8 Counterintuitive Things That Helped Me Fix My Chronic Insomnia

If you struggle with insomnia, try these

Britta Cee
16 min readJul 7, 2018


In the winter of 2013, I developed chronic insomnia. I’m not talking about the occasional sleepless night. I’m talking multiple nights a week of little to no sleep. It was a hellish time in my life — I’ve written about here.

I’m still not sure what triggered it. I simply had one bad night, and then another, and then it became a regular thing. At the time, I’d recently received a promotion at work and I was in a new relationship. I’m also just an anxious person in general. So it’s possible all these things had something to do with it — but there’s no specific event I can point to that caused it.

The good news is — it’s taken about 4 years, but I’m finally sleeping a lot better. And I’d like to tell you about some of the lesser known strategies that helped me get to this point.

If you’re an insomniac like I was, you know there are a lot of common tips out there for how to sleep better. Many of these repeat the same advice about sleep hygiene — things like: no screens an hour before bed, no caffeine after 2pm, exercise regularly, keep your room quiet and dark, etc.

While some of these things helped me sleep better, there are also several tips that I often don’t see that…



Britta Cee

Introvert, ACOA, dog mom, elder millennial. I write about life lessons, mental health, and personal growth. Multipassionate person.