What is on-page optimization and why is it important?

5 min readFeb 7, 2022


Search engine optimization (better known as SEO for being Search Engine Optimization), has a certain aura of mystery. It is actually quite unjustified because, although it may be somewhat complex, the basic rules are very clear despite the fact that search engines are not usually too explicit about it.

In this post we are going to summarize one of the two parts that make up the organic optimization process: the so-called SEO on page or SEO on site. Do not worry that soon we will dedicate another post to the second aspect: the SEO off page. So you can have a complete vision of what and how influences the organic positioning of your eCommerce or website.

What is SEO on page?

We can define it as the set of measures that we must adopt to make each of the pages that make up our site, is in optimal condition to appear in searches by relevant terms and, therefore, generate qualified traffic from that channel.

Within the global SEO process, the on page focuses on the optimization of all those technical or content factors on which we can intervene. In this way we will prepare information architecture, internal linking, content and meta information (among other things) so that search engines are able to track it, include it in their databases through the process called indexing and be a candidate to rank for a specific search term or intention.

Optimization at the on-site level must always go aimed at facilitating the work of search engines. These first crawl the pages using a software called “robot” or “crawler”and then they index and organize the results based on complicated algorithms that weights many, many vectors.

How is SEO done at the on-page level?

The main thing in any strategy is planning. In the case of SEO, all part of the so-called Keyword Research or Keyword Research which consists of translating business objectives into search terms and finding out which of them are the most attractive by volume of potential searches carried out on the different engines.

The Keyword Research will be critical to define the architecture that the web should have since, although the products and the business rule over all things, the SEO on page will have to collaborate in the decision of what categories and pages should be created and what should be the keyword for which we want to try to appear. Many times a simple semantic change such as using a men’s sweater (3,600 searches / month) instead of a men’s sweater (110 searches / month), can make such an abysmal difference in potential scope as this:

Checklist SEO on page

Once we have obtained all the keyword data it is time to focus on other aspects. Twe have to make sure we have the page ready, with the best possible performance, a logical information architecture, an impeccable layout and a unique content that is well constructed and hierarchical.

We are going to summarize it as much as possible (you’ll see if you decide to deepen that the subject goes a long way) with some of the main questions that you should answer:

o Server : Is the data center in the country of my target audience? Do I have a national IP? Is my page loading fast? If the answer is no, is it the fault of my photos? Are there too many requests? Excessive JS or CSS files? Am I compressing the page? Have I defined the cache?

o Architecture : Does it make sense for both search engines and users? Am I using the best terms?

o Coding and Layout : Is my page well built? Do search engines understand it? Have I optimized the urls and the title and description meta tags with the correct keywords? Am I ranking the content with headings? Are the labels and headings unique and do they have the correct extension?

o Content : Am I using text of a sufficient length? Is it different between my pages and compared to the competition? Does it add value? Is it semantic related to the keyword or search intention that I want to optimize for? Are the images optimized? Do the photos incorporate the corresponding ALT and title tags?

o Crawling and indexing : Is my page accessible to search engines? Do I have a robots.txt file that manages access? Have I incorporated the relevant sitemaps to make indexing easier? Is the page ready to internationalize?

As you can see there are many, many questions that you must answer. Each of them has to do with a different factor and a certain weight in global positioning of your page.

When should on page SEO be done?

In an ideal setting, SEO on page should be applied from the development phase or even earlier: at the time of planning. Projects that think about organic positioning from the beginning have many advantages. Mainly:

o The architecture It is defined based on a business strategy in which each page serves a search.

o Drag is avoided structural problems that, once in development, take many hours, headaches and are sometimes difficult to fix.

o A page optimized from scratch will avoid potential penalties that hurt your chances of appearing in search engine results.

This does not mean that the on page of a page that is already in production or even that has been in force for many years cannot be optimized. It is simply a recommendation so that, if you are on time, consider including it in the work process. This will save you time and money in the future.

Are there penalties to on page SEO?

Since organic traffic is a very important source of acquisition and income for a large number of businesses, certain traps emerged. Search engines reacted with Google in the lead and pursued the so-called SPAM in searches.

Although the most widespread and powerful formula for manipulating the results comes from the off-page aspect of SEO, it also there are practices called black hat on the on site. The most persecuted is, for a long time, bad content or duplicate content. To fight him Google released its update, called Panda, and its different versions, this cute little animal can get you out of searches if you dedicate yourself to copying content from around there or what you write has little length and is not of the minimum required quality. The algorithm seeks to refine the quality of the results.

For more related articles about SEO like EAT in SEO and other related articles must visit the link https://burraqitsolutions.blogspot.com/2022/02/what-is-eat-in-seo.html





Burraq IT Solutions in an IT Training Institute in Lahore that offers training of all IT courses like seo, smm, digital marketing, designing etc.