How to protect yourself from witches?

Do you believe your neighbor is a witch? Read this

Ana M.
2 min readMar 19, 2022

I’m going to present to you some “tips” that people used back in the days when they thought someone they knew was a witch.

1. Don’t let her have the last word

It was said that if you let a witch have the last word in a conversation she can “throw” her evilness and spells on you. The tip was to always finish the conversation, in that way you would always return what she “threw” on you.

2. Don’t take anything she’s offering you (especially food)

It was well known that you never take offerings from witches because it might have a curse of it, and also, you wouldn’t want “The Devil” to already have a step in your house.

3. Don’t let her pass your threshold

If you don’t want “The Devil” or his energy in your house, you never let a witch past your threshold.

4. Don’t let her or her familiar enter your house

This one is pretty obvious, but never let her enter your house, nor her familiar, doesn’t matter how cute that black cat might be.

5. Use a protection sigil on your house

You can use a protection sigil on your house, just to be sure her energy has no chance to enter your house.

Historians found in houses dating back to 17th and 18th-century sigils scratched on the wood walls, sigils later identified as “protection sigils”.

Let me know in the comments what other tips you know.

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