How to Create Intelligent Life Forms

4 min readMar 25, 2020

This is the fifth article in a series based on my original work on the theory of self-reproducing machines. In the first article I laid out the theory of self-replicating programs, the previous article was about how the theory of self reproducing machines re-unifies all of science.

In this article I will explain an outline of how the theory of self reproducing machines could lead to the ability to create an arbitrary number of new intelligent life forms and seed planets with life in far off parts of the galaxy

Creation of New Life Forms

We have seen in the previous articles in this series how the theory of self reproducing machines is modeled on the human nervous system and derives its computational power from the self-replication process. It’s natural to consider instead of bio-programs, to build physical self reproducing machines. The first step towards this would be to figure out a way to get a 3-d printer to print a copy of itself, and then to figure out how to optimally encode the properties of this printer in DNA. To my knowledge this has never been accomplished.

The same principles which apply to bio-programs which are run in a simulation on a computer also apply to bio-machines which are constructed from physical objects in the macroscopic world. This forms the basis for being able to do simulations which will provide experimental insight into the nature of the mathematics of evolution, which is currently poorly understood but perhaps for the first time is in reach.

The second article in this series dealt with bio-computers, these are computers which are modeled on the human brain and which contain modern computers as a special case, but are more general. It’s natural to conjecture that because bio-computers are much more similar to the human brain, that it should be possible for them to achieve consciousness.

Theory of Consciousness

My conjectures about the nature of consciousness are based on the theory of self reproducing machines, and the way that bio-computers change over time. My conjecture is that the process of formation of new layers in our brains neural net is a dynamic process which transforms the electronic architecture of our brains continuously over time; a neural network of sufficient complexity will posses the property that it can become aware of its own existence and direct its own function and this is what we call “consciousness”; finally there exists a measurable quantity called “free will” which is finite and which is exhausted throughout the course of the day. This free will represents the ability of the neural net to control its own function and is an emergent property which cannot be understood according to the theory of turing machines

Outline of Method

The research program which is suggested by these ideas is to first build a self reproducing machine, build a bio-computer, and then try to combine these together while making progress on both fields simultaneously. It seems likely that many new discoveries will have to be made in both of these fields before it would be possible to achieve consciousness in an artificial life form.

However, what distinguishes the theory of self reproducing machines from other theories about the nature of consciousness is that this theory comes with its own road map, which is nature herself.

By following the guide that nature left us, it might be possible to find our way

Further Applications

One of the most important applications of self reproducing machines are so-called “Von Neumann Probes” which are capable of both mining asteroids and exploring the galaxy at an exponential rate, and could be used for setting up a system of relays for an intergalactic internet where information can travel around the galaxy at the speed of light; and that the machines which are responsible for this functionality have a level of intelligence which is a free parameter for the designer to play around with to find the best results.

In the next article I will explain how simple self reproducing machines can be used to terraform mars.


since everything in the theory of self reproducing machines is based on the human nervous system, all you have to do to create intelligent life forms might be to pay careful attention to nature, but its not for sure this will work or how long it will take

