Mind Beyond Death

Bruce McGraw
6 min readNov 22, 2022
Image by Karin Henseler from Pixabay

A friend, knowing my interests, recommended the book, Mind Beyond Death by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. I just read through the forward and the introduction and decided to write about it. My previous article on death, “The Eight Stages of Death” (linked here) garnered a lot of interest so I thought people might be interested in this also.

This book was based on a series of 14 lectures on the six bardos or intermediate states of existence the author gave at the 2002 Treasury of Knowledge Retreat in San Antonio, Texas. It was evidently a powerful experience for the students attending. After a lot of prodding, he eventually agreed to edit his lectures for publication.

The Indian Master, Padmamsambhava

This book is a retelling of a story heard centuries ago by students of the great Indian Master, Padmasambhava who achieved the greatest accomplishment of all. Rinpoche describes it as,

“the realization of the stainless and indestructible nature of his own mind that instantly dispels illusions, even the fearful illusion of death. It is said that Padmasambhava departed this world in a mass of rainbow light, leaving behind many precious instructions and



Bruce McGraw

I am a college professor who taught, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Humanities and Mythology. I wrote a book: The Magical Universe. https://www.amazon.com/Magic