BLVD U L T R A Dev Update

2 min readNov 20, 2019


The BULVRD team has been heads down working on integrating the BLVD U L T R A on-chain subscription contract into the BULVRD Drive apps. The contract uses the ERC-721 standard with custom interfaces for managing a subscription based on block times, and enables flexibility for customized subscription lengths, all using the BLVD ERC-20 token.

A few weeks back we gave an update on the smart contract being developed for BLVD U L T R A ( The team has been heads down working to integrate these into the BULVRD Drive apps and we’d like to update the community on the progress, as well as feel feedback on how we may be able to improve before launching U L T R A.

Once you have bought your initial subscription token, within the BULVRD Drive app you will now have access to a screen for managing your subscription. This shows estimated subscription remaining in blocks and time. You’ll also notice some connivence buttons making it just a few clicks to take action with your subscription.

As a subscriber, you unlock expanded features and customizations. You’ll note some updates for navigation customization, allowing you to optimize navigation for your preferences. We know some just want the shortest drives, others want to get there the quickest way possible. Though our navigation tooling enables various levels of rerouting awareness, allowing you to find a right balance for your daily drives.

We are still working on the finishing touches and we’d love to hear any feedback from the community! If you haven’t already done so, be sure to join our Discord and let us know your thoughts!

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