Resell the pieces you collected

5 min readFeb 14, 2022


Important! You need to take into account the royalties, the gas fees and the platform fees when reselling otherwise you might lose money!

The artist royalties are not always the same, as the artists can chose which percentage of royalties they receive. The platform fee is 2.5%.


I collected a NFT and I now want to sell it. I list it for sale for 100 XTZ, the artist royalties are 20%, and it sells, what do I receive?

I will receive 77.5 XTZ(20% royalties + 2.5% platform fee) and not 100 XTZ.

How do you find the royalties?

You go to the page of the piece and you scroll down, you will see them under properties:

You also need to take into account the gas fees you paid when collecting and the gas fees you will pay when listing to calculate your profit. Every time you do a transaction, you need to pay these gas fees. These are not platform fees, they go to miners, not to Make sure you always have at least 0.2 tez in your wallet.

The gas fees will appear in your wallet:

They vary but you will see them in your wallet and you have the possibility to confirm or reject. Please note that the storage fee is a maximum fee. It means that at most you will pay 0.57$ in storage fee there but you may end up paying much less.

How can I list a piece?

Go to your “owned” tab, click on the piece you want to sell. Once on the page of the piece, click on the “actions” tab and click on “list”. Here, if you want to sell 1 edition for 20 XTZ, you will write “1” in the “editions” field, and “20” in the “value” field, then click on “list” and confirm in your wallet.

Please note that when you list, the token doesn’t leave your wallet anymore. It means that you can theoretically list a 1/1 twice. So if you see a 1/1 and 2 listings for 5 tez each for instance, it doesn’t mean that a person can buy the 2 and get 2 editions. It means that if a person tries to buy the 2, they will get one edition and the second transaction will fail. Once it’s sold, all listings will be hidden.

Resell several pieces at once

It is possible to “batch swap” directly on objkt which means to sell several pieces at once. Click here to see how to do it.

Error message

If you see an error message when you try to list, try this:

  • Log out, clear your cache, log in again
  • Restart your browser
  • Check that you have enough tez in your wallet for the gas fees.
  • change the node if you are using Temple wallet (tzbeta seems to work well most of the time).

If you see “something went wrong”, make sure the transaction didn’t go through. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you didn’t manage to buy. To check if your purchase was taken into account, check your wallet, or check the transactions or

If you see “insufficient balance”, it is possible to tried to list more NFTs than you owned. For example, you own 1 edition that you want to sell for 2 tez, and you made a mistake and indicated that you want to sell 2 editions for 1 tez instead.

On, you can type your address:

And you will see all your transactions:


You can also choose to auction the piece you want to resell (click here to see how). Please note that the auction will not appear in your “auctions” tab, which only shows the active auctions on your pieces. It will appear on “auctions” tab on the page of the artist who created it.

What if I listed a piece on another marketplace? Will it show up on objkt?

Please note that if you listed a Hic et Nunc NFT on or one of the mirror platforms, it will appear on objkt. But if you listed a Rarible NFT on Rarible, the piece will be displayed, but people will not be able to collect on objkt. You would need to list your Rarible NFT on objkt directly if you want people to collect.

Cancel a listing

You can cancel it directly on the page of the listing. Click on the piece, scroll down, and cancel under “listings”:

Or you can go to your listings tab, and select the ones you want to cancel:

If you want to batch cancel, select several and click on “cancel selected”.

Otherwise, the NFT biker tool allows you to batch cancel listings (30 at once):


You can also relist without having to cancel first and list. Click on the piece, scroll down, indicate the new amount (here 20 tez) and click on “relist”:

Then confirm in your wallet.




I am the curator for I wrote the articles here to explain how I use objkt with simple words. But for any tech support, please ask on the Discord :)