow waits

Sun and snow announce the spring

Single song of birds

Spring trees in water

Alluvial tea soaks all

Silent birds awake

I like to use Haiku as a meditation or a koan, to repeat it throughout the day as a reminder and a guide or signpost of awareness. What are these simple words saying to me. What is important to remember about these words, this Haiku. What does the Haiku reflect in my own life, my process of living. What would be my own Haiku for the day. Putting your thoughts or ideas into a Haiku can often be a revelation, because it can come from the unconscious that is ready to speak and share what has been percolating within?

Spring is a good time to experience lying meditation. It connects you with the earth and the healing that is going on in your body. Allow your body to sink into the floor or ground wherever you choose to lay down. Lying meditation is a healing position.

If you are not willing to activate your own healing you take on the shadow side of yourself in regards to self care and healing. We can become needy and express withdrawal and grow into becoming a martyr. These patterns are not life affirming, like nature. It is a choice to affirm the healer within or not pay attention to your health and well-being.

I watched a TED talk by Robert Greene last night. He said it was his first TED talk. He is a successful writer/author and has been on many podcasts including the Bulletproof podcast which is one of my favorites. Robert talks candidly about his journey and how he had 50 different jobs during his time of traveling and amassing a large amount of experiences. He always continued to write as he moved from job to job. An advisor once told him that he should give up writing because he wasn’t good, wasn’t disciplined enough, and should quit and become a lawyer. That was a gut punch at the time but Robert somehow trusted some inner wisdom that told him to continue on his path. Later, low and behold, he was offered the chance to write a book on Power which he witnessed plenty of in his interactions with people, bosses, and colleagues during those 50 jobs. It became a best seller and his career has taken off and he is considered successful.

He is adamant about each person following their own creativity, passion, and path. It may take years of learning and struggle and eventually , he says. it will blossom and be revealed to you. It definitely resonated with me as my frustration with a job continued for 35 years until I retired. And yet, looking back, I was always learning, taking classes, developing my writing and poetry which at the time seemed more like a hobby. Now I realize, it has all been the crucible that cooked me into being what I am now and thriving in this new role and passion. Your work is always supporting your subconscious life. Trust it will be revealed. The link to the TED talk is below…


Enjoy the Spring that is here and now. The other seasons will come in their own time. Enjoy the NOW.

Create and be well…

Brian R. Martens

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Brian writes poetry concerned with the “Human Condition”, and such topics as Awareness, Transformation, and Deep Intuition. He seeks to inspire and motivate people.



Brian R. Martens

He writes poetry concerned with the “Human Condition”, and such topics as Awareness, Transformation, and Deep Intuition. He seeks to inspire and motivate people